Escape From Pelican Rock Island Guide


Pelican Rock is the toughest prison ever built. And after youโ€™re framed for a crime you didnโ€™t commit, itโ€™s your new home! Use your wits to devise an escape plan, and your nerve to pull it off. But getting out is just the beginning โ€” because the real criminal is still out there!

For walkthroughs on Escape From Pelican Rock Island,
scroll down.

Released: December 10, 2015 (for members)
or December 30, 2015 (for all)
Common Room: Bert’s Basement Gym
Preceded by: Timmy Failure Island
Succeeded by: Monkey Wrench Island

Resources on this page: Island Extras | Synopsis from Poptropica | Quippy’s Store Items | Video Walkthrough | Written Walkthrough | Album Photos | Trivia

Island Extras:ย PHB Island Reviewย |ย Official Tourย |ย Video Playlistย | Pop Places IRL

Quippy’s Store Items

Quippy sells the following items in Bert’s Basement Gym, the common room: Prisoner Costume, Pet Bird Follower, Escapee Dr. Hare*, and Handcuff Toss*.

Video Walkthrough

For a written walkthrough with pictures, scroll down on this page!

Written Walkthrough

Walkthrough written by Slanted Fish & Brave Tomato
Special thanks to: Slippery Raptor, Captain Crawfish, Happy Panda, & Nice Hawk

Welcome to Bay City, a lovely seaside town modeled after San Francisco. Walking left, you’ll admire how everything seems to be just fine and dandy until โ€” “stop, thief!” โ€” a masked banditย streaks past with a bag of loot!


Being the heroic Poptropican you are, there’s no time to waste, and you dash off right in the same direction. Run up to the top of the hill, where you’ll see the stack of money the bandit dropped.

Just then, the bandit reappears, covering you with the emptied sack and revealing their identity to be โ€“ your doppelgรคnger! Yes, this sneaky character looks exactly like you, but with shoes! He/She will then run off, leaving you to be caught by the police, who refuse to believe you’ve just been framed.


Welcome to Pelican Rock Prison

You’ll be taken to Pelican Rock, a high-security island prison much like Alcatraz, where the worst offenders are sent. Fun fact: most of the characters you’ll meet on this adventure are the same gender as your character!


It’s time for lockdown, which means a guard will be prowling about to make sure everyone’s in bed. When the guard walks off, pick up the Metal Cup on the table. You can also get a closer look at the grate in your cell, which you’ll need later. It’s your first night, so click on the bed and get some sleep.

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In the morning, you’ll be taken to the prison yard for some recreation time. Here, you can talk to your fellow inmates. There’s Patches with the bird, Marion who’s reading a pamphlet, Van Nostrand the painter, Florian “Flashy” Fosbury the weightlifter, Big Tuna who hates you, and later on, you’ll meet a pair of twins.

After you mingle with everyone, Warden Sharp will appear, ordering all the inmates to line up so she can intimidate them with a speech. One of the prisoners, Big Tuna, will even try to fight you thinking you’re the real Booted Bandit โ€“ but gets taken away.


License Plate Duty

Next on the schedule is work. You’ll be put on license plate duty in the metal shop, with one other inmate whose comments over the days you’ll come to spend here will sometimes offer hints. For now, though, your fellow inmate tells you to ask for a drill bit to get to work. You can get the Drill Bit from the prison guard at the front desk.

Give the drill bit to your fellow inmate, who will tell you to start making license plates with the machine at the left. (Also: See that “PHB 1” plate on the wall? That’s a reference to the Poptropica Help Blog, the website where you’re reading this walkthrough!)


Making license plates is pretty simple: just click the letters and numbers to match the plate at the top. For today, you’ll only need to make 3. Each completed plate earns you a stick of gum.


When you’re done, talk to the guard to get your 3 sticks of Gum and return the drill bit.

A Second Helping

Next, you’ll be brought to the mess hall for meal time. You’ll be handed a Spoon which you’ll have to return when you’re done. The twins will hint that it’s possible to break through the walls, and Patches, the gray-haired one, will offer to help you steal “seconds” for three sticks of gum.

Hand over your gum, and (s)he’ll cause a disturbance that gets one of the guards away from the spoons. Talk to the other guard, who will give you a Spoon, not realizing you already had one. After the first guard realizes the distraction was faked, say you’re done eating and you’ll return one of your spoons (while still keeping another).

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It’ll be time for lockdown again. When the guard walks away, click on the grate in your cell and test the edges (not the metal bars) with your spoon. You’ll find that it’s not strong enough, so you’ll need to sharpen it somehow. For now, it’s time to get some sleep.

Slow Bloom

Alright prisoner, time for Day 2 at Pelican Rock! You’ll find that routine comes naturally in this place, but with each day, you’ll get a little closer to formulating an escape. At the prison yard, talk to the bird feeder, and the pelican at the top-right corner will leave its nest, allowing you to grab its Egg.


Go back to where the pelican is pecking on the ground and pick up the leftover Seeds. Then walk a bit left to the mound of dirt, and use your seeds to plant them there.

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Hop over to the puddle on the steps below the leaking pipe, and use your metal cup to get a Cup of Water. Then, go back over to the dirt and use that to water the seeds you planted.

If you talk to the painter, Van Nostrand, you’ll learn that she/he wants some sort of living thing to paint, like a flower. Marion, the pamphlet reader, will want 3 sticks of gum in exchange for files about the prisoners. Flashy, the weightlifter, will talk about wanting to keep up the perfect physique.

That’s all you can do in the yard for now, so talk to the guard and say you’re ready for work.

Sharpening the Spoon

In the metal shop, you’ll see a metal grinder, but you can’t use it with the guard there. So instead of making the recommended five license plates at work today, go overboard and make more โ€“ when it gets to 7, the machine will break down.

The guard will come over to see what’s up, and while he/she is blinded by the fog, quickly run over to the grinder and use your spoon. You’ll now have a Sharpened Spoon, and when you leave, you’ll also get 7 sticks of gum!

efpr spoon sharp

Meal time follows, and there’s not much to do or say, except the cook (at the kitchen on the left) will tell you that he/she will let you work in the kitchen if you bring three free eggs. You can get these from the yard, one day at a time, and if you’ve been following along in the guide, you’d already have one so far.


Back to lockdown, and once again you have a limited amount of time to explore your cell before the guard returns. Click on the grate, and this time, with your sharpened spoon, you can begin chiseling away at the edges. Note that as you chip away, the bar at the top indicating where the guard is will disappear, so you may want to stop every so often to make sure you’ve still got time. If you do get caught, the penalty is about 5 sticks of gum.

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Eggs & Prisoner Files

Rise and shine! Time for another day of routine at Pelican Rock. At the prison yard, fill your cup with water again and continue to water the plant growing in the dirt mound. Then, talk to the bird feeder and another pelican will leave its nest. This time, the nest is somewhere on the left โ€“ to get there, hop on the bust of the warden, then onto the windowsill, then onto the pipe with the nest to grab the second Egg.


Also, if you hand over 3 sticks of gum to Marion, the pamphlet reader in the yard, you’ll get some Prisoner Files in exchange. This gives you some info about the prisoners, including yourself, that you can read about.

There’s not much else you can do for the rest of the day, so if you want to skip through faster, you can tell the guard at the shop that you’re done even without working (although you may want to earn some more gum if you’re running low). At the mess hall, you can tell the guard you’re done eating, and then it’ll be time for nightly lockdown again.

Continue chiseling away around the grate, and if you’re fast enough, you might just get the whole thing done! Otherwise, you can finish another night. Even if you get in, you can’t leave without the guards noticing.

Wake up, it’s the same thing: water the plant (see instructions above) and talk to the bird feeder to get the pelican away from its nest. This time, the nest will be at the top left, so go the way you did to get to the second nest, then hop up one more pipe and windowsill to get to the final nest and grab the third Egg.


You can skip work again if you like (although it is recommended you collect gum since there are more payments to be made), and now that you’ve got all three eggs, you can bring them to the cook at the mess hall!

Sunflower Studies

Go to the mess hall and talk with Flambe, the cook, again. Since you have the eggs, he/she will hire you as sous chef (second-in-command)! After tasking you with mixing mashed potatoes, go to the bowl of pasta and grab an Uncooked Pasta from it. There’s not much else you can do right now besides show off your mashed potato stirring ability, so head over to lockdown and call it another night.

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Good morning, sunshine! Time for another beautiful day in Pelican Rock! Upon entering the yard for recreation, water the plant one last time (as mentioned before in previous days) and you can grab yourself a Sunflower!

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Go back to Van Nostrand and give the flower to him/her. As thanks, Van Nostrand will give you a Painting of the tower, and promises to fulfill any painting favors. If you have 7 sticks of gum to pay, use the uncooked pasta (which looks like a drill bit) and ask to have it painted silver. Upon payment, Van Nostrand says that it’ll be ready and painted by tomorrow.

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Work if you want, but you don’t have to, and you can skip meal time, too. However, things get juicy when it comes to lockdown. When the guard goes away, quickly click on the grate to go into the vent. Use the metal cup next to the pile of plaster to get yourself a nice Cup of Plaster. Before the guard comes back, exit the vent, and then go to sleep.


Yeah, yeah, good morning. You get the idea by now. In the prison yard at recreation time, all you have to do is go up to Van Nostrand to collect what is now a Painted Pasta. It looks more like a drill bit now, but you still need to trick the guard into thinking otherwise. Exit the recreation yard, and skip work if you’d like.

Entering the Vent System

When meal time comes, you can do more things! Go over to the cook’s area and use the cup of plaster in the mashed potato pot. Stir the part and the potatoes will turn into potato marble.

Distraught at the ruined mashed potatoes, Flambe will take out the potato plaster block. If you click on it, you can use the sharpened spoon to chisel yourself an unpainted Dummy Head. When you’re done with that, go back to your cell and call it a night.

The next morning, return to Van Nostrand, and in exchange for 5 sticks of gum, he/she will paint the dummy head in your likeness. As before with the pasta, Van Nostrand needs one day to paint it. There’s nothing else you can do today, so you can just not work, skip meal time, and go right to sleep.

Today’s going to be a more interesting day for you in Pelican Rock! When you go out to the yard for recreation, talk with Van Nostrand again and she’ll give you the Painted Dummy Head, which is painted to look like you while sleeping. Not long after the exchange, Warden Sharp will come over and take away Van Nostrand’s painting privilege for having an untucked shirt. Yikes.

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There’s not much you can do for the rest of the day, so you can go right to lockdown. Use the dummy head and you’ll place it in your bed before you enter the vent. Now, you have all the time in the world in the vents.

If you go up and to the right, you’ll be in the vents of the mess hall. What you want to do here is configure it so the path of the air goes to the farthest vent, right above Flashy’s favorite spot during meals. (You may have picked up on the hint from the metal shop inmate about getting Flambe to cause a scene at meal time.) Here’s a diagram, courtesy of Nice Hawk from Poptrickia:

efpr vent2

Then, go back left and up to the vent system of the metal shop. Re-direct the path of the air so that it goes from the license plate machine at the far end over to the spot right above the guard’s desk. As with the mess hall vents, your character should say something to confirm when you’ve done it right. Once you’re done, head back to your cell to get some sleep.

efpr vent

Tools for Escape

Good morning! With all that you’ve set up, today’s going to be an interesting day, except for recreation, which you can skip. At work, you’ll want to break down the machine again by making 7 license plates. This time, when the guard tries to turn on the fan, the fan will blow down at the desk spot, continuing to leave his/her glasses fogged up.

Give the guard your Painted Pasta, and that will be able to fool the guard so that you can keep the Drill Bit.

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At meal time, run over to Flambe’s kitchen and press the green button to turn on the fan. Click on the pot of mashed potatoes, and as you’re mixing, some of it will fly up into the vent and, because of the vent configuration you did, will land right on Flashy’s head. Upset about his/her ruined hairdo, Flashy will cause a scene, and pretty soon a food fight breaks out!

Flambe tries to stop them, but comes back defeated, asking you to rescue the precious mixer. Get out there into the potato battlefield and pick up Flambe’s Mixer under one of the tables. (Since you’ve got your drill bit, it’ll automatically be attached to form a Mixer With Drill Bit.) Flambe will appreciate your dedication so much that you’ll get to keep it.

mixer efpr

With the guards highly annoyed, everyone is then sent straight to lockdown. When the guard walks away from your cell, put the Painted Dummy Head back on your bed, and climb into the vents. Go up and right to the mess hall vents, then run over to the far right and use the Mixer With Drill Bit to pry open the pipe at the end. The twins will come rushing over, saying you’ll need some help in escaping and that they’ve got rafts that will be ready tomorrow night.

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For now, you can sleep easy knowing that escape is close at hand.


The next day at recreation, talk to Patches the bird feeder, saying you might not be around for long and will miss the bird. Patches will say he/she might be able to get the bird to fly with you. Just then, Flashy and Big Tuna show up, ready to beat you up. You quickly ask Patches for some bird seed and fling it onto them, causing them to be pecked by pelicans.


Run to the exit, and it’ll skip right ahead to lockdown. You know the drill: wait for the guard to go off, place the painted dummy head on your bed, and enter the grate into the mess hall vents. When you get to the end pipe, the twins will arrive, but just as they go ahead to set up the rafts, the pipe bursts, and you’ll have to go up instead of down with them.


Now you’ll have to avoid being detected by the spotlight and guards at windows. Hide behind objects, stay away from whichever window is lit as the guard on duty goes around, and keep making your way right. If you get caught, you’ll just restart at the last checkpoint. At one point, you’ll have to push a box and jump on top of it to continue forward.

Soon enough, you’ll find yourself trapped right before you get to a large spotlight shining from a watchtower. Behind you, a couple of guards are approaching with Warden Sharp, saying they could hear footsteps. It looks as if you’re doomed โ€“ but then Patches’s pet bird appears, taking the blame for the noise of your footsteps.

As the spotlight shines on the bird, you’ll be able to jump off the roof, and a cutscene will show you heading back to Bay City by raft with your fellow escapees.


Back to Bay City

But it’s not over yet! The twins will run off, but the police are back on the prowl and waiting for the Booted Bandit to return to collect the treasure at the tower. You’ll start off at the bottom of the hill, and need to work your way to the top without getting detected.

Enter Kurt’s Fish Warehouse, and climb up to the top windowsill. Next, walk across the telephone wire all the way to the left. Hop up to the top, onto the red bench, then onto the tree branches, and keep going right. When you get to the Colt Tower, push the trash can over to the statue of the guy with the coonskin cap, then hop up to it, jump right to stand on the tower ledge, and go up.

Continue climbing up the ledges until you reach the top. Your character will wonder what’s different about how the tower was supposed to look, and pull out the painting by Van Nostrand from earlier. Notice that the arch window in the middle doesn’t go all the way down like the others. Click on that spot on the tower, and you’ll realize it’s been filled with plaster.

Use your sharpened spoon there, and you’ll find a safe! Just then, the real Booted Bandit appears, and so do the police. You need to prove that you’re not the Booted Bandit (um, can’t they see you’re the one not wearing boots??).

Anyway, the safe might just save you, but no one knows the combination except Flashy Fosbury. However, you might remember something Flashy was always saying (and by the way, it’s also in the prisoner files): the number is 26-34-30.

flashy safe efpr

Crank the dial, and the safe will open, revealing… glamorous head shots of Florian “Flashy” Fosbury?


No one is more upset than the Booted Bandit, who inadvertently makes a confession and gets arrested on the spot. As for making it up to you for all the trouble, Marshal Tex Brannigan promises to put in a good word for all your new prisoner friends, and offers you the Island Medallion.

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Congratulations, you’ve completed Escape From Pelican Rock Island!

Looking for more walkthroughs? Check out our Island Help page! ๐Ÿ

Album Photos

Poptropica used to save album photos of iconic moments from your island adventures, but this feature does not exist anymore.


  • Escape From Pelican Rock Island is Poptropicaโ€™s 45th island, and was released to members on December 10, 2015. It was released to all on December 30, 2015. The login page featured the prisoners running across the screen, with a police officer chasing them and Escapee Dr. Hare trailing behind.
  • The island was re-released for Steam on May 25, 2022.
  • The location is based on San Franciscoโ€™s Alcatraz island prison. โ€œBay Cityโ€ is a nickname for San Francisco.
  • The “Colt Tower” you chase the Booted Bandit up to is based on San Francisco’s Coit Tower.
  • On the hill, there is a sign for Krpata Motor Oil, a reference to Poptropica Creator Mitch Krpata.
  • The gender of many of the characters you meet depends on the gender of your character (it will be the same gender).
  • The metal shop contains a reference to this very fansite youโ€™re on, the Poptropica Help Blog (PHB)! On the wall, there is a license plate which reads โ€œPHB 1โ€.
  • The other license plates are โ€œ2STUFFโ€, โ€œ7 ATE 9โ€ (as in 7, 8, 9), and โ€œLANGEโ€ (a reference to Dr. Lange, a Poptropica Creator whose persona is a character on Virus Hunter Island).
  • The painting given to you by Van Nostrand is signed โ€œPatchesโ€ โ€“ the name of another prisoner. This may not be a mistake: if you check the prisoner files, Van Nostrand was incarcerated for copyright infringement, so Patches probably did paint that picture. But because Van Nostrand claims the work of others as his/her own, s/he will tell you it is “an old one of mine.”
  • The name Patches could be referring to his/her patchy hair, as well as his/her practice of “unlicensed phrenology” (according to the case files). Phrenology is a pseudoscience that divides the brain up into sections or “patches” that have to do with different feelings and thoughts.
  • Warden Sharp, in addition to being the name of the Pelican Rock warden, is also the name of the asylum warden in the Batman universe.
  • The word flambรฉ, as in Chef Flambรฉ, refers to a cooking method in which you cover food with liquor and set it alight briefly.
  • On Chef Flambรฉ’s file, it says some of his/her associates are Boba Fleigh and Bario Matelli, which are references to famous chefs Bobby Flay and Mario Batali. Also on Flambรฉ’s case file, it says his/her real name is Dean Paulus, which is a reference to the famous chef Paula Dean.
  • Besides the Booted Bandit, there is one other character on this island with footwear โ€“ the kid wearing skates on Main Street!
  • Depending on how long you take to finish the island, youโ€™ll see some of your prisoner friends free on Main Street at the end! The more days it takes you to escape, the less of them will be freed.
  • The music in the trailer is the theme from Mystery of the Map Island.
  • Before Poptropica’s conversion to Haxe, you could see some of your prisoner friends free on Main Street after your escape, depending on how long you took to finish the island! The more in-game days it took you to escape, the fewer of them would be freed in the end.

don’t do the crime,
if you can’t do the time.

524 thoughts on “Escape From Pelican Rock Island Guide”

    1. lHas this happened to anyone? : You’re almost at the end and you need to go through the big vent to meet the twins but when you click on it it says you need something to drill it open when you already have the mixer!!!!!!

  1. I was about to ungrate (?) the vent in the mess hall vent, and i glitched through the floor, and ended up in the actual mess hall. Has this actually happened to anyone?

      1. When I refreshed the page to try again, it just made it Meal Time. The same thing happened in the metal shop vents. Those actually lost me Patches being freed at the end.

    1. Yes and it sucks, i had to redo everything, then after that I accidentally put it over table two so then I had to do it AGAIN…

    2. Yeah. I left the Island and came back, and it was lunch time. Flambรฉ told me about her wishes to be an opera singer.

    1. There’s a glitch- My Schedule now says day one, but I have my items I shouldn’t have at day one. it should say day nine. my vent work was undone so i couldn’t do the food fight. What happened? Can someone help me?

    2. Has anyone ever gotten to the last escape scene on the roof, where it’s glitching and not letting you jump on the wooden carton? It keeps shoving me off it and I keep getting caught by the light beams then. Anyone know a way around it at least?

      1. Me too, it sucks cause refreshing the page and restarting the world doesn’t seem to be working for me : /

  2. I found a funny glitch: On day 2, if you mess up on one license plate and make six, the officer will still give you seven sticks of gum. ๐Ÿ˜„

  3. Err, I found a glitch…
    So, when I go to patches and give her 3 sticks of gum…
    The screen has the Loading arrows going in a circle, I can’t move, nothing happens. My screen doesn’t freeze, I can still move Patches’s eyes, but…

    slantedfish: Sorry to hear – I would contact Poptropica support so they can fix it for you.

  4. So I was going through the vents, and I fell through the roof of the cafeteria and now im stuck in the cafeteria, the door wont open, I can’t jump back up, I don’t really know what to do now

    1. It happened to me as well, but if you just leave the island and come back then it starts u again from up the top. trust me it works ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. The same thing happened to me. I played on iPad, and I don’t know whether it makes a difference to be on a device or computer, but I exited the game and was back at meal time from before lockdown. It’s a weird glitch, but that’s how I figured it out!

    3. Just go to the map, then go back to the island. You’ll spawn out of the mess hall by the pipes.

    4. What I did was I clicked the refresh button. And then I quickly exited the game. And then when I logged back into poptropica I was back in the vents.

  5. I NEED help! When I got the mixer, it doesn’t say that you can use it! So I can’t make the hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HALP PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I really thought this is gonna be tough but it turned out to be SUPER DUPER EASY!!!! A BIG thank you to Poptropica Help Blog for such a lively walkthrough!!

  7. Yay i completed the map but why can’t i go back to pelican rock and see the booted bandit again and why can i only play 12maps in my tablet?

  8. I โค โค โค this island! But for a while I was stuck (that was before I found your website). I didn't escape until day 17. For me, that was a long time. Thank you so much!:)

  9. once I got to the bit where you can talk to people on your first day I got to a certain point WHERE I COULDN’T MOVE! I tried reshreshing the website=fail buit that didn’t work SOMEONE PLEASE HELP

  10. i fell through the vent above flashy’s seat when i was about to take out the rusted and had to restart the whole island.

    1. What I did was that I just pressed the back button of my browser and it took me back to the top of the vents.

  11. I don’t get it, whenever I chase the thief, I go to the hill and about halfway up the bandit’s just standing there, and I can’t talk to them, and then I run to the pile of money and nothing happens. Help?

    slantedfish: That is odd – try playing on a different browser? Also, contact Poptropica support for help.

  12. heeeeeeelp when I try to take the cup out for the last day to grow the sunflower I stand by the water and take it out but it doesn’t work like it just stays in my bag empty

  13. Help! I am trying to get the cement but my cup has water in it! I’ve already watered the flower and I don’t know how to empty my cup.

  14. I need help chiseling! When I try it doesn’t work. Do I have to restart the world?

    slantedfish: Make sure you’re chiseling the correct areas – the edges where there’s stone!

  15. how do you enter the code for the safe there is three spots and only 2 numbers in each combination

  16. I found out a glitch I do not think it works with some people its goes like this jump rapidly and that some how I completed the GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I have my sharpened spoon and it’s ready to chisel but when I click on the grate theirs nothing to chisel it’s as if it’s already been chiseled I’ve already started the island over! HELP!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh
      Well thats um…
      Erm….. ( eyes intensify )
      *GASP* Im trying to help but i have no darn idea why this is happeningggg
      I’m better now :3

  18. How many fellow prisoners are let out at the end of the island? I know it depends on the number of days it takes you, but it took me less than 2 weeks ( <14 days), and I only had 3 get out, plus the twins. Is that normal?

  19. My 4th Poptropica account, My 4th time playin’ pelican rock but a glitch happened, the girls did not come. I clicked on the pipe and I fell to the dining room and I think I am STUCK FOREVER! So PLEASE HELP me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  20. Um.. I’m not sure if anyone noticed or said this in the comments yet, but I have a big feeling this this island is similar to the Alcatraz Island prison in real life. I mean, when you escape, 2 twins aid you in your escape. In real life those twins were named John and Clarence Anglin. (Actually they are brothers, but oh well, close enough.) The prison itself is situated on a big island and during the cutscene, you can see a bridge in the background, meaning that the Pelican Rock Island is near a bridge, which, in real life, is the famous Golden Gate Bridge, which is near Alcatraz Island. You are probably playing the role of Frank Morris, an inmate who also escaped successfully with the twins. Those are all the similarities I could think of, but I think that there are a lot more. I honestly think that it’s that it’s super cool that Poptropica added those in. However, all of these could be coincidences, but I highly doubt it. (Sorry if I have bad grammar)

    1. Get into the vent and follow the instructions on the picture. Up above… I hope I could help and also the drill bit that isn’t fake should help along with a mixer. Sorry if I couldn’t help…

    1. when u make the license plates make sure that you go really fast, wast no time, and u need to make 7to make it go overboard

  21. No matter how hard I try the vent isn’t chipping! Is there a specific spot you have to chip at???

  22. Hey, I was going to do the thing where I try to un-drill the whatever and the twins would come and whatnot, but before I actually got to do that, I fell down the vent and I’m in the kitchen/cafeteria and I have no clue how to get out.

  23. Found a glitch, when I went up to meet the twins I fell through the pipe into the mess hall and have no idea how to get out, HELP

  24. i gave my fake head to the painting lady and i came back the next day and she didnt give it to me. I went back the next 3 days and i didn’t get it back and when i tried to make another head it wouldn’t let me. How do i fix this?

  25. try to go through 3 days without trying to put the plaster on. If that doesnt work, you might have to either restart ur computer or restart the island.

  26. The first number of each is written to the side of the combonation dial, so you only have to put in the second digit

  27. Hey I have a question… I saved and left my game on idk which day in the prison and now when I join, i can’t go back to the prison! Please help!

    1. He says ‘Bye! I’m off to feed parrots along the Amazon River! Thanks for helping me get out, by the way.’ and runs off.

  28. Fell into the dining hall twice while trying to escape. Finally didn’t fall but now won’t let me use the drill. It still lets me ask flambe for it and she says it will never leave her side even though it’s not in her hands and is still in my inventory. What can I do!?

  29. I changed the vents so that it came out above the guard and tried to give her the painted pasta and she said that it wasn’t the right drill bit and now my painted pasta is gone as well! I don’t know what to do, I really don’t want to start over!

    1. You’ll have to go through more days to get another painted pasta (do the same thing you did to get the first one). This time, when you offer it to the guard, be sure you’ve fogged up the guard’s glasses first (see the guide for more details on this).

  30. Hi. I watered the flower 1 time with the water I had, but when I filled it up the 2nd time with thee dripping pipe and went to water it, my character said, “The plant isn’t bloomed yet. I should water it more.”. But when I clicked on it to water it for the 2nd time, it said, “I don’t want to overwater it.”. But the plant still needs to be watered for the 2nd time! What to do?

    slantedfish: You need to wait until a new day comes to water it, so play through the rest of the day first and then come back to the flower.

  31. So if i were a man there would be all boys but girls with all girls?

    slantedfish: Yup! It’s according to your character’s gender in the game.

  32. Patches isn’t saying that she’ll help me. She’s just says, “Mealtime is the best time of day!”

    1. You can get it sharpened another day. It doesn’t matter much, except that finishing it in less days means more prisoners get released at the end, but you’ll still get your island medallion either way. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. To everyone at Poptropica, PLEEEEEASE make a way to get back to your place in the island without having to restart the island. I feel like a lot of people have accidentally done something so that you get stuck back on main street, and have to restart. Thanks in advance!

  34. I finished the island and I really enjoyed it:) I just want to know one thing, this walkthrough says that if you take too many days then some of the prisoners won’t be on main street at the end. At the end I had 3 of them, the artist, the bird lady, and the lady we worked with. Is that the max amount of prisoners we could have gotten out or if I did it quicker would any more be released?

  35. I’ll be honest, when I watched THINKNOODLES walkthrough, I thought they were all boys, and they were going to STAY that way. But just like a REAL prison, it’s a girl jail or a boy jail for your Poptropican!

  36. When you’re supposed to go through the mess hall vent and use the Mixer With Drill Bit to pry open the pipe at the end, I’ll try to do it but mt Poptropican will just stare at the pipe and do nothing. I’ve tried reloading my game and exiting the website then logging back in but it’s still not working. What should I do?

  37. If you make a mistake with the potatoes before the food fight and then, try again, why can’t you touch them to trigger the food fight cut scene?

  38. Slanted Fish, can you meet me at Early Poptropica’s arcade?I want to play with poptropica name is quiet heart while my username is yuan1106 if you Don’t want to come

    1. Sorry I’m not able to see and respond to comments right away, but if you’re looking for Poptropicans online right now to play with, you can always stop by our chat hangout, the PHC, by clicking on “Chat” at the top of the PHB site.

  39. Okay, this is weird. Once I got the mixer and drill bit, I went to the mess hall corridor, clicked on the brown tube of freedom and it then freezes on me where I can’t move but my eyes can still look around and my mouse turns into the loading symbol and never stops spinning. Iv’e logged out and back in several times, having to start the whole day over and it keep doing the same freaking thing. Is this a glitch like tf?

  40. Help, im trying to use the drill on the pipe but my thing just loads and doesn’t stop and my character just stands there, Ive restarted my game many times but always stops at the same point. Please help, thanks.

    1. same! I’ve refreshed the page, logged out and back in, and restarted the island! is there anything we can do?

  41. It won’t unscrew the screws on the pipe for me, my character just stands there without doing anything. Please Help Me!

  42. whenever i try using the drill bit for the mixer it just keeps on loading and i completed this island before and this is only happening now please help!

  43. This is the most glitchy island EVER!! I was one of the lucky ones when I got through the whole thing with no huge problems on my first account. But now it just loads when I try to unscrew the vent and I really want to have the medallion for my second account!
    Talk about glitch! Without all the glitches this island would probably be 2 stars. There are no annoying painful mini games, just routine. But the GLITCHES! UGH!

  44. also you don’t have to wait until the second day to talk to the chef after you get the second spoon you can go back and he will ask you for the eggs

  45. I have 2 glitches: 1st,on my first day I was able to make 10 license plates when I clicked on the machine after I automatically quit after 3. 2nd, when I gave the head to the painter to paint, I clicked on her while she was in the middle of saying “that will be 5 sticks of gum” and she gave me the head, fully painted, right afterwards and it didn’t cost me any gum! Hope these happen to you! ๐Ÿ˜€

  46. i hated escaping because the game glitched and i fell through the floor , and it kept glitching for the days every time i had to refresh the page, i got so confused but i kept getting mad when i fell through the floor. i eventually beat the island though ( thank god, i was done with that level)

  47. The reason the painting is signed Patches isn’t a mistake, it is because, if you read in the inmate files that the prisoner gives you, Van Nostrand was incarcerated for copyright infringement, so patches probably did paint that picture, and because Van Nostrand claims art work as her own, she says it is “an old one of mine” when really, it’s patches’ painting. Also, If the name “patches” isn’t referring to her patchy hair, it could also be referring to the fact that on her case file it said she was practicing “unlicensed Phrenology”. Phrenology is a pseudoscience that divides the brain up into sections or “patches” that have to do with different feelings and thoughts. On Flambe’s file, it says some of her associates are Boba fleigh and Bario Matelli, which are puns of famous chefs Bobby Flay and Mario Batali. Also on Flambe’s case file, it says her real name is Dean Paulus, which sounds very similar to the famous chef Paula Dean.

  48. Alright, so, this is a glitch that doesn’t seem to have a solution to getting by, but whenever I’m about to use the Mixer with Drill Bit at the rusted bolt vent leading to the roof, it just continuously loads, and no matter what I do, it won’t fix itself. I have tried contacting the creators of this glitch, but it hasn’t seemed to be fixed yet, and now, I am unable to complete the island, as no matter what I do, restarting the island, using a different account, and vice versa, doesn’t work. Am I just going to be unable to ever complete this island, or is there some way I can get through this that I haven’t tried?

  49. xd somehow i glitched through the ground during the part where you use the mixer and drill bit, and i was in the mess hall, and i found a odd piece of dialogue, which most likely doesnt appear normally in game. when you click your food, it says “cant eat without a spoon”, which is confusing because besides glitching theres no way to have no spoon. xd

  50. When reconfiguring the vents for the mess hall, avoid standing right where the first one leads down to the mess hall. I fell in and had to reload the page. Also, when Flambe (the cook) asks for three eggs, my avatar keeps walking back to where Flambe is and they keep asking “Have my eggs yet?”

    1. If you need to fill it with plaster, I’m pretty sure you can just hit ‘use’ and the plaster will replace the water. If not, water the sunflower you get from planting the birdseed.

    1. I get glitchy when i jump in the kitchen shrunken as The wasp { not glitch } but then I get out and I say ” How can I get a job in the Kitchen” and then Flambe replies” I said trained chefs only”
      and it repeats.

  51. I got a glitch when I clicked the door on the pipe, before we met the twins (?) So I ended up in the cafeteria. So I had to log in again. Bc there wasn’t a reset or I couldn’t go thro the door.

  52. i am trying to collect the 2nd egg every time i try to click it it wint let me so i end up not getting it. how do i get the egg?

  53. When food fight, cannot get to mixer, i keep getting knocked back, even when there’s no food hitting me. Like there’s an invisible wall.

  54. something went wrong and I lost the drill bit when I fell through the floor and refreshed the page and then I canโ€™t get more pasta arrggghhh

  55. I need help, I got stuck and I canยดt make any progress. I canยดt make that lady in the work space blind, itยดs too hard. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  56. did anyone else have a lot of trouble with the last part of the escape? for me it’s really hard to do it with both the watchtower thing and the guards.

  57. So I just escaped the prison and when I go into the warehouse to climb up it wouldn’t let me climb, and still won’t. I tried refreshing the page a lot, shutting down my computer and restarting my computer. Can someone help me, please? I would really hate it if I had to restart.

  58. Hi Alyssa And i am a big fan but I got a big glitch so i was in the vents and I went to escape and I jumped and fell in to the messhall

  59. I’m stuck on the vent part because I somehow glitched and fell to the kitchen, any tips on how to get back up?

  60. HEEEELP it won’t alow me to water the sunflower ( well i it did let me water it ONCE) and the sapling is INVISIBLE i restarted the island 6 times๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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