Twisted Thicket Island

Twisted Thicket Overload!


Our Twisted Thicket Island Guide, written by Super Thunder and Brave Tomato,  is now up!! 😀 If you need help, go to it.


Everything about this week was about Twisted Thicket! One of the things the Creators revealed this week was the Twisted map!

Looks like a twisting turning path through the forest you’ll take!  So for you members, take care with surviving! And these 10 members have survived to tell the tale of their journeys! So say a hearty congratulations (and a welcome back!) to…

1. Happy Walker!!!

2. Prickly Cheetah!

3. Bronze Owl!

4. Angry Knuckle!

5. Neat Gamer!

6. Shiny Bones!

7. Zany Bear!

8. White Beetle!

9. Smart Shark!

and 10. Lone Ghost!

So for members, it’s already been released. But there’s no demo for us! Surprising. (Thanks to Flamez for all the pics from here on out!)

So when is the release date for non-members you may ask? It’s May 2!

And if you login to Poptropica, you might see these screens:

And you will get this ad card when you get onto your account!


That’s all for this week, folks! Have a great weekend! 😀


23 thoughts on “Twisted Thicket Overload!”

    1. Just because he’s featured in Celebrity Clips doesn’t make him a Creator. The only “for-certain” creators that we know of are the ones in our database. 😉

  1. The next island is based on multiple Roman and Greek mythologies/stories, such as Jason and the Argonauts.

  2. Lol No Flamez It Will Be In Space And You Have Too Do Something Stupid Idk What Yet But You Will.

    Hijuyo: Where did you get that from? Note that Flamez’s observation seems more accurate based on recent Daily Pop sneak peeks.

    Shaggy: Maybe it’s sarcasm.

    1. Zerror means that there was a daily pop sneak peak about the astronaut one. The next is Greek or Roman or whatever. The one after that is astronaut thingy which says “To infinity and beyond.” They are both right except for when Zerror said no flamez.

    1. Talk to Pirate Captain. Play Game, Click to use a Cannonball and Space to raise/drop your anchor. Map: Sea Monster = Yellow Fish You = White Dot Enemy = Red Ship

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