
Cloudy with 2 chances of ads

The forecast today calls for a double serving of ads for the animated movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2! On islands such as Poptropolis Games, you might find an ad building where you can go inside and talk to the boy (Flint Lockwood) to begin a game.


You’ll be in a boat and must make your way across the river safely. The red bar shows how much health you have and the green bar shows how much progress you’ve made. All you have to do is click the yellow button every time you see one of the “foodimals” in your way! When you reach the end, you’ll receive two prizes: Steve (monkey worn on your back) & Bacon Cheespider (worn on your head).


On other islands (such as Mocktropica), you might find just a video ad instead. Watching the trailer will award you with a straw-Barry Costume at the end of the video.


In other news, be sure to send in your Poptropica stories, island ideas, fan art, and more to [email protected] so we can start compiling them for the next issue of our magazine coming out in the second week of March! Take a look at our Magazines page for more info. We would love to publish your creative Poptropica fan work for other Poptropicans to enjoy, so don’t be afraid to submit an entry or two! 🙂

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