Creators, PHB Specials, Poptropica Portfolio

Poptropica Portfolio: Lance Fry

Hello everyone!

It’s Lucky Joker here, featuring another Poptropica Portfolio! (We’ve already shown the works of Abraham Tena, Chris Goodwin, Nate Greenwall and Jordan Leary, and they’re pretty awesome.)

lance fryThis time around, the featured artist is Lance Fry, a former Poptropica Creator. He currently works for StoryArc Media as a senior artist, where he’s helped with drawing and animating an app I’m sure we’re all familiar with, Adventure Pig. (Go ahead and download it. It’s great! Still unsure? Check out this app review.) Anyway, let’s get into that portfolio! (Thanks to idk for the tip!)

The most notable piece is this logo for Crisis Caverns Island, indicating once again that there were serious plans to bring the island to life (and who knows, maybe there still are?).

Poptropica Portfolio image 13

Since his Logos and Signage gallery on Behance was uploaded very recently (this week), it’s possible Crisis Caverns is still being considered. You can also find this amazing collection of signs seen around Poptropica in the gallery (can you figure out where each of them are found in-game?):

Poptropica Portfolio image 12.jpg

In addition to signs and logos, he’s even made some background art, character designs, and concept art, as stated on his Behance page. Here are a few of his background and scenic pieces. Of course, you can view them all in his Behance background gallery.

All in all, Lance Fry has done a ton for Poptropica when it comes to art. Many of the backgrounds and logos we see in various islands were created by Fry. I think they all look amazing and deserve some recognition.

To learn more about Lance, pop on over to his LinkedIn page. To see more of his artwork (unrelated to Poptropica), view his website or Behance page. The artwork displayed is incredible.

A big thanks to Lance for all of the amazing work and effort he has put into the game. I hope he succeeds in all of his future endeavors!

I hope you took a liking to my first official post here on the PHB. Pop on!

– Lucky Joker :luckyjoker~1:

18 thoughts on “Poptropica Portfolio: Lance Fry”

  1. Newsflash, LJ: I took a (very great) liking to your first official post here on the PHB. XD And nice info, btw. 😉

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