Free Membership Giveaways

PHB Membership Giveaway: May 2021

Hey Poptropicans, we’re approaching the end of the month, which means it’s time to announce another lucky Poptropican to win our monthly membership giveaway! 🎁

Congrats, Friendly Shell — we’ve enjoyed your friendly presence in the PHB comments and are pleased to give you this month’s membership prize. The availability of Poptropica islands today may be a shell of its former glory, but have fun revisiting Time Tangled and decking out your clubhouse with some new members only gear!

If you’re not a member, you still have the chance (or many chances, in fact): the PHB is hosting a giveaway every month, and it’s easy to enter! Just comment on the Free Poptropica Membership page and leave at least two other comments around the PHB within the month to be entered into that month’s giveaway.

We’ll announce a winner sometime in the final week of each month. If you don’t win, you can always try again for the next month! Full details »

Congrats again to Friendly Shell, and as always, keep on popping on! 🐚


22 thoughts on “PHB Membership Giveaway: May 2021”

  1. :O
    What on Planet Poptropica?!
    Wow! I thought I’d never get picked! This is so exciting! Thank you so much!
    Great job to everyone that entered, though!
    I’m off to redecorate my clubhouse!
    Thanks again!

    1. Congrats again, Friendly Shell! Just a (friendly ;D) reminder that you’ll need to provide some info so we can give you your membership. Check the email the PHB sent you!

    1. Thanks! Enjoy your membership before it expires, but you can still always enter for another one 🙂

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