
With any story, there’s an epilogue somewhere.

For the past islands, what happens after you save the day has been unknown. Now, with SOS island, for the first time ever, there’s a bonus quest AFTER the main story!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

More S.O.S. Island details leak out…

The release of S.O.S. Island draws ever closer. If you haven’t been keeping up with developments on our S.O.S. Island info page, then you may not have heard that this Island will include a special bonus quest for Members!
Everyone will still get the same great action and storytelling you expect from Poptropica — and S.O.S. Island has some amazing twists you’ve never seen before. But Members will get to go beyond the story, to find out what happens after the first tale is finished.
We’ll have more news about S.O.S. Island very soon!
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A few keen eyes were able to point out this new bonus thing before the Creators post was posted. Those set of keen eyes DID NOT include me.
 I’m pretty darn slow at some things.
Random Person: Like a turtle??
Brave Tomato: No, not like a turtle.-
Random Person 2: Like a snail??
Brave Tomato: Not like a snail either! I’m usually slow at things UNLESS it’s about a revealing of a new island.Sometimes.
So… even after we finish SOS’s main plot, there’s STILL a problem. Bring it on. I’m ready whenever it comes out!


14 thoughts on “With any story, there’s an epilogue somewhere.”

  1. There’s going to be an epilogue? That sounds very interesting! I wonder if there will be for the next island after this one too!

      1. but what will i do with the clones hey i know bwahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha
        yo clone #0988675565475 nomnomnmnmnmomnmnonommnonomomnomnomnomnomnoomnooonmiomnnimonmonnom *noms more clones* nomnomnomnomnonmnpnonmnomnonnomnmononnknkknnjnjjnjnjmnmnnonmonoonmmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmonmonmonmonmonmonmon nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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