
A Pumpkin-ized Poptropica

At the North Logan Pumpkin Walk in Utah, some beloved Poptropica Creators unleashed their creativity by building a pumpkin-based exhibit for Poptropica! Here are the photos from the Creators’ Blog. 😀


Too good to be eaten! And if you visit this Cache Valley display this season, who knows – you may even get to see a Poptropica Creator! 😛

Do you like it? What other Poptropica elements should have a chance to shine?

9 thoughts on “A Pumpkin-ized Poptropica”

  1. Wait-wait-wait-wait! Those are PUMPKINS? Holy cow, I didn’t see that! That looks pretty cool! 😛

    1. I thought it was pretty cool too! I didn’t think they were pumpkins either until I read the part about “pumpkin-based scenes,” so it turns out Pumpkin Walk is an accurate name. 😛

  2. I’m lost here :O So the Poptorpicans are made of pumpkins? Oh I saw the weirdest thing yesterday in Asda (the UK shop made by Wall-Mart) they were selling “munchkin pumpkins” they were baby pumpkins THEY WERE SO CUTE XD

What's popping, Poptropicans?