Bonus Items, Wimpy Wonderland Island

Paper Boy Delivers Island Trailer

You come to check for the latest Poptropica news and you find…

A trailer video for Wimpy Wonderland!

A little late, considering the island was released to everyone over a week ago (and even sooner for the members), but it’s still a pretty nice preview for those who have yet to start their adventure in finding Manny. Remember, if you need some help, we have a written walkthrough here, a map here, and a video walkthrough here.

//This message was brought to you by the local paper boy of Poptropica.//

Remember, members who log in any time during the early access period for Wimpy Wonderland will get a special Paper Boy/Girl costume for FREE to keep forever, even after their membership ends!

9 thoughts on “Paper Boy Delivers Island Trailer”

  1. on daily pop there was a dragon! I hope we can ride it. And in the old PHF someone posted an Island idea called Chinese Dragon Island. I wonder if the creators took that idea.

  2. I just jave to say, BRAVO. this is the best trailer that I’ve ever seen. I feel compeled to play it right now, even though it’s 11:00 and i shold be sleeping. I doubt you can top this one, even though wimpy boardwalk was realky nice. I īŒØīŒŖīŒ­īŒ«ī€¢ u creators! Also, who made the musoc for this? U R A GENIUS! the person wo made the beginning is too. Oh great, now ill start acting like 1 of those crazy fan girls. Great.
    BUL8R! ( blog u later)
    Slippery Tummy/bubble/FrostyAKAzane/HotheadAKAkai/SparkyAkaJay/darleen8ī–ī…īŒØ

  3. I luv the part where the pase quickens in tge music untill the end. Beck, what am i saying, i love the whole thing! By theway, this was inspired by cabin fever, right?

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