PHB Specials, Pop-over

PHB Pop-over Special: Gotta Catch ‘Em All, Pokémon!

pop pokemon

Oh yes, we went there.

Welcome to Popémon Go, where Pokémon look like Poptropicans and Poptropicans look like Pokémon! In this weird crossover universe, we’re going to try to catch ‘em all. Are you ready?

First, we’ve gotta by our favorite Pokéstop… the prize wheel on Home Island! Let’s spin that circle! Awesome, we got just enough credits to stock up on some much needed Pokéballs. It’s time to hunt down those pocket monsters!

Look who’s hiding in these bushes… it’s Bulbasaur! How cute. Poptropicanized Pokémon sure look interesting, eh? By the way, you can look up the usernames given above to view the accounts, but unfortunately these are not ASGs. However, you can find all these clothing parts on our Avatar Studio Gift page – and some parts are customizable!

Oh great, three Zubats just popped up. Let’s add them to our collection of twenty other Zubats we’ve already captured… or not. Are they even worth wasting Pokéballs on if they’re too stubborn to be caught?

Moving on… hey, that Arcade over there happens to be a gym, currently dominated by Team Mystic! Blue for Poptropica, right, DJ Saturday Nite? There’s a Charmander screaming “fight me” in there, but it looks tough to beat… then again, if your Poptropican can handle the likes of Mordred from Astro-Knights or Myron Van Buren from Survival, perhaps the challenge is one we can tackle.

Hm, now we’re thinking maybe we could change up our trainer’s look a little. Let’s head over to that New You shop for a makeover. Perhaps a red cap will bring out that Ash Ketchum look that’ll make us look the part of a true Pokémon master. After all, you want to be the very best. Like no one ever was.

Let’s keep looking… oh! Awesome, someone put out a lure on the Photo Booth! Bet we can find some cool creatures here – oh look, it’s Squirtle! Just… let me tap on it… no, stop opening the Pokéstop, I want the Pokémon… ah. Gotcha. Wonder what else is around?

Hey! It’s – hold on a second, gotta sneeze – Pik-achuuuuu! I was wondering when this little guy would show up! I choose you, Pikachu! Ah, this is great. We can go on adventures to Mythology Island together and train those lightning bolt attacks with Zeus!

Well, that was a fun Pokémon hunting spree. What was that? Poptropicans should never be dressed up as Pokémon because that looks ridiculous? Sorry, too late for that! 😂

Oh, and as if the recent PHB Tribal Tournament wasn’t enough (friendly) rivalry… pick your team wisely when you’re on the Go!

Let us know in the comments what you think of Pokémon Go and the costumes we made! Stay popping, Poké-tropicans, and keep poking around!


45 thoughts on “PHB Pop-over Special: Gotta Catch ‘Em All, Pokémon!”

  1. Pretty accurate costumes, seeing what available parts you can get in Pop. 🙂 I’ve got Pokemon GO, but it’s actually not something I really play often, with this new craze over it and all. XD

  2. Fantastic idea, btw. 😉 Actually, when I looked At the Popémon Go logo design, I first thought about popes, not Poptropica, even with the ‘Pop’ part coming from the Daily Pop logo. 😛

  3. YARGHH THE POKEMON GOOO!! I, for one am not a fan soooo….Yeah I didn’t understand anything except like Team Mystic, Pikachu and Bulbasaur because of my crazed cousin… eek XD

      1. Yay! Taking one game I like and another game I like and fusing them together! Now if it’ll stop eating my data, I’ll be happy.

  4. OMG LOL I love this post, no offense, it’s so silly and fun!
    I personally have no idea about any pokemon stuff, even though half my friends are obsessed with it. XD Costumes are funny! Love the post.

  5. “Hey, the arcade over there is a gym, currently dominated by Team Mystic!”
    *grabs Mewtwo, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Jolteon, and Snorlax*

  6. I’m crying :’D
    And, yeah. When Pokemon Go first came out I played it until I reached level 6, then I lost interest. It’s still the biggest space user in my phone though 😛

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