Web Development

A Look at the New SUI Costumizer

As you may have heard, the Costumizer feature is finally fully functional on all the new sound-updated islands (SUIs). Let’s take a closer look, shall we? First, to access it, you’ll need to open the Menu, which should be in the top right corner. Look for the green shirt button:

shirt button

Once you click on that, you can select the character you’d like to customize from!

select character

This will then bring up the new Costumizer window, with a more fanciful background than the plain blue of the old one. You can hover over items the other character is wearing to select what you’d like to put on. So far, so good – it’s a lot like the old Costumizer!

But here’s a new handy feature: click on the green shirt with a magnifying glass on the left side to bring up a panel where you can choose from all the items that are customizable!


If you click on the button above that – the Poptropican with a cursor on it – you can select another character in the area to customize from. (Or, if you’re the only character visible on the screen, the Costumizer will bring up only you and you can un-customize from the right.) And if you need some inspiration for your new wardrobe, check out our Costumes page! Happy Costumizing! ๐Ÿ˜€

10 thoughts on “A Look at the New SUI Costumizer”

  1. Isn’t it weird that you lose your mouth as you get to the island? I had to customize lips from the fancy lady.

  2. what does SUI mean?

    Slanted Fish: Sound-Updated Island, the term we’re using to describe the islands with the new format (colored on the map). ๐Ÿ˜‰

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