
A real nice guy.

Hey guys, as you all know Cryptids Island is coming out in two days and I’ll be there to tell you all about it. 😀

Now as you know, I’m not a member on Poptropica. So I normally wouldn’t be able to inform you as early as possible. But thanks to a guy named Moody Shark, who lended me his member account, I can now get in on the early access of Cryptids.

Click on pic to go to his Poptropica Profile page.

So here’s a post to say thanks to a guy who helped me to give you guys the best and most up-to-date Poptropica news anywhere on the internet!



12 thoughts on “A real nice guy.”

  1. that was really nice of ms but do you mind if i work/assist with the island guide?

    Hijuyo: Anyone and everyone is welcome to help the PHB in any way they can, but preferably with good quality (readable guides, for example).

  2. youre so lucky Ga!!!! wish i had membership or poptropica game cards,do they have game cards in the Philippines?? if so that will be my best Christmas gift ever!!!!!!!!
    merry Christmas!!!

  3. Hm. I might do another island guide for Cryptids if it’s not too long. Doing the Skullduggery one killed me. So, don’t count on me doing it. 😀

  4. That’s so nice!! Hijuyo, would you mind if I help others work on the island guide? I’d be happy to help if anybody wants help. 😀

    Hijuyo: Like I said, anyone is welcome to contribute to the PHB in whatever ways they can.

  5. Walkthrough done! How to meet Harold Mews to find the cryptids:first look in a tree in the mansion neiborhood and you will find a dollor,then go to the gift shop and buy a energy drink for the worker cutting the grass,and that moment the worker leaves,without his cutter.Get the cutter for the closest poptropican to the blimp.(Besides the hanglider all you have to do is push her).The poptropican needs to get off the ground to travel,cut the rope that is holding his blimp and then you automaticly get some rope after he leaves,then you go to the kite shop and you get a hanglider.(witch will still be there but you need more rope to finish the kite.)Go to the lighthouse site and jump of with your hanglider and finnaly you waterski to another cryptids hunter and burns your sail-then die in the ocean(just kidding XD.)and the last part of all and then a helocopter finds you and then……..you will find out…..

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