Ghost Story Island

Lights please.

Dim the lights; here we go…

Following the release of Ghost Story Island, the members of Poptropica are now faced with a new challenge, with new items, stories, and excitement! Those who are need it can now use the PHB for help, because our Ghost Story Island Info page has just been updated with a written Guide with pictures by Brave Tomato, as well as a Video playlist on our Poptropica Help Videos page.

However, some of the brightest players have already beat the rest to the finish line, and here they are… the first ten finishers of the ghostly island quest have been revealed. Congrats to:

1. Shiny Star
2. Mighty Coyote
3. Golden Lightning
4. Thirsty Sky
5. Grumpy Icicle
6. Shaky Raptor
7. Lone Wolf
8. Fearless Tornado
9. Brave Berry
10. Super Bean

Among the list, we see Grumpy Icicle (Xalevoid) at #5, a PHB reader who has been known for making it to the top ten finishers list for several islands! Congratulations once again to this brave quester and everybody else. šŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “Lights please.”

  1. I was too distracted by the sounds to finish quickly… plus I got stuck a couple of times. I wish the creators could let us see how long it takes us to finish an island.

  2. i was so close at first i was the first to play that island, and than i reallized i was in eleven place i fell so happy now.-Quick Tomato

    post by asliey5

    Hijuyo: I don’t think it tells you if you were 11th or not, so there’s no way of knowing.

  3. Congrats to all! šŸ˜€ Now, if you’ll excuse me…
    *waits patiently for 1/12/11 while munching on cookies*

  4. Oh yay! ^ Thanks again!
    Wow, those guys are so GOOD on Poptropica! It’s too darn fascinating.

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