PHB Sneak Peeks

Spying on Spy Island

Hi Gs,

I’m going to make one more prediction: Spy Island is the next to be updated!


Thanks to Elphangor and raqk for figuring this one out, lets go in order here… first, Elphangor revealed a new soundtrack for Spy Island. ย You can listen to it here. ย One, I love it, and two, what?! ย This is crazy! ย But still not crazy enough!

Next one goes to raqk, who found a background for Spy. That’s not much of a discovery, eh? Let’s take a look at the link:

See anything interesting? ย The new “sound improved” island’s url are always /game/, while the old island’s url are always /base.php/. ย So, the conclusion is, Spy Island is most definitely coming next, and also, it’s already been uploaded? ย I’ll let you guys muse over it while I eat donuts. ย I dunno why I said that… ๐Ÿ˜›


7 thoughts on “Spying on Spy Island”

What's popping, Poptropicans?