Poptropican Portraits

Poptropican Portraits Round 9

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Hi Gs, <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

The Poptropican Portrait Livestream #3 is now over!
Watch the archived video on YouTube or Google+. #FaceBacon
We also released the latest Poptropican’s 911 magazine issue (#14). Enjoy!

We’ve progressed, my minions. There have been over 80 portraits drawn. We are nearing 100… 😉 I haven’t finished all the Portraits for this round yet, check back soon to see the rest. Check below the gallery to see a new tutorial on how to use your Portrait, as well as read a new rule under that if you’re interested in getting a portrait. 🙂

Poptropican Portraits Logo

I hope everyone is satisfied with their portrait! 😀 If you don’t see yours in there, just tell me in the comments. I’m only taking up to 20 requests this round (yes, 20!). The request limit may differ between rounds, but requests made after the quota (20) will be disregarded. Remember, these portraits are Gravatar friendly, and make great Gravatars! 😛 Also, for you fellow designers who would like an extra, transparent (no background or text) copy of your portrait(s), just request in the comments. 🙂

If you’re wondering on how to use your Portrait for a Gravatar, or save it to your computer, follow the instructions below! 😀

How to Save Your Poptropican Portrait

  • You might not have known this, but if your click on the portrait in the gallery, it will maximize and you can see/save it in full quality.
  • After you right click on the maximized portrait and click “Save image as…”, save it to a folder in your computer.
  • You can then go to the Gravatar website and sign in with your WordPress account.
  • Add the photo to your Gravatar, and your done! A high quality perfectly shaped portrait! 😛

Want Your Own Portrait?

Follow the criteria below! 😀

  • This is how the system works: you leave requests on the post that has the portraits that were requested last week. I will only take requests that are left on the latest portrait post.
  • Requests must be made by the owner of the account. I really would like if people would stop requesting portraits for their friends; if the friends really want them enough, they can come on here and request them.
  • I must have either a username or a link to the Avatar Studio included in the request. Otherwise, I will have to use a low quality photo from somewhere on the web, which makes the colors different from the actual character.
  • No requesting two times for the same character unless it’s a specialty. Sometimes, I will make another one, because I wasn’t pleased with it. Please tell me in the comments how you liked your portrait! If you are not pleased, I am very sorry.
  • Keep in mind that I need you to keep the outfit that you want to be drawn from the time that you request it to the time that it is published. Otherwise, I will draw something you may not have been expecting! So please keep that in mind.
  • won’t accept glitch accounts anymore if it’s not your main account. I’ll still accept minor accounts, just not if they’re loaded with glitches. They’re difficult to draw, and most of the time the items are from advertisements, which I don’t enjoy drawing…
  • I’d really appreciate it if you would use the original portrait and not crop out my signature. I work hard on these, and if you could, please do use the original photo.

If you follow these rules, I’d be glad to draw your Poptropican. Thanks! 🙂


51 thoughts on “Poptropican Portraits Round 9”

    1. Actually, I just kept forgetting you… sorry. 😛 I’ll draw ya and add you tonight — I’ve halfway drawn you in your original costumes. 😉

  1. Um.. I don’t see mine up there, but I don’t care if you need some extra time to do it. Plus, you might of not seen my request because I was late but anyways, just incase, my username is awsome15583. Please don’t worry about the spelling, i was really young when I started this account.

  2. Hi HP! Slippery here. Can I put a link that directs to the Behind the Scenes page? Thanks!

  3. Hai HPuterpop
    don’t see mine up there, but take your time 😀
    my user is zuzupetal2
    Thanks 🙂

  4. Ummm I guess if you can draw me you can friend emmaelisebrandenburg on pop tropica because I don’t know how to do this.

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