Poptropica Portfolio

Poptropica Portfolio: Nate Greenwall, 2.0

What’s up, Poptropicans? It’s time for another Poptropica Portfolio!

Today I’ll be featuring the works of an artist we’ve showcased before (the very first Pop Portfolio on the PHB, in fact) — the amazing Nate Greenwall (aka Shark Boy Guy), who worked with Poptropica for nearly 11 years from May 2007 to February 2018. Anyway, let’s get into it!

Greenwall helped design much of Poptropica’s merch over the years including books, toys, shirts, and more. Even the Dr. Hare’s Lair LEGO set that sadly was never released was designed by Nate. Poor Dr. Hare… that would’ve been so cool. I totally would’ve bought it!

Greenwall has also contributed to a whole host of Poptropica’s main assets like the old friends page, the photo booth, island backgrounds, and too many other things to list! He took part in the design process from beginning to end — starting with the wireframes and flows all the way to the final product.

In addition to the bigger features previously mentioned, he also created various advertisement content for Poptropica. Here’s a cool looking Toy Story 3 ad he worked on back in 2010.

When Poptropica was developing their mobile app, Greenwall was responsible for redesigning a lot of the game’s essential systems such as the costumization feature, item inventory, and icon (every so often).

Plus, shout-out to former PHB staffer Brave Tomato for being quoted in Nate’s portfolio from her My Place in Poptropica PHB post:

And finally, take a look at these sketches from the early stages of the island designing process. It’s pretty neat to be able to see some of the brainstorming and preliminary outlines done before an island’s release.

As you can see, Nate has contributed plenty to the game we love during his time with Poptropica, and it’s sad he was released in such an untimely manner. These days, he creates mockups and prototypes for the online furniture and decor retailer, Overstock.

Interested in learning more about Nate and his other projects? Head over to his personal website to see what he’s up to; you’ll find lots of extra Poptropica stuff there too!

I hope you all enjoyed this look into yet another poptastic Poptropica portfolio. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out all of the other artists we’ve featured here on the PHB — you won’t be disappointed!

As always, thank you for reading and I’ll talk to you in the next one. Pop on!

– Lucky Joker🍀

3 thoughts on “Poptropica Portfolio: Nate Greenwall, 2.0”

  1. Remeber when the game developers themselves posted what they did instead of relying on a manager? Me neitha

    (Btw I got nothing against having someone do the socializing for them. It’s just that something about the devs interacting with the players themselves makes me feel like you can trust what they’re doing, not that I don’t or anything. It’s just.. you know. :/ )

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