Red Dragon Island

Creators’ Favorites

So, for some reason, the Creators thought that we would like to know what islands are their favorites.  And they’re starting with Captain Crawfish.

You might think that his favorite island would be Skullduggery.  After all, he’s the star villain in it.  But I guess he likes being the hero better than being the bad guy.

Creators’ favorite Islands: Captain Crawfish’s pick

Over the next week, we’ll be sharing the Poptropica creators’ picks for their favorite Islands. Today: Captain Crawfish.

My favorite is Red Dragon Island. I love the art for old Japan, and I especially like all the cool ninja powers you learn to use near the end. You wouldn’t expect an old sea salt with a peg leg could master the grappling hook, but I did it!

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A pirate in Japan…doesn’t quite fit…  Well, what can I say?  It’s Poptropica, anything can happen.

10 thoughts on “Creators’ Favorites”

    1. Please quit leaving links to your blog in the comments. If you want to advertise your blog, then leave a comment on the Poptropica Directory page, that’s what it’s there for. But don’t keep leaving links to your blog in your comments.

  1. I guess anyone can be a ninja, even a pirate captain. 😛

    My favorite Island? I’ll have to go with Mythology for all-around, and out of the newer islands, my favorite is Ghost Story.

  2. My Favorite island is Time Tangeld;
    But I guess that’ll change when Lunar Colony will get out.
    PS. A ninja-pirate? Cool!

  3. Does anyone know if u can still clone ? Cause. I used to be able but know I can’t get It 😦 is it because of the friends feature ? I just want to clone but it dosent work please help me!

  4. Nice… my favorite (old) island is probably Astro-Nights island (I like the thick, long islands ;)), although Super Power island and Nabooti island are really close! 😀 I also LOVE Counterfeit island (and my favorite villain is Black Widow) and Time Tangled island! 🙂 So yeah… as you can see, I’m prefer the old islands, with their intriguing stories, and the excitement and suspense they bring! 😀 Yeah, from the new islands probably Super Villain island. 🙂 If you could Twisted Thicket as a ‘new’ island, then that’s probably my favorite. 🙂

    Ha! I can imagine Captain Crawfish with bombs and spears in his hands, fighting off the bad guys (especially bombs, because he works on a pirate ship and they have cannons and gunpowder, so that wouldn’t be too hard for him). 🙂

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