Bonus Items, Membership, Skullduggery Island, Sneak Peeks

Tweet! Tweet!

Hey guys. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while, but I’ve been really busy with exams and such. Trust me, when you get into high school, not to mention the grade I’m in, your workload gets insane. I’m talking REALLY insane. I have 5 hours of homework each night plus studying. Ouch.

Anyway, new PCB post. Here it is:

Tweet Ride!

One of my minions sent me these snapshots from his vacation on Skullduggery Island. I can’t tell what it is. A ship? A bird of prey? Whatever it is, it looks enormous!

This is obviously a shot from Skullduggery Island. It looks like a game in which we have to assemble the pieces. I’m guessing it’s some sort of pirate schooner with a bird (eagle? hawk? perhaps even a dragon, because of the claws and eye) as a mascot.

The image name is “Tweet Ride.” It sure is sweet, or “tweet.” The “ride” part makes me certain it’s a ship, along with the shot of the sail. Very interesting. Perhaps we have to  assemble the pieces in order to gain access to the ship. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see….

*Tweet!* Did you know? The PHB is affiliated with Poptropica Help Tweets, our Twitter page which you can always come back to check at: For the birds. 😀

Arr you looking out for more Skullduggery stuff? If you become a member from now until May 17th, you’ll receive two exclusive members-only gold cards when you log in: the Skullduggery Teaser Trailer and Skullduggery Pirate costume. And for those of you wise enough not to blow your money on that, click here for a ScreenToaster video of the teaser trailer, filmed from Green Boa‘s computer. The tune to this is called “Drunken Sailor.”

Anyway, have a good life.

*tweet tweet!*
