Bonus Items, Poptropolis Games Island, Tribes

Last Legendary Tribes!

Last but not least, the Creators have revealed two more of the tribes – in addition to the 5 shown this past week – to compete in the Poptropolis Games, making a total of eight victory-inspired tribes!

Please welcome:


Winning a competition as tough as the Poptropolis Games takes more than talent. It takes a burning desire to win. Do you have the fiery passion to join the Wildfire?

It certainly does seem to be “the hottest of them all,” because a quick poll on the PCB sidebar reveals that 45% of all voters have expressed interest in this tribe the most! The Seraphim tribe comes second at only 17%, and all the others have less than 10% of the total votes each.

Are you lost in not knowing which one to pick? Try…


 There’s only one route to the gold medal, and this tribe thinks they know which way to go. Maybe you’ll help them get there!

Also, more big news– the Legendary Swords mini quest is now completely FREE! Previously, it was free+, meaning that everyone could play up until a certain point, where you would need membership to continue.

Now nonmembers who have been dying to get in some more kills can rejoice! Get this adventure pack in the Poptropica Store, and if you need further tips after that step, the PHB has a guide written by our very own Brave Tomato! Click here to read it.

So, which of the eight tribes do you like most? Let us know in the comments! I personally like the Flying Squid tribe. 🙂

22 thoughts on “Last Legendary Tribes!”

      1. Oh, well now I feel like a retard. Well i’m religious so still good!!! I like ”flying” anyway. 🙂

  1. I voted for wildfire. 😀 I would have also picked night crawlers. Add me!!! My username is voldemort:D

  2. A unicorn horn is part of one of the furry monster costume in the store for boys. I wanted to press the spacebar to do the “legendary sword slash” even outside of the LegendarySwords game. The rare poptropican items are back.

  3. Already beat the island. Waaaaaaayyyyyy too easy. and guess what? Wildfire was always on the bottom of the scores!

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