Daily Pop

Don’t panic, folks, trained monkeys are on it!

This is one of those posts you might think “What in the world is going on?”. Truth is, it’s only a minor glitch in the game of Poptropica :). A minor glitch has occured in the Daily Pop. Yes, the comics are no longer being updated *for now*. When was the last time someone saw a new Peanuts strip in the Daily Pop? Like three months ago! At first I thought the creators just forgot about the comics, turns out that a glitch is keeping new ones from coming in!

Some of you have noticed a glitch in the comics section of the Daily Pop. They’re not updating! Our team of trained monkeys is working overtime to fix the issue. We will let you know just as soon as it’s resolved.
avatar image

Don’t panic, people! I’m sure everyone will live for the rest of the day without comics on the Daily Pop! A team of “trained monkeys…” are being put to work on the issue. Are you calling yourselves monkeys, creators? 0_0. Umm, how smart are these “monkeys”? Hopefully they’re smart enough to actually use the computer and not completely wipe out poptropica’s servers and files in the proccess…hopefully. The creators blog will be updated, and the Poptropica community informed when the issue is over. Seems as if Director D hasn’t been posting in awhile. His last post was when, 2 months ago?

CC: Does that mean I’m safe?! Finally! I won’t be forced by those monsters to do all these posts! I’m free!
Elmopwns: Nah, it just means you’ll live for about one more day…before we invite the entire phb community to a feast in the next time you post (idea taken from conversation in the previous comments!).
CC: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why?! Why must you nom and torture me?! Why?!
Elmopwns: Because lobsters are delicious :D. Have you ever tried lobster Bisque?
CC: What in the world…
Lobster Bisque, yumm 😀 :

CC: Me in a soup? The horror 0_0…
Well, what’s your favorite way to nom Captain Crawfish?  Comment below!

In other short blogging news: My music theory exams are on Saturday (Pacific Time/LAX) time. They’re really hard music analysis questions with technical terms, over 100 words to memorize, different and complex notes and rhythms to answer questions about, and hardness overall :(. Wish me luck, everyone.

I will not be online for the next two days to post because of this and study. I’m also sharing just a bit of my parent’s companies. My dad’s www.bundled.com has officially launched into beta stage. The company helps people (18+) manage money and stuff. Read the webpage to learn more/manage money. Just a quick note, thanks for your help! It’s appreciated, guys. You’re the best community in the world. Ep signing out for two days, bye for now.

15 thoughts on “Don’t panic, folks, trained monkeys are on it!”

  1. Good luck! I liked the first time CC was nommed. Ao anyways, Good luck on ur exam. (Jeepers, I though music would be funner!) ^.~

    –MiserablyEpic(Yh, my new wordpress Account)

    Hijuyo: The first time he was nommed was when I was writing the post about Skullduggery in Sketch, which was posted by Captain Crawfish on the PCB.

    1. So far, islands usually come out for members-only early access first, then later, everyone else can play. The next island (at this time of writing) is Lunar Colony.

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