Hellos & Goodbyes, Web Development

Resignation Note of Grumpy Wolf

Yes, it’s true. Grumpy Wolf is resigning. It’s been a good run here on the PHB. I posted only few things here as a blogger, but as a commenter, I’m sure many. I’m very sorry I have to leave the Blog. I wish you can have fun without me here. I’m also leaving Poptropica itself for good to. But there, is good news, as there will be a contest to see who gets my Poptropica username and password! Well, I bid many a good day to all of you guys, including Scary Tomato, Smockers, and Codien.  Farewell commenters!

~Grumpy Wolf~

241 thoughts on “Resignation Note of Grumpy Wolf”

  1. Grumpy Wolf, you were a great blogger! Thanks for all your contributions to the Poptropica Help Blog! You will be missed!

    1. Grumpy Wolf, you were a great blogger! Even though you only posted only few things here as a blogger we will still miss you. “army salute”

  2. *Gives Grumpy Wolf a giant basket of farewell cookies saying with icing “Good Luck”* You were AWESOME!

  3. *Gives cookie that says “Peace out”* Thank you for contributing in the Poptropican world, but WHY are you quitting?

  4. Leaving Poptropica…for good? Anyway, wish you the best in the future, Grumpy Wolf. We’ll all miss you.

  5. Why are you leaving Poptropica for good? Anyway,goodbye Grumpy Wolf, you will be missed. 😦

  6. Grumpy Wolf, you were a great blogger and commenter and we will miss you. You will be dearly missed by everyone on the PHB.

  7. Thanks for your services to Poptropicans worldwide. You will be missed by many.
    Live long and prosper.
    ~Trusty Hawk
    *cries softly*

  8. Why are you leaving? 😥 😥 😥 😥 At least tell us why! And leaving Poptropica! why? 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 Did you think you were too old for it?

    1. Can someone PLEASE tell us why you are leaving the PHB and Poptropica? Please? And we will miss you always! Goodbye… 😦 😥 😦 😥 😦

    2. Sorry I hadn’t posted this all in one comment, but I have to say, when I read this, I was drinking juice, and I spit it out all over the computer! That’s how shocked I was!

      1. Then I thought it was a trick, but then I thought that why would they pull a trick now! It’s not April Fools Day!

  9. Wow… 😥 …..

    Wait…. Why are you resigning so quickly and why do you make this post so formal *sniff* and sad *sniff* 😥 ?

  10. aww, good luck somewhere else, Grumpy Wolf.. May I ask, what is this so called contest? But that’s not the point.. This is the point… WE DON’T WANT U 2 GO!! but if you must.. Farewell, Peace out, goodbye, adios, aloha, ciao, shalom, and most of all, good luck out there!

    Best Wishes,
    Hyper Star…

  11. Goodbye Grumpy Wolf. You will be missed greatly. Please visit back every now and then to comment on the blog. Bye Grumpy Wolf! You rock!

  12. Farewell, Grumpy Wolf. You will always be remembered for your smile and your glasses, which reflected the sun, and made the PHB sunnier. We take our hats off to you.

  13. When will the contest be held and whos hosting it? Bye GW, Youll be remembered here at the PHB!

    ST: We haven’t decided when yet, but the PHB will host the contest soon.

  14. Bye GW. We miss u. 😥 I know there is nothing we can do about it but why quit??? You are leaving PHB and Poptropic a? Plz pls plz tell us why!!!
    *gives a giant cake with icing saying “We Miss You” on them* *crys*
    GW didn’t deserve enough time! He hasn’t posted in a while and he doesn’t have an account on the PHF (I think)

    1. I think that he just tought he was growing old for Poptropica, or he noticed that he rarely plays it anymore. Or maybe he had something else that required a strong committment, like he got on the Gold team in soccer, or he was playing an instrument that required a lot of practicing.

      1. That’s what I think, too, but you have to remember that Codien is 15 and he still loves Poptropica… Also I am almost a year older than GW.

    1. What goon did that? I hate when people make fun of others. It’s really inconsiderate and mean.

      1. And if it’s because his Poptropican has glasses (I don’t know if he does in real life), you people really need an occupation instead of making fun of peoples eye problems!

    2. was it you? *ties up Moody Skull but he escapes* I got my eye on you.

      ST: Moody Skull witnessed people teasing Grumpy Wolf and Smockers in a chat room, but I don’t think he/she joined in.

      1. I’m gonna find that goon(s) who made fun of Smockers and Grumpy Wolf and give them a piece of my mind!!!

      2. Poptropical Thunder:
        Was that statement a statement saying I handle things straightly or a statement suggesting how I should handle things?
        Just wondering.

      3. No way! Why would they say mean stuff about them? I mean, they don’t post that often, but that’s no reason to make fun of them!

      4. What!!!!!!!!!!! That was SO mean!!!!! Thank you Moody Skull for bringing this to attention!!!!! *joins Poptropicans searching for bullies*

      5. Serious Fox, you’ve got to stop accusing random people. It’s most likely that he left because of another reason, like he thought he was growing too old for Poptropica (even if in my eyes there’s no such thing).

  15. Golden Eagle is right. Even though I never agree with people. I will miss you, Grumpy Wolf! That was from the heart, Grumpy Wolf. I usually never compliment so nicely like that. Oh… and remember, that was from the heart.

  16. Good luck buddy.
    I’ll miss you so much. You were awesome. I loved your posts a lot.
    See you soon.

  17. Best of luck to you in life, Grumpy Wolf! =) It sure is sad seeing the old header. =( Everybody at the PHB will always remember you!

    1. Blub. All his hard work with getting into the Staff and his useful comments… you will be missed 😦

    GrumpyWolf: I’m coming back next year

    ST: That was most likely fake, or left by someone who was impersonating Grumpy Wolf. 😕

    1. they made fun of him in the chat room on the PHF

      ST: But it wasn’t Grumpy Wolf who was in the chat room, so he didn’t even read those mean chat messages.

      1. I seriously doubt that he would quit because of some random guy saying “LOL Grumpy Wolf suxxxxxx LOL LOL LOL”.

  19. you never know, maybe it’s someone trying to impersonate him? unless, he had his picture there, now THAT would be a hoot.

  20. on a different tune “one small step for man ,one giant landing for new wall paper”yay and a new post it reads”in honor of the 40th anniversary we put togethera new Poptropica wallpaper!We will also be adding a new astronaut outfit to the store next week.” I can’t wait for the new outfit.yay!

  21. I know who it was that made him do that
    her/he name is NEAT WHALE! she emailed me that wait what if that was fake to my freind got banned from poptropica because some one figerd out his user gave him credits and said he didn’t spend money and his account got banned ps: grumpy wolf and smockers im very very sorry. smockers why didn’t you quit to? thanks alot NEAT WHALE!

    ST: You’re making Neat Whale upset, lying, and trying to put blame on someone innocent – which is all against the blog’s rules. We won’t tolerate this.

      1. You dont even know if thats her email or not!! Maybe its just some hacker or cyberbully trying to spread rumors! YOU DONT EVEN HAVE PROOF!!!!! HOW CAN YOU MAKE A DECISION THAT SHE IS BAD IF YOU DONT HAVE PROOF?!?!?!?

    1. You can’t accuse Neat Whale if you don’t have proof.
      DW Neat Whale, of course you wouldn’t do something so mean!

    2. Poor Neat Whale, YOU’RE MAKING HERE CRY! How would YOU feel if somebody assumed YOU into something?! You would cry too! Sorry if I sound mean. I am not trying to be mean. I’m just saying it’s NOT her fault.

    3. Here I am… in the year 2010(look at the date for proof)…

      In 2010 we know Neat Whale is innocent. I still look back at the accusations that she chased Grumpy Wolf off. But she is innocent… her name was cleared… if only you knnew that in 2009… if only…


      Hijuyo: Actually we knew she was innocent from the beginning. *Some* people just weren’t paying attention and made false accusations. 😐

  22. Neat Whale why? Why did you do this? The mystery is solved! Neat Whale did it! You aren’t upset Calm Spinner?

    ST: It wasn’t Neat Whale. Nobody caused Grumpy Wolf to want to resign; it was a choice GW made himself. Don’t be so accusing please.

    1. it wasn’t her fault! seriously, Serious Fox, it’s NOT cool to just pick on people for no reason at all!

    2. i changed my mind Scary Tomato and i think the guy was anag. He cussed on the PHF just go there in the chatroom.

  23. ok someone said it was Neat Whale that made Grumpy Wolf leave. *looks at Neat Whale*

    ST: Neat Whale wouldn’t do that. Just because someone tells you something, doesn’t mean it’s true. (Especially if the someone is a stranger.)

    1. WHAT?? I would never do that!!!! I get bullied enough already!! Oh My GOSH!!! Whatdaya think I am, an idiot???
      I would never do that!! I SWEAR I wouldn’t!!!
      Who told you that anyway? Because whoever did was really mean to do it!
      I want to cry right now, SF!! Thanks a lot!

      1. I knew it wasn’t you! I was trying to to tell people that! I said not to jump to conclusions,and stuff like that. People here, don’t accuse someone of something if you don’t have proof.

  24. do you even have proof of what she did? and it’s not nice to call her stupid. imagine if someone said that to you. you could get blacklisted!

    1. I think you are just a cyberbully trying to spread rumors on the blog about other commenters! You dont even know if what u siad real! So u cant jump to conclusins about ppl!

    2. Shaggy Tornado:
      Me? Neat Whale is my friend! And I’m not a cyber-bully! People make fun of me because I wear glasses. And I hate it because I feel stupid. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.

      1. I wear glasses. No one bullies me ’cause I’m so tall and because I couldn’t care less.

      2. I didnt mean you i meant Fox. And Spinner i am a boy just so ya know! 😀 I also wear glasses and braces, i got bullied A LOT in 5th grade, and ppl made fun of my last name 2!

      3. Haha Golden Eagle, I have that problem too, only I DON’T EVEN KNOW how to say my last name properly!

    3. I wear glasses too, Golden Eagle! But I was on the case to find out why he resigned, not Neat Whale! Neat Whale is so nice! I was never accusing you! Some of you may have misunderstood. I was on the case not about Neat Whale, but about the real reason. Neat Whale is super-duper nice.

      1. Thanks, Cheerful Claw!! I return the compliment.
        I might stay after all now…

      2. thank you too, Calm Spinner.
        I eturn the compliment as well.
        Now hang on a few moments… I’m writing something for my other blog.

      3. PLEASE stay! I hate it when someone in the PHB goes. It’s likea small part of PHB is gone.

      4. Like when Circuit City went out of business-it’s not that I cared for it that much, it’s because it’s a part of my childhood.

      5. well, it’s just that… I come on the PHB to get a break from the real world. From Mom and Dad complaining about taxes, and school, and bullies… so, after a while, a bully or something comes on the internet… so I feel like… I need to leave.
        But not now, for this blog. 😀 😀
        I’m gonna stay!

      6. You should. This is a great blog, full of nice people and funny jokes and everything like that.

    4. i don’t mean to be harsh, but…
      either stop trying to ruin Neat Whale’s life or just stop talking because, you know what? You just lost every ounce of respect anyone ever had for you. I hope you’re happy with yourself 😡

  25. i know who it was! It was anag! He said a bad word! The mystery is solved!

    ST: Although it seems likely that it was ”Anag”, just because someone cusses doesn’t mean that they are also impersonaters. Unless we have some real proof, you can’t just say ”mystery solved” that easily.

    1. Yeah, I don’t think that Grumpy Wolf would leave just because of cussing on this blog. You have to remember that he also quit Poptropica 😦

  26. You will be missed!

    *hands chocolate cake with “Farewell Grumpy Wolf” in blue icing written on it*

    1. What?! erlinda10 is REALLY mean. But I’ve been called stupid. I get bullied, a little, but for being small. There is nothing wrong with being small, if you are small. I am a very picky eater, but that is not why I am small. I have taken that my my mother. I know, it feels bad being small. Some people think I’m seven or six.
      I am sorry this is off topic, but I know a lot of people are bullied by their look, thoughts, and everything. There is nothing wrong with what anyone thinks. But there is a huge problem to have the thought that someone is stupid.

      You can delete this comment if you want, but I just want a little swarm of people to see this. And it is OK to tell on someone.

      1. I got bullied a lot in 5th grade. For no reason. I told on them a lot bcuz they did many bad things to me *shudders* But one of them became nice 2 me!

    2. I know how it feels like. Please, don’t cry. Spenserjamesd is just tying to spread rumors about other people. I doubt he or she knows what he is doing to people.

    3. Neat Whale, it’s definitely not you. You’re too nice to do it. (And off-topic, but I’m tall. 5’5 and a 10-year-old)

      1. oh, I was the second-talest kid in my class. I’m almost six feet!!!
        And I’m ten too!

    4. i’ve been bullied before. people can be meaner on here than in real life because they don’t have the guts to pick on you in real life. but online they can become annonymus (or however you spell it) and say anything they want without it hurting their reputation. so don’t feel bad, no matter how many people are mean, we’ll always be here for you.

      man, that was really corny, wasn’t it? 😕

  27. I don’t think anyone caused him to leave.

    ST: My thoughts exactly, I even made a section in the next post explaining about Grumpy Wolf’s resignation. Obviously some people just jump to conclusions before they read. 🙄

    1. Yep, he was pretty good, but it would be SO much work to run both the PHF and PHB! I think that some other people should get a chance, but motionman95 would be great if he didn’t run the PHF, which is almost like another section of the PHB…

      1. Then he should be one, but one that just does that part of the PHB, like the private executive of the PHF or something.

  28. if anyone of you guys think you can reaplace grumpy wolf your very very wrong but, the guy on te phf or what ever might be a new member but, don’t say he is a new gw okay 😈 maybe you can get me im spencerjamesd, sir.monstern, [email protected], see yay peeps oh, I just remembered he saidsay yay peeps 😥

      1. Then how did THIS happen?
        And, BTW, spencerjamesd, you don’t even know who I am, so you can’t spread roumers about me.

  29. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You were so new and you had to leave!!!!!!

    *CRYING* :'[

    Signed, Sleepy brain

  30. neat whale I think there was a nother neat whale im sorry please don’t hurt me its not far!!!! no I get blacklist im going to cry wait… why can’t we find the fake neat hwale to IM SORRY NEAT WHALE!! PLEASE IM CARED

    1. First: The PHB already blacklisted you… I’m sorry!
      Second: Okay, I forgive you. Just remember that you should be saying things that you know might hurt people.

    1. Serious Fox, Spencerjamsed… please, stop fighting. I’m fine. Really! But I ain’t bulletproof… it hurt me some.

  31. I really think nobody made him leave.Let’s not frustrate him with questions.Everybody has a reason for what they do.

  32. Ah, 2009, the glory days. Out of the three: Scary Tomato, Codien and Smockers, Grumpy Wolf was your first recruit. I miss those days, when this blog was just a little bit more fun and exciting.

    1. Well, the blog really only started with “Scary Tomato,” so technically Smockers would have been the first recruit, then Codien, then Grumpy Wolf. Not sure what you mean as the difference between then and now.

      1. I think what Ebony Rider means is that back then, Poptropica was really simple. The Help Blog seemed a little more easier back then. Four People instead of your current eight. Plus, you, Codien, and Smockers were the only original people so it was easy to pick up on their humor and so on.

      2. You know just because you’re using a different name and “email address” doesn’t mean I can’t tell you’re the same person. You may as well be honest about it.

        Yes, Poptropica was much simpler back when I first started, before the Store, Daily Pop, membership, etc. But does that mean that just because they added new things, that it’s worse? Not at all. As things grow, they can improve, and that’s what Poptropica and the PHB have been doing. I liked Poptropica’s simplicity, one of the reasons I started this blog, but I also love how it’s progressed into so much more.

        The PHB started out small too, which of course is natural, but what’s also natural was its community growth. With more authors, it’s less likely for the blog to stay un-updated, so it’s a good thing for the PHB to have so many helping hands. My point is, it was great back then, but it’s great now, too.

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