Magazines, Web Development

Just cause we’re Poptropicans, yeah

Hopefully all of you were able to have a wonderful winter break – maybe you even took a relaxing vacation away from home! Before you start school again, be sure to…

Pop in to Issue #8!

^Yes! 2010’s first edition of the Poptropican’s 911 is out for your reading pleasure. Kick-start the new year with some never-before-seen Pop content! This is an issue you won’t want to miss!

Our ‘Poptropica Poll’ widget to the right side has been updated! The current question asks, ”How long have you been playing Poptropica?” (Well, how long? Tell us by submitting your vote!)

December 2009’s poll question read, ”What do you think of the upcoming Counterfeit Island?” Here are the results:

Option | Votes | Percentage
Sounds like it’ll be the best one yet! | 842 | 47%
It should be fun to play. | 532 | 29%
Interesting, but the Poptropica Creators might cancel it again… | 290 | 16%
BO-RING! | 47 | 3%
What’s Counterfeit Island? | 99 | 5%

Total votes: 1,810
(*To those who voted on the third options – your doubts proved wrong!) xD


My Poptropica Help
You may have noticed that we have several different Poptropica Help communities (blog, forums, chatroom, etc.) We have now gathered them on one main homepage (with our own domain!), which can be found at…

MPH (short for My Poptropica Help; not miles per hour, silly xD) groups our many Poptropica Help sites at one spot so browsing the web can be easier for you. We’ve also listed official Poptropica links, which bring you to places like the Creators’ Blog.

Also included are Poptropica Help Tools such as The Multiverse Project or the Poptropica Help Toolbar. Best of all, little icons and short descriptions relating to each link are there to guide you in choosing which utility YOU would like to use!

After all, it is called My Poptropica Help. In fact, if MPH has really helped you, don’t forget to help spread the word with one of our banners! We hope each and every Poptropica link is a good one for you. :mrgreen:

14 thoughts on “Just cause we’re Poptropicans, yeah”

  1. We seem to be having problems accessing Poptropica’s new Counterfeit Island which was to launch today – is anyone else having the same problem?

    Hijuyo: To answer your question, Counterfeit Island is not out to the public yet (although it’s supposed to be) – but it will probably be out in less than a day. Please stay on topic, though. 😉

  2. Hey phb if you can hear me THANKS! Im like the king of poptropica at my school cuz im the only one that finished all the islands! THANKS! Everyone asks me for help! THANKS!

    Silver Sword out!

    Hijuyo: Awesome, King Silver Sword! xD

      1. i dont really like the poptropica news i think the easter eggs should be alot more exciting because the old poptropica thing were you told awesome news was amazing and showed alot more stuff. i am not trying to be rude or mean but i think that it would be a good idea to make the easter eggs a bit more exciting.

  3. Looks great..but you kinda took from Poptropiclub. They had a Homepage with the Dot TK . Thats just if ya didn’t know 😉 I’m sure its just a coincedence.

    Hijuyo: Cool, we heard about making a free domain with Dot TK, so we decided to try it out. 🙂

What's popping, Poptropicans?