Community Creations

Community Creations: January 2019


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the January recap for Community Creations! January’s theme was magic and the featured work is not in any particular order. Be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.

Top 5 Picks

The Phoenix by Magniventris

Magniventris - The Phoenix.png

Amazing colors right off the bat! With Raven being a fan favorite, there’s no wonder why fans are jumping to redesign his character with fun, feathery twists. The warm color pallet used in this piece works well with Raven’s brand new aesthetic, and the posing is fairly dynamic. Plus, the deep, dark shadows give the drawing a dramatic look! Great work! Be sure to find the artist on Discord.

Creepy Brain Transformation by Meganf123456

meganf123456 - creepy brain transformation

Talk about dramatic shading! The dark lighting of this piece provides it with an intense, mysterious tone that’s hard to match. Plus, the intense lighting of the characters really emphasizes them! The bright saturation is eye catching, and the other cool effects that were implemented truly makes this one feel magical. Find her DeviantArt here.

The Legend of Ramona by shinyb1rd

shinyb1rd - the legend of ramona (plus story)

From a time long forgotten, There was a girl named Ramona who originally belonged to a struggling peasant family under the rule of a Kingdom known for its corrupt leadership and greed. One day, the Kingdom fell suddenly after abruptly coming under attack by an unknown tribe who demonstrated to have mystical powers. The tribe killed everyone in their path: including Ramona’s parents and siblings. Before Ramona’s parents were executed, however, they put a mysterious necklace on her that they had kept stashed away secretly. Ramona, just a baby, was spared by the tribesmen and was taken away from the now fallen Kingdom to the lost lands of Lezvoya (les-voy-ah), A legendary country known for beautiful forests and powerful magic. Ramona was presented to the then queen of Aktesh, the most prominent tribe in Lezvoya. The queen, named Dara, agreed to raise her as her own. It wasn’t long before the queen noticed her necklace: it had unusual markings, and made her feel uneasy when she examined it… CONTINUE READING

Super interesting! Not only does this submission come with a spectacular story, but a spectacular costume to match! Though the story is a rough draft, it shows clear potential and dedication from the author. Both the short story and outfit definitely bring their magical elements into focus right away, intriguing the viewer’s curiosity. Well done, keep it up! Be sure to catch the author in the comment section.

Purple the Magical Princess by xXLilAngel2004Xx

xxlilangel2004xx - purple the magical princess

Super cute! Magical girls are nothing new in media, but have definitely become a classic. Poptropica’s big eyes and head match perfectly with this adorable design, and in turn match with the artist’s style. The pastel color scheme is in line with the cutesy tone, and really brings harmony to the otherwise busy piece. Amazing job! Find her DeviantArt here.

Aqua Tooth Fairy by Poptropica Girl

poptropica girl (magic heart) - aqua tooth fairy

An eye-catching costume to say the least! With the growth of Poptropica Worlds, it’s super cool to see the creativity of fans in the new game. The color scheme is bright and bold—a characteristic not too unfamiliar to magic. Furthermore, the colors work very well together, and pair nicely with the more modern outfit. The simple design makes me want to know more about the character! Great work! Be sure to catch the designer in the comment section.

Honorable Mentions

Such a variety of wonderful submissions this month! Exceptionally magical! 😀

February: How do I Participate?

Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is February’s theme? February’s theme is…


With the introduction of pets into Poptropica Worlds, it’s not surprising to see this theme arise. Moreover, pets are a big part of many people’s lives! So why not give them a spotlight this month? No matter the animal, pets are a beloved part of any family.

But what exactly can you submit then? Lots of stuff of course! Draw your IRL pet in a Poptropica art style perhaps! Or maybe design an entirely new Poptropica pet? Even write a story about the mischief your new furry friend gets into, or draw a dynamic scene of your Poptropican and new partner in crime! Anything related to pets and Poptropica goes, so get creating! 😛


  • Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArtTwitter, or Discord.
  • Results: I will feature 5 of the submissions as well as 3 honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Nothing NSFW, and make sure you relate to the theme.
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will always be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. Bonus points if you make a compelling description for your piece! While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


16 thoughts on “Community Creations: January 2019”

    1. It won’t probably be until a week or so till more come. The other ones might be on the PHB’s Deviantart group page (in “community” if you’re curious).

  1. I’m sorry for the late comment, I haven’t been on in a while (I know it’s kind of vague, but life is hitting me hard rn…). I just got back on and saw this post, and I gotta say, I completely didn’t expect to get featured! (especially since I lazily wrote all of that in one day and wasn’t completely happy with the outcome lol–but I promise the next time I write a story, I will spend my sweet time on it 😉). As for everyone else, great entries this month! I gotta say, it’s amazing to see what this community is able bring even in the shakiest of Poptropican times!

    1. I love the way community creation bring poptropicans together. Hop everything is going fine for you Shiny Bird 🙂

  2. There’s something I need to pass before I see the results.

    Camp for three nights

    Wish me luck guys.

    Spotted Thunder⚡️

What's popping, Poptropicans?