Mythology Island

Why Mythology Island was a Big Hit (WBH ep. 1) and more

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> Hi Gs, <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯)

I’ve decided to start a new series to post on every once in a while; I’m calling it “Why it was a Big Hit”, or WBH for short. 😛 And yeah, I know, two posts in one day, I over drafted. 😛

WAH logo

For the first episode, I’m going to be reviewing Mythology Island, and (obviously) find out why it is one of the most popular islands to this day. It will be updated into SUI soon, and that’s part of the reason why I’m doing this — BTW my prediction about Mythology Island SUI coming out February 7th was totally wrong. 😛

To start out with — this island covers a lot. It roughly covers most of the mythology kids read in concise editions of a compilation of the Greek tales. That in and of itself is impressive. I personally love the way Poptropica illustrates all of the classic scenes, and there’s one thing that draws kids to this island other than the cartoony style of drawing — in this island, you get to interact with the gods, and the legendary characters you read about in Greek mythology! These characters are even more far fetched than most fairy tale characters, and that makes them all the more memorable. So to be a part of the legend? Something incredible.

The story is a fresh new spin on classic mythology — Zeus will give you immortality, but for the price of the 5 sacred items. When you finally obtain all the these items and give them to Zeus, he takes them and uses them to take over Poptropica; or at least try. There are many memorable sub characters, and a couple funny moments.

While being one of the most popular islands, I feel like it may also be an island that gives Poptropica an unworthy and bad name. Some parents tear down the game for being too hard, and making their (obviously too young) children mad that they can’t get past the challenges — such as the red eyed snake, the labyrinth, the final battle, and so on. It certainly is a hard island, but still reigns supreme. That’s because the kids with the real adventurous personality will persevere through the challenges, and this makes the island all the more real — mythology characters face deadly and horribly hard challenges in the stories.

To a degree, this tale is gruesome. Hercules gets turned into stone, and you kill a six headed Hydra. You meet the ruler of the Underworld, get attacked by crocodiles — but that’s what makes it all the more fun.

In conclusion, let’s review the points that make Mythology Island a success: In this island, you get to be a part of the legend. You get to meet an expanse of amazing characters. The story is a fresh spin on the classics, and the challenges pull you into the tough and challenging environment of ancient Greece. To top it all off, the island is gruesome as the original tales; which may seem like a bad thing, but kids love gruesome stuff. That is a fact! 😛 So all these factors make the island an all time favorite.

Tell me in the comments what I should analyze next! 😀 What do you like about Mythology Island the most? Vote in the poll below!

In other news, you may have noticed that I changed my Gravatar to a more… fitting attire in these monstrous times 😉  — take a look:


Jeff Heim Music mentioned me on his Facebook page as well! This is the first time an affiliated Creator has mentioned me! 😀

Jeff Heim Music - Facebook

Jeff Heim does not know how much this made my day! 😛


16 thoughts on “Why Mythology Island was a Big Hit (WBH ep. 1) and more”

  1. Oh gosh, I remember when this island came out…. (It was almost 4 years ago! O.O)

    As I had said when the SUI was announced, Mythology Island was the very first island I ever witnessed open (I started playing in late March, after Reality TV’s release). This was the island that got me into Greek Mythology in the first place, and I commend it for the memorable designs, challenging storyline and epically engaging adventure. I’m excited for its SUI to come out…. so saying, be prepared to hear a lot of thunder, peeps! O.o

      1. It’ll probably startle me when it comes out… Vampires Curse’s thunder did…. Well we’ll wait and see XD

      2. Oh my gosh…. They spelled Zeus’s name wrong in the link!

        (I heard it…. well… that was different. o.O)

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