Pop Fan Artist Spotlights

Pop Fan Artist Spotlight: Spotted Dragon

Hello, everyone!

It’s Lucky Joker here with another Pop Fan Artist Spotlight!

This time, I’ll be featuring the art of my very good friend, Spotted Dragon. You may have heard of her… it’s not like she’s an author on this blog or anything. 😜 Spotted Dragon hasn’t actually done much Poptropica fanart lately, but she does plan on doing some this summer, and the Poptropica art she has already done is definitely worth showcasing here.

I’d say her Poptropica art equally consists of both traditional and digital pieces and is done in many different styles. You can see for yourself in this collection below which includes some collab work (click to enlarge the images and see credited artists):

To see more awesome art like this and more, check out Spotted Dragon on DeviantArt and visit her gallery. Also, she’s taking chibi commissions right now!

That’s it for this spotlight! I hope you enjoyed this look into SD’s Poptropica fan art. Perhaps you’re even encouraged to make Poptropica fan art yourself. If you have any, we’d love for you to share it on our DeviantArt group gallery at We-Love-Poptropica.

Also, don’t forget to check out the other artists I’ve featured here on the PHB! Talk to you soon… pop on!

– Lucky Joker 🍀

11 thoughts on “Pop Fan Artist Spotlight: Spotted Dragon”

  1. Just wondering, but does our Poptropica account get deleted if we’re inactive for a long time? And if so, then after how many months of inactivity?

    1. I’m what was the longest time I’ve been inactive, I suppose it might have been at least 9 months I guess, or a year, idk. Either way, I do not think so, although I could be wrong

      1. Yeah, maybe. I just checked the FAQ page, where the following is replied for one of the questions: ”Accounts that do not have membership or paid credit balances may be deleted after 6 months of inactivity.”

        Did your account have membership when you went inactive? If yes, then maybe that’s why it didn’t get deleted. Yet, I might be wrong.

        Slanted Fish, do you have any idea about this?

    2. I don’t think accounts get deleted for inactivity, contrary to what the official FAQ says. I know of accounts that have been inactive for years that still exist.

What's popping, Poptropicans?