Look of the Week

Are you fit to win Outfit of the Week?

Hey guys and gals, Sporty Boa here with a special announcement regarding the Poptropica Creators’ Blog’sย latest post! It’ll be my pleasure to help my buddy, Blue Tooth, spread the word about… Look of the Week!

Yep! The Creators have just announced that every other week, they’ll scour the islands and common rooms to find and select a Poptropican sporting their best outfit and award them the “Look of the Week,” serenading them with social media shout-outs and even an exclusive art pieceย dedicated to their stylish costume!

That Poptropican could be you, so get out to the common rooms and start sporting your sportiest look!

Also, since the “Look of the Week” segment will take place every other week, the Pop Creators will be introducing another mystery segment that will take place on the Fridays that don’t feature a look of the week. So stay on the lookout for when that announcement is made!

Welp, that’s all the news from me. Stay sporty! Boa out!

13 thoughts on “Are you fit to win Outfit of the Week?”

  1. Is there really a typo on โ€œouR socksโ€ though? Poptropica is desperate and flailing. Spell check is free guys.

    1. But, don’t they have the ability to view all the Poptropica accounts?

      Well, at least this gives more of a motive to go to the common rooms besides the Home Island one.

      I hardly see anyone in almost any common room besides Home Island, most particually any of the most visited like Early Pop, Spy, Time Tangled, and maybe Super Power.

    1. Is there a way to share clubhouses, or are they gonna sneak into your clubhouse in the middle of the night and take pictures?

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