
The PHB’s 5th Annual Halloween Costume Competition

5thPHB halloween

(UPDATE: This contest is now closed; click here for the winners!)

You read right! Now for the fifth year in a row, the Poptropica Help Blog will be running a Halloween-themed Poptropica costume contest, in which you flaunt your eeriest Poptropica fashion and see how it stacks up with the competition.

Ten winners will be selected to have their costumes featured in the PHB’s popular Costumes page, plus they’ll have their costumes featured on the PHB’s front page when the winners are announced on Halloween (October 31, when the contest ends)! Read on for more details.

Before you rush out to put together your masterpiece, please keep these rules in mind:

  1. IDEAS: Be original! We like to see that you’ve put effort into creating something spooky yet fashionable for the season, so simply copying (as opposed to mixing and matching) will probably hurt your chances. There are some great costume parts at the ghoul gathering from the end of the Haunted House quest from the Store, but be creative and search in other places too!
  2. DON’T CHANGE: Keep your costume intact until after the winners are announced. If you change your costume back, we may not get to see your brilliant entry! If you don’t want to keep the costume on your main account, you can create a new one and post that instead.
  3. ENTERING: After you’ve created your costume, here’s how you should post your entry: go to the Avatar Studio, type in your username, click Load, click on the Link to highlight it, right-click and choose Copy, go to the comments section on this post, right-click and choose Paste, type in your comment and submit so we can view your costume by clicking the link! Name your costume and post the username if you want. If you are having problems with the Avatar Studio, just post the username so we can check it. You may submit as many different entries as you like, but you can only win a maximum of one time (out of the 10 winners to be chosen).

(side note: the competition banner above features jameskiro’s spooky party clown, one of the winners last year. other past winners can also be viewed on the costumes page!)


good luck!

250 thoughts on “The PHB’s 5th Annual Halloween Costume Competition”

      1. Plus, I am like this all the time and I never change this costume. Anyways, have fun showing your costumes!

      2. Here’s my other friends’ costumes.
        Their users are

        1. Blameitontheloveofrockandroll- Rockstar Superhero
        2. Raymond’sstory- Friendly Gangster
        3. Sasha’sstory-Female Gangster
        4. Hesnothappy- Rockgent

        There! Friend all these three friends!
        And this is me, if my costume avitar doesn’t work.

        Gangsterlover2- Hipster

    1. AWESOME!!! I love that movie BTW. I especially like the flames because of how he died in both the first and second. O_O Spoiler alert! Has anyone seen the 3rd one? I’ve only seen the first two…

  1. hatersloveme2490/hatersloveme4897/hip hop lover/17-time winner of Reality TV island/Poptropica girl with 2576 friends with membership/has all 35 medals/knucklehead5249 call me any of that. says:

    she’s a ghostly rock star and she is also chewing the spooktacular gum

    1. hey spotted i really like vampire grandpa to behonest he looks like me and im ten… so plz tell how to get the costume plz plz plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      thank you you are awesomest peep in the world C.H out!!!!!! poptropicans!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. never mind i figured it out myself already 😛 if theres anyone else wondering illl put steps down here-
        1. get the ghost shirt from ghost hunter island in cemertary lot B
        2. get the jacket from the rock singer from the store
        3. get the hair from mythology surfer
        4. get the glasses from the nerd in loch ness cryptids island
        5. get the bag from the farmer herding chickens on skulldugery island
        or you can just friend me by bigbunny! and (you need to do exclamation) bye the stuff from the store. bye C.H out poptropicanas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. cool : ) this is my first year doing poptropica and on this website has such a great poptropica community! I never knew there where so many people who played this game : )

      1. You think this is a lot? click on my name… Close to 100 signatures on the early access petition, and I just have away the no mouth glitch


        Sent from my iPhone


      1. I go through a lot of costumes. It’s not like I’m going to remember a costume from a year ago. Hence, I don’t even remember what I was wearing 2 months ago!

      2. Ok. Maybe your brother made a similar costume a while ago. Many people make the Rock Star and emo-looking costumes.

    1. As mentioned in the post, 10 winners will be selected to have their names and costumes featured on the front page of the PHB on Halloween, plus they’ll have a spot on the Costumes page, where you can also check out the previous winners.

  2. hey fishy can we do more than one and will they both be entered even if the 2nd costume is on my poptropican instead of the 1st?

    1. Make sure you check the rules, please! You can have as many different entries as you want, however, only a maximum of one costume will be chosen for each person. Your costumes need to be on separate accounts, otherwise we’ll only see the one you’re wearing.


    Lady of the East
    I hope that this isn’t plagiarism. This is a costume based on a character in a book, but I don’t think anyone made this yet because the book, The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns was released like, this year. The Lady of the East is a spirit of Old Queen Beauty (From Beauty and the Beast) that aids those in need of help.

  4. hatersloveme2490/hatersloveme4897/hip hop lover/17-time winner of Reality TV island/Poptropica girl with 2576 friends with membership/has all 35 medals/knucklehead5249 call me any of that. says:

    my username is davyjones1200(don’t question it)in case you wanna add me*

  5. I’ve been trying to come up with some type of story that could go along with my characters outfit, Okay so this will be short.. rofl, He was a evil scientist trying to find a way for humans/poptropicans to have Immortality(to live forever). So.. he had an accident with the machinery.. and he was taken over by the electronics. He is now.. a mad scientist/robot whatever you wish to call him.

  6. Here are my costumes. Hope you all like them!

    Scary Suzy: A not so sweet and innocent little girl.

    This is the guy that should have done more than play video games to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. Now its bitten him in the….. Well lets just say its bitten him. 😉 (I don’t have a name for him.)

    Steampunk Princess

    Pretty Kitty

    (The last two aren’t very scary but I figured I’d toss them in there any way, it can’t hurt right?)

  7. In a far away republic psycho dictators have destroyed the world! A rebel named LONE STORM (that’s me 🙂 ) has repaired a time machine in order to change the course of Poptropica History! He has a zombaic time plague that can only cured by returning to his own time. this pic was taken before he left by his past life TALL SNOWBALL (my lost account).
    check out my entry- aka THE TIME TRAVELERS PLAGUE!!

    1. After you finish the Haunted House miniquest (which you can get from the Store), you can attend the ghoul gathering which features lots of cool Halloween costume parts you can borrow (as mentioned in this post) as well as the “Zombify” costume and power, which turns you and/or others into zombies. If you need a guide for the Haunted House, we’ve got one here. 🙂

    1. The PHB hires new staff whenever it feels needed, regardless of where we’re at with site hits, but we may have something special for the readers at the big 10 million! 🙂

    1. 1. Love it!! 2. Please don’t meantion my name and ridiculous in the same sentence when we’re talking about something no one knows about? It makes me feel bad, and please don’t mention RS either? please!?

  8. Here’s my costume! 🙂

    She is a Mad Scientist who is known as Dr. Evil Lin. She lives on Super Villain Island as a “doctor” and performs surgeries both minor and serious on all villains. No heroes, just villains. She also comes up with cures to all kinds of diseases. So to sum it up, she helps the ill and injured villains get well to fight the good. The only weakness she has is a potion that can only be made by her sister, Dr. Reanne Goodwin, a Hero Scientist.

  9. I was just wondering, does the costume have to be scary? Could it be a costume of a character from a book/movie? And if it can be a character, will it effect the judging? Thanks in advance!
    ~Purple Flame~

    1. It doesn’t have to be scary, and you can base it off a character from a book/movie if you like, especially if you think you can put an original/creative spin on it, since that will matter when it comes to judging. Sometimes Halloween costumes are based on existing characters, so it’s fine. 🙂

  10. hi yll probaly knowme michael18409 off of poptropica i have memberdhipand i wonder when poptropilas games id=s gonna come out on poptropica i just got the limited time custume from the store and my tribe is blck flack i hope my tribe choses me.

  11. Hey lollollollollollollollollollollollollllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 how did you get the monkey face and no eyes!

  12. Here’s my costume! (Thanks Slanted Fish for answering my question!)

    We’ve all seen Poptropicans dress up as a cat (thanks to the glitch), and we’ve seen cats roaming the Poptropica Islands, but did any Poptropican come across the Cheshire Cat? So I present, my Halloween costume, the Cheshire Cat, based on Disney’s 1951 Alice in Wonderland. And for those who don’t know who he is, here’s a link to an image of him:

    My username is ria393 if the Poptropica Avatar Studio link doesn’t work for you or if you just want to add me as a friend. =)
    ~Purple Flame~

    1. P.S. We’re all mad here. (Sorry for spamming, I just felt a great need to say that.)
      ~Purple Flame~

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