Snapshot Series

This series just gets better and better, isn’t that right, Quiet Boot

This new superstars series just gets bettter and better :D. Today’s superstar is… Quiet Boot.

Quiet Boot has membership on Poptropica. She’s finished the two newest islands (Red Dragon and Shrink Ray) on the day they were released. Talk aboutย dedication.

The creators also mentioned about making de islands harder…gosh…NO…bad idea, creators (shakes head). Ugh. Shrink Ray Island lowered my self esteem by a notch at first xD.

Quiet Boot’s ranks unbeaten on the Red Dragon Island “Prepare for Impact” sumo wrestling game. Another reason why you’d have to be pretty dedicated to do that :P. Congratulations, Quiet Boot! You may be quiet but you’re a star player to boot, and you’ve certainly aced the game so far.

Hope some author on this blog like Hijuyo gets recognized as well. What if hi.Juyo gets on there? She certainly should be recognized for her blogging achievements. I’d bet a dollar on that :P. EP out!

4 thoughts on “This series just gets better and better, isn’t that right, Quiet Boot”

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