Social Media

More Land creations & Poptropica tweets

Hey Poptropicans! Have you checked out the PHB’s Poptropica Land contest yet? Blake will be accepting entries until September 5th, but if you have yet to pull together something awesome, check out this new set of Land creations posted on Poptropica’s Twitterย – which this time credited its makers:ย Mad Tiger, Hyper Drummer, and Striped Fox! (Click to enlarge pics.)

Speaking of Poptropica’s Twitter… they finally followed us back! ๐Ÿ˜€ย (The PHB isย @Poptropica_Help on Twitter, and we tweet links to the Creators’ as well asย our own latest blog posts!)

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Poptropica likes to tweet out various Poptropica fansites/creations, reply to questions, among other things, like the #IceBucketChallengeย with villains mentioned inย BT’s post earlier.

Here’s another tidbit: PHB reader Namelessย UnDEFiNed recently asked about the top 10 island finishers that used to get shoutouts on the Creators’ Blog, and Poptropica has responded saying that it stopped with the launch of the World Champions maps, but that they’ll discuss it againย — maybe something will come of it? ๐Ÿ˜›


In other news, two of our PHB authorsย – Angry Wing, who joined last year,ย and Shaggy Tornado, who’s been posting here since 2010ย – will no longer be blogging here, due to inactivity, loss of interest, and the inevitable busy-ness of school life. They will be missed! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

13 thoughts on “More Land creations & Poptropica tweets”

  1. I love the train creation! Plus, I did always wonder what had happened to the top 10 shout outs. Then again, I can never get higher than the top 20s, so… XD But it would still be cool to have them back.
    #longlivepoptropica ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Thanks for including my tweet! It’s awesome that they’re following so many of is c: I’m going to try the ice bucket challenge right after I finish spending all day mowing in the heat :p

    ~~ I am Batgirl.


  3. I was nominated by a family member and I ended up having to do it. I think the coming up with three nominations thing was a little harder for me than the ice bucket itself was. It was pretty entertaining :3

  4. I saw your tweet guys! Long live Poptropica! Congrats on the follow! Those were awesome creations. I’m very sorry for Angry Wing and Shaggy Tornado. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  5. If they start posting the top 10 finishers again, I wish they would post previous episodes/islands top 10’s that weren’t posted on the creator’s blog too.

  6. Yush I have returned after 2 years maybe..
    But the idea of creating your world is amazing even with Thors hammer Mjolnir!

  7. Lol i love the pictures of the villains doing the ice bucket challenge! And srry about AW and ST ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    (btw, I’m starting a blog, if anyone cares its called ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Congratulations on the follow-back. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’d be really cool if the top 10 island finishers return. c:

  9. I’ll miss you guys too! I haven’t really been active because of school and tons of AP work, and now college apps are coming up. But it’s been a good run and wish the new generation of authors luck in their blogging endeavors! ๐Ÿ˜€

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