S.O.S. Island, Store

The Wait Is Over

S.O.S. Island launches today for members!

Yes, that’s right! 2012’s first most-anticipated island is finally here – for members anyway. To remind you of what to expect and what you’ve been waiting for, here’s the trailer and description to refresh your memory!

When a whale-watching expedition strikes an iceberg, a pleasure cruise becomes a disaster scene. As the ship sinks deeper and deeper into the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, can you rescue everyone onboard before it’s too late?

Do I hear an after-school party at the PHC or am I just deaf? 😉


Also, with the launch of S.O.S., Black Widow informed us yesterday about three items for, yet again, members to look out for in the store: Sonar Power, Fishing Pole, and Sea Captain! Buy it, activate it, save it. It looks pretty fre$h.

14 thoughts on “The Wait Is Over”

  1. The island reminded me of the ship that’s sinking in Italy. When the captain (in SOS) said “The captain goes down with the ship!” or something like that, I laughed.

    1. Speaking of which, when does it release for nonmembers? Please answer soon, whoever’s reading!

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