Arabian Nights Island, Fan Art Features, Islands, Social Media

The Members’ Lair of Thieves 🥷🐫

Howdy Poptropicans, it’s LJ here.

Let’s start with the most exciting news of the day. Remember that question mark on the Haxe map yesterday? It’s now been replaced by Arabian Nights, Episode 2: Lair of Thieves!

It took over a year since we got the first episode, but hey, better late than never right? As of now, it’s exclusive to members only, but hopefully soon it’ll be available for all players.

In other in-game news, members have been gifted with another wintery item as part of the 12 Days of Member Gifts: a snowflake costume, and it’s different from last year’s. ❄️ How n-ice.

Onto Poptropica’s social media presence, the creators’ Instagram story showcases more artwork by fans (including a couple pieces by me). Show these artists some love. 😊

Also on Instagram, the creators shared this funny video pointing out the toxic traits of some of Poptropica’s most prominent villains. Kidnapping seems to be a common theme… not cool. Don’t kidnap people.

Lastly, this short video (first seen on TikTok) was posted over on Poptropica’s YouTube channel and actually evokes some serious nostalgia with going to the computer lab to play Poptropica and all. Anybody else’s computer lab look like this in elementary school?

Welp, that’s what’s popping for now. Keep reading to stay up to date on all things Poptropica and don’t forget to participate in Community Creations this month. Talk to you guys in the next one! Pop on!

– LJ 🍀

3 thoughts on “The Members’ Lair of Thieves 🥷🐫”

  1. This is certainly a Grapple-Pap miracle. Finally, after years and years, our calls are answered! Poptropica released two new islands, with one more to come, and they’ve finally done what we’ve been pleading for: Old island returns! If you’re reading this Poptropica, I’d like to thank you, and if you want some ideas of which islands to bring back next, I think the third Arabian Nights would be a great follow-up. Thank you so much.

  2. Fantastic fan art, LJ, and well-timed for the arrival of Arabian Nights Ep. 2 with your stunning Samhal drawing! 🧞‍♂️🔥 Here’s hoping everyone gets to enjoy the next installment of the desert adventure dream island soon. 🤞

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