Community Creations

Community Creations: January 2020


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the January recap for Community Creations! January’s theme was Time Travel and the featured work is not in any particular order. Be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.

Top 5 Picks

Steampunk Time Traveler by Wild Eagle

Very cool costume design! I could definitely see this character traveling through time. And in style, too! I’m a sucker for a nice steampunk outfit either way. The greens of this costume work well together, keeping in tune with the other neutral hues. He might get stopped by the time police, but certainly not the fashion police! Well done! Find them often in the comments section.

Perks of Being a Time Traveler by NineTenOnetyOne

Ah, the struggles of being a time demon. I’m sure we can all relate to that… right? Anyway, the humor in this comic is fantastic, present in the dialog, expressions, and even the details of the newspaper. The panels really do tell a short story, and they wonderfully feature a great set of historical figures. The character design is great! Find her DeviantArt here.

The End of Time by iLeeFont

Oooh, a cool take on our theme! Though most of us jump to Time Tangled Island when we hear of Poptropica being paired with time travel, that’s not the only place you can find Poptropicans messing with history! Featuring the beloved characters of the Poptropica graphic novel series, this piece displays fantastic emotion and composition. The artist’s style is very recognizable, and colors are certainly used to their advantage in this one. I especially love the harsh geometric background contrasting the more organic figures. Excellent! Find their DeviantArt here.

The Future by BlazingAngel123

Aye, a throwback piece! Both in when it was drawn and what it’s about, huh? Time Tangled Island is obviously a classic for time travel within Poptropica, and rightfully so. It was always fascinating to see our Poptropican grow old in the future, both in the good and not-so-good settings. These panels perfectly capture the emotion of both timelines, and was originally posted in a gif form on the artist’s profile (not shown here for eye-strain). I even love how the backgrounds for each scene are simple, but easily recognizable. Wonderful character design! Find her DeviantArt here.

Time Tangled by LilPoptrystalTemp

Another classic Time Tangled design! On the island, our Poptropicans travel to many different historical periods. And that’s difficult to capture in one design, not to mention one outfit! Now that I’m thinking about it, I probably looked really out of place in Ancient Rome in my blue hoodie… Anyway, this piece is able to capture exactly that: the various outfits of the time periods on a single figure! I love that the circular division of the composition mimics that of the watch we use on the island as well. Super cool! Find her DeviantArt here.

Honorable Mentions

No honorable mentions this month guys, sorry! Keep those submissions coming next month. 😉 To make it up to you, have an old drawing of mine featuring Spotted Dragon’s own Time Tangled mishaps:

February: How do I Participate?

Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is February’s theme? February’s theme is…


February marks the 2 year anniversary of this series, can you believe it? It’s crazy that we’ve been doing this for so long, and your talent never gives up! So, to celebrate that milestone, I thought it would be perfect to bring back memories of another beloved PHB series… Poptropican Meme Face Mondays!

Now, your submissions certainly do not have to be constrained to meme faces. They are free to reference any meme you want! Just remain appropriate for those younger Poptropicans, and make sure you tie it into Poptorpica, of course! There are a ton of possibilities, so let’s see what you guys can do to make me laugh! 🙂

Spotted Dragon
  • Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArtTwitter, or Discord.
  • Results: I will feature 5 of the submissions as well as 3 honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Nothing NSFW, and make sure you relate to the theme.
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will always be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. Bonus points if you make a compelling description for your piece! While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


6 thoughts on “Community Creations: January 2020”

  1. A little bit of a juicy throwback meme… Here is my entry (sorry for the huge watermark in the middle of the video, that’s what I get for trying to use a video editor for free lol):
    *Volume warning*

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