Big Nate Island Guide


Get ready for a whole new type of online virtual world adventure on Poptropica. Enter the comic strip world of Big Nate – a wisecracking kid who holds the all-time record for detentions at this school. You’re on a mission to find a long-lost time capsule which, if found, can save the school from demolition. You’ll need help from Nate and his friends to complete your online virtual world quest!

For walkthroughs on Big Nate Island, scroll down.

Released: February 12, 2009
Common Room: Cap’n Salty’s
Preceded by: Nabooti Island
Succeeded by: Astro-Knights Island

Resources on this page: Island Extras | Synopsis from Poptropica | Video Walkthrough | Written Walkthrough | Album Photos | Trivia

Island Extras: Map | Official Tour

Video Walkthrough

For a written walkthrough with pictures, scroll down on this page!

Written Walkthrough

Walkthrough written by Codien
Special thanks to Fierce Moon, PopBuddies, Lucky Joker, & Slanted Fish

Table of Contents

1) Comic Strip Frame Locations
2) Big Nate Island Guide

Comic Strip Frames

  1. Pop-In Shoppe – on the green couch, on the top floor.
  2. Klassic Komix – talk to the guy to receive the frame.
  3. Photo Studio – on top of the light, to the right.
  4. Main Street – on a telegraph pole, to the very right of the street.
  5. Inside the School – on a speaker, on the top floor.
  6. Science Lab – on the Planet Mobil, to the left.
  7. Outside the School – on the wooden scaffolding, to the right of the school.
  8. Playground – floating in the air, on top of the climbing wall.
  9. Puffin Point – on top of the lighthouse.

bignate comic

Big Nate Island Guide

With only a Lobster, a pack of Stale Gum, and some Peanut Butter Crackers, you can find a Time Capsule any day.

Main Street

When you arrive, you will be greeted by Big Nate. He’s on a search for a time capsule hidden a hundred years ago. Let’s join the hunt!


Head to your right and enter the shop named “Pop-In Shoppe”, a store run by Nate’s dad. At your left there is a bulletin with some background information on the time capsule. If you go to the top floor, on the green couch there is a comic strip frame. There are nine of these frames hidden around Big Nate island and they all join up to make a comic strip that will help you later in the game.

Go back outside and go to your right. Enter the “Klassic Komix” building, which is full of comics and other cool stuff. Once inside talk to the guy. He is looking for a comic he lost, he will provide you with a comic frame for it. Exit the building.

Pass the “Cap’n Salty’s” building, which is the island’s multiplayer room, and then enter the Photo Studio (the large camera), a building run by the “School Picture Guy”. On the right there is a comic frame sitting on a light. Pick it up then go back outside. Now on the right of the “Photo Studio” there is a telegraph pole you can climb. Climb to the the top to obtain another comic frame. Jump back down and go right.


You are now outside the school, where there is a large bell on the top (more information can be found later on in the guide). Head to your right and go inside the school. Inside there is a science lab, some rundown lockers, a detention hall, and a secret room. Go to your right, jump up the stairs and grab the comic frame. Enter the door labeled “Science Lab” on your left.

Once inside the room, make your way next to the science geek, a boy named Francis. Click on the chemistry set next to him. Turn on the heater to 4, then pour half of the beaker with blue liquid and half with yellow, which will make a greenish color. This will produce a Stink Bomb. It will be useful later.

Go over to your left towards the Mr. Bones skeleton model and grab the comic frame on top of the planet mobile. Make your way out of the science lab and out of the school.

Climb up the wooden scaffolding on the right of the school. Grab the comic frame on it. Now go right to the Playground.

Playground & Kids’ Club House

Climb to the top of the playground and head left so you are on top of the climbing wall. Floating above you is a comic frame, so grab it. Go right and enter the ‘Kids Only’ house. Win the “Go To Jail” game to obtain the Peanut Butter Crackers.

gotojail bignate

If you want to, you can win at “Table Football” to obtain a book called Big Nate’s Pratical Jokes (note: You don’t have to play Table Football, but you do need to win Go To Jail). Go back outside and travel right to reach “Puffin Point”.

Puffin Point & Big Nate Comic

Go right and climb up the Lighthouse. On the very top of the light house is a comic frame, grab it. You now have collected all the comic frames. Click on your Inventory, then examine the Big Nate Comic. Arrange them so they spell: “Nine Three Zero Five” in between the strip.

bignate comicfull

This is the order they are in (going from left to right, top first, then the bottom):

  1. Uh… excuse me… | Hm?
  2. I’m new here, and… um… I’m sort of lost. | Ah! Nate Wright at your service, dude! Where do you need to go?
  3. I’m trying to find the art room. | Art room! Gotcha! Stand here!
  4. Uh… here? | Right there! And don’t move!
  5. But… | Klik!
  6. FOOOMM!
  7. Well? | You overshot. He reached the nurse’s office.
  8. Dang! | …Which is probably a good place for him to end up.

You have formed the Big Nate Comic! Now exit the comic strip. Ask Mr. Rosa, the man who is painting, if you can look through the telescope. Look through the telescope and you’ll see that to your right, there is a scroll under a rock. Exit the telescope.

To the left of the lighthouse is an old picture floating around in the wind. Try and grab it by jumping around starting at the lighthouse ladder. This may take a couple of tries.

Once you have collected the Old Photograph, head back to Main Street by going left.

Scuba Diving, Jet Skiing, & a Lobster

Keep going left, left, left, until you reach the Photo Studio building (the large camera). Enter the building. On the left you’ll find the ‘School Picture Guy’, who has a golden scuba suit he will trade for a photo. Swap the photo for the Scuba Gear.

Now leave the building. Walk left and enter the building “Klassic Komix”. Talk to Gordie (the shopkeeper) again, and tell him you found his comic. He will be so glad that he will let you keep the comic and let you have a Stale Pack of Gum as a prize.

Exit the building and go right. Make your way back to Puffin Point, so go right, right, right, right…until you reach it. Head right past the lighthouse and talk to Cap’n Salty. He needs your help to rescue the lobster trap from under the water. Go into your Inventory and put on the scuba gear.

Jump off the dock and dive down. Swim all the way to right until you can’t go any futher, then swim down until you reach the Lobster Trap. Pick it up and wait until your oxygen runs out.

Once you are back at the start, swim up. Talk to Cap’n Salty and tell him you have his trap.

He’ll let you have two items – the Lobster and Jet Ski Keys.

Jump on the skis on your right and ride away. Big Nate will challenge you to see who can get there first. The best way to beat him is to try keep your computer’s mouse as far to the right side as you can and to move farther and gain some distance from him. Be sure to jump over obstacles by clicking when you get near one!


Once you arrive at the rocks (it’s called Sealsaw Rock on the Map) jump on the tilting, seesaw-like rock. Push both of the cute seals to the left side of the rock.

Now you can jump down and take the scroll. The scroll is the Map to Capsule. Ride back to Puffin Point. Climb back up the lighthouse to the light. Go to your Inventory, select the “Lobster” item card, and click “Use” to your lobster to turn the light around.

It will scare away the bird at the top of the school bell. Jump off the lighthouse and go left.

Nate’s Locker

Go left to the Playground. The capsule is here but it is guarded by the girls. Go left, enter the school building, and jump up to the second floor. Run left to the lockers and click on one spilling with papers. Enter the locker code found on the comic – 9305.

Once the locker empties itself, click on the papers again. You will find the School Blueprint. If you examine it you will see that there is a secret room. Now the only way to move the girls is to ring the bell, but the bell is missing its clapper. The bell clapper is hidden in the secret room.

Secret Room

To get to the secret room you have to go through the detention room. To enter the Detention room stand outside the detention room door and chew on the gum by going to your Inventory, selecting the item card “Pack of Stale Gum,” and clicking the “Use” button. The teacher, Mrs. Godfrey, will take you inside. The secret room is through the filing cabinets.

Use the stink bomb to move the teacher. Go to the right and click on the filing cabinets. It will reveal a hidden ladder. Then go down. Once you’re down at the bottom turn on the power by clicking on the power lever. On the right above the work bench should be a bronze bell clapper.

Jump up and grab it to obtain the Bell Clapper. Make your way back up the stairs and outside of the school. Go to the top of the school, use the bell clapper, and ring the bell. The girls will now leave their place.

Uncovering the Time Capsule

Go to the Playground and stand between the two posts, between the monkey bars and the logs. Open your items and use the Peanut Butter Crackers. The dog will then dig a hole, showing the time capsule hidden underneath.

Click on the hole and pull the capsule from it. Click the lock to open it. Watch the dialogue between Big Nate and his friend Jenny, who convinces Nate to use the valuable pearl inside the capsule to save the school even though he doesn’t really want to.

Once the newspaper (called “The Clam Courier”) appears, click close at the top-right corner of the gamescreen. You will then be confronted by the teacher who will award you with the Big Nate Island medallion and credits to spend at the Poptropica Store!

Congratulations! You’ve completed Big Nate Island. If you are looking for more things to do, take a ride in the blimp for a new adventure on another island. Or check out the multiplayer rooms located on Main Street, where you can chat and battle with other Poptropicans!

Looking for more walkthroughs? Check out our Island Help page! 🙂

Album Photos

These pictures are collected in your Poptropica photo album in the profile section. Click to enlarge.


  • Big Nate Island is Poptropica’s 8th island, released on February 12, 2009.
  • As of July 10, 2015, the island became locked to members only, with a demo for non-members.
  • Big Nate is a comic strip by cartoonist Lincoln Peirce. You can check out more about it in the Klassic Komix building on Main Street. The characters on this island and the style of drawing are consistent with the comic. Also, that means none of the characters are customizable.
  • Common room: Cap’n Salty’s
  • In the school basement, Artur can be seen by the heater. However, when the lights are turned off, he is not there.
  • Cap’n Salty was created just for this Poptropica island; his character does not appear in the Big Nate comics. This is confirmed by Big Nate’s creator Lincoln Peirce in a comment on GoComics.
  • Peirce’s GoComics comment also explains, “Because all the environments on poptropica are islands, I created a world for Nate which resembles an island off the coast of Maine. Consequently, there are some details about Big Nate Island that aren’t 100% consistent with details from the comic strip.”
  • Artur never gets detention in the comics, so it’s strange that he’s in the secret room within the detention room.
  • Geography errors: In the detention room, the world map is missing Australia, Indonesia, the Caribbean islands, Greenland, and Siberia. Also, the continent of South America and Africa is shaped differently and Antarctica is smaller.

too cool for school

482 thoughts on “Big Nate Island Guide”

  1. I thank you all Smockers,Scary tomato,andcodien. and who is grumpy wolf?
    I have used this site forever and i just noticed him recently.

    Astro knights i hope will be awesome.See you later guys.=)

    Scary Tomato: Grumpy Wolf recently joined the PHB staff. Astro-Knights will definitely rock! :mrgreen:

  2. hi great guide!!
    but i do have one small prob….
    i cant click on the filing cabinets im in the d.t room and ive set the bomb and the teachers left and im clicking on the blue filing cabinets and nothings happening!!
    please please help me!!

    Scary Tomato: If you followed the directions above in order, you’d know what to do – you have to open Nate’s locker first to get the school blueprints.

  3. Big Nate is definetely not as hard as Spy Island.But without this guide ,I really can’t explain how big of a disaster it would’ve been for me thanxx Codien!!(lol)I really stink at some games you would get a good laugh out of watching me play a racing game!!!thanx again

  4. Thank you soooooo much for the guide to Big Nate Island! Your website rox!! Thnx Codien and Scary Tomato and all the other guys that helped with this website! I FIANLLY FINISHED BIG NATE ISLAND!!

  5. Thanks, now that I finished all the islands, I just have to wait for Astro Knights island to come out!

  6. I found the capsule like a month ago but i couldn’t figure how to get it out of the ground until tonight! lol! 🙂

    1. Comical Skull, have you finished finding the pecies for the comic strip? If you haven’t you won’t be able to click on the locker. Hope this helps! 😉

  7. Thanx alot 4 the info. NOW I CAN GO ONTO ASTRO! cheez, there’s alot of comentz. the main part of thiz page iz the comentz. i like z.

  8. I have all the comics but he wont take them?!!!!!! why not!!!??

    Hijuyo: Remember, you need to piece the comic panels together (in order), just like a jigsaw puzzle. 😉

  9. The answer helped me out!Thanx!I got the capsule once but i didn’t know to get it out.Thank you now I have passed all the islands on potropica!

  10. I have only just finished Super Power Island and Spy island and now I’m up to Big Nate.
    All your other guides really helped me out. I found 24 Carrot Island really hard but then when I finished it I’m like OMG!HOW COULD I HAVE THOUGHT THAT WAS HARD!Cuz I was stuck on it for 2 years and I didnt know what to do next and then I found the guide…
    I try to figure out the Island by-myself but when I’m stuck I look up for the guide and the first one I usually click is the one done by you!

  11. Hey…iI just realized something very funny…(ok maybe not that funny)…That weird teacher lady says she can smell gum but if you chew the gum from the store, nothing happens!

  12. there’s a sign in the school that says “N o Gum Chewing” but my character chews gum. I thought that was sort of ironic. xD along with that one girl. haha
    anyway, thanks for the help.

  13. YAYA!!!!!! Just finshed !!!! …….. And Thanks to this website without some of the cheats i wouldv’e never made it! HAHAHAHAHAH But i did suckers!!!!!!! your grl on fire on poptropica!

  14. I’m stuck! Nate won’t follow me to Puffin Point, so I can’t jet-ski. When I talk to him on the playground, he says “Hey, what’s the hurry to find the time capsule? Let’s take a break and have some fun!” I’ve tried logging out and logging back in, but it didn’t work. Please help!!!!!

    Hijuyo: Nate won’t be at Puffin Point until you click to ride the jetski. Once you do that, he will suddenly appear out of nowhere and run towards you. 😛

  15. Oh good! I dunno what my last account was. but then i created a new one and wanna do Big Nate! Half of it i didn’t do with your help.

  16. I’m stuck!!! How come when I chewed the gum at school the teacher/principal/whoever she is would not come out? I tried to chew the gum many times. Then, I tried to go inside the detention room but then my character refused. What should I do? I really wanna complete Big Nate because I already completed all the other islands. Please help!

    Hijuyo: Make sure you have completed all the other steps leading up to this part. You may be missing something, and you can’t enter the detention room until you have done everything you should first.

  17. I got 100 credits! You really helped! Ur amazingly talented for taking your time to do this for us! Thank you! Thank you! ^^

  18. You know i hv a funny experience in Big Nate… I tried to go in the Detention room and i already have the stale gum and stink bomb… I chewed it, nothing happened then i check my inventory there’s no stink bomb so i hv to go back and make it then my brother came and said don’t use yellow just use red since he’s a red maniac and i said come on! I need yellow n blue… i made him a profile called Cheerful Cheetah and he even didnt finish an island when its a 1 year profile n he plays it everyday… LOL! and i finished the island! KEEPITUP! u guys r popstars(poptropica stars)!!!

  19. I don’t know if this is a glitch or not. use the pink pop gum from the poptropica store and blow bubbles. Nothing happens. Use the gum from the Big Nate Inventory (if you have the gum) and something will happen.

  20. Hi, my little sister is doing Big Nate Island and right now, it won’t let her open the green file cabinet in detention. She used the stink bomb and the teacher left, but they aren’t opening. Any help?

  21. I’ve played big nate island before, and I’m at the filing cabinits and it won’t let me open them!!! WHY!?!?!?!

  22. WHOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I AM DONE WITH BIG NATE ISLAND ON POPTROPICA(I FINISHED BIG NATE ISLAND ON POPTROPICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT WAS VERY EXCITING WHATCHING THE TEACHER GIVE ME THE ISLAND MEDEAL AND MONEY TO SPEND IN THE STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. dont gotta brag because you beat it in 1 day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your being so mean to others.And im not hating because haters = motivators cant say nothing now can u????????????????????

  23. Thanks for the guide! Every day with PHB ‘s help, i finish 1-2 islands a day. Hijuyo: You are awesome! Slanted fish: you are too!

    Slanted Fish: Hijuyo and Slanted Fish are the same person, but thank you. 🙂

  24. i don’t know how to get the bird away!!!!!:(

    Slanted Fish: Use the lobster with the lighthouse light to scare the seagull away. 😛

  25. Hey I just saw onaily pop Lincon Peirce talked about how long big nates been around. Wow 20 years! I don’t remember him sayin that in about the author yes I’m a girl that reads big nate and diary of a wimpy kid and captain underpants. I have to admit I’m a wimpy kid expert. And how does the dog follow you I don’t understand!
    I just thought maybe I need to beat nate on paper football… I’m going to poptropica right now to beat it!
    I’m out peace!

  26. i need help to get the capsule and i dig up about 1,000 holes and still get find it can u tell me ASAP???? please i kept reading it over and over and over…….

    1. As it says in the guide: Go to the Playground and stand between the two posts, between the monkey bars and the logs. Open your items and use the Peanut Butter Crackers. The dog will then dig a hole, showing the time capsule hidden underneath. Click on the hole and pull the capsule from it. Click the lock to open it.

    2. I got stuck too.(And still kind of am) But I peeked in the video and actually you’re supposed to put on the RIGHT side….

  27. hey silver rock i am fast crumb . just added u as a frnd. how u got that nice hair even i want it and why r ur eyes always closed?? 😛

    1. Hey Fast Crumb! I customized the hair from someone, and if you want to, you can customize it from my character (just click the tiny blue shirt button on my Friends profile). Check out the PHB’s Poptropica Cheats page for how to have no eyes (plus other cool glitches).

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