Pranks, Store, Web Development

April Fools?

[Insert quirky pun to trick all Poptropicans here.]

Remember the good old days of Scary Tomato's Weblog?

(post written by Hijuyo; trick by Codien)

If you know your PHB history, you know that the founder, Hijuyo, used to be known as Scary Tomato, whose Poptropican was pictured in its very first blog header (shown above for your reference), back when ST/Hijuyo’s graphics weren’t all that great.

A few months later, along came Codien. He became the third author to join the team, after Smockers, and began sprucing up the place by creating amazing graphics for the site and even renaming it from ‘Scary Tomato’s Weblog’ to ‘Poptropica Help Blog’ – what we still know it as today.

PhotoAnd although he left the team, Codien’s missed us and is back to posting and being the awesome graphics guy – that part is not a joke! Coming back just in time for April Fool’s Day 2011, he quickly came up with the idea of triggering back some old memories as part of the prank – by putting the very first header up and once again changing the site name to Scary Tomato’s Weblog!

We hope it made you smile, but rest assured, we’re back to being the Poptropica Help Blog, and with Codien back on the team, our next header is definitely going to awe everyone. 🙂

Happy April Fool’s Day!

-‘Scary Tomato’ and Codien

*note: Since the PHB prefers to maintain a limit of 7 staff members and Smockers hasn’t been posting for almost a year despite attempts to contact him, we have removed him from the staff list. We are saddened to do this, but it is extremely unlikely he would have continued posting anyway. Farewell, Smockers, you will be remembered. :,)

P.S. Wondering what Poptropica did for April Fool’s Day at the same time? Check out the new ‘Prank Can’ gold card available at the Poptropica Store!

55 thoughts on “April Fools?”

      1. Well sorry then. Because I wasn’t on this blog when it started so I didn’t know how Hi.Juyo was Scary Tomato.

      1. AAAWW so ur not coming back? Or is this ur big comeback? CODIEN UR SO AWESOME!

      2. ya Codien maybe it is Scary Tomato’s blog it hasn’t changed i’m gonna find that Tomato and talk to him about this bc it isn’t that funny any more.
        Also, were do you gt te Pranksgiving thing is it a gold card?

      3. Evil Dr. Hares fault balm it on Dr. Hare it was HIS fault he changed that banner 😦 😡

    1. Agreed. club penguin prank funnier.

      Someone played a prank on evryone when I was at the South Pasific Star Party on April Fools. This green light appeared in the sky and everyone shouted “OMG! IT’S ET!!!!!”
      Then, it turned out it was just a laser pointer.
      It was 10 pm, so then most of us went to the marquee for fresh hot donuts. YUM!!

  1. Actually, the banner was the very first banner used in this blog. Those were the days… BUT OMG CODIEN! Wait, is that for April Fools too?

  2. Yay, lol, hahahahahahahah. It always has been I guess..aprils fools then, iguesss1P;”

  3. Ah, the old PHB blog header with Scary Tomato! I lave that one but it still reminds me how much I miss SC 😦

      1. Oh I was confused. Because Scary Catfish, my poptropican, initials are SC. Lol XD

      2. Yeah, you’re right Magic Bones. SC (Scary Tomato) became Hijuyo, but then he quit his blog and gave it to his sister. And she kept the name Hijuyo. It IS a very confusing story now if you think about it.

        Hijuyo: Scary Tomato’s initials were ST, not SC. The blog was started by both “Hijuyos,” (although only sharing one male Poptropican, so ST was assumed to be one boy) but the sister was the one who ended up keeping it going most of the time, and eventually the brother quit. Yeah, confusing… 😛

    1. Rickrolls don’t harm your computer. At all.

      Besides that, there were also other aspects of last year’s prank to consider, that didn’t just include Rick Astley.

  4. Codien,i almost left poptropica after u left the blog.and now that you are back i am joining poptropica again!coz u are my favourite author and me ur biggest fan

  5. CODIEN!!!! We all missed you so much!!! Excessive use of punctuation to express yelling in happiness.

      1. Me (Good) + You (Epic) = Mindblowing! 🙂

        Great to have you back, when I used to just be a fan of the PHB you were a real inspiration for me and now I’m going into graphic arts in high school and hopefully as a career later, I still have a long way to go though. 😉

  6. the Daily Pop proves that Magic tree house is working with Poptropica. That explains the murky skies before.

  7. The new island might be Magic Tree House Island! Just check out the sneak peak for today it shows a treehouse and it says “Something sure is magical about this tree house!

  8. Im like laughing and crying right now – laughs and cries – im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy your back it brings back alot (:(

  9. Ahhh. Kindaf a late comment, but those were the good old days…back with three authors…good old days.

  10. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but Codien quit, came back, and then re-quit because he isn’t on the list. And it stinks to forcefully remove Smockers but then again, this is 2012, I’m posting in. Good grief.

    1. Yes, Codien left and came back, both of which were his choices. Smockers was only removed because, as explained in this post, he was extremely inactive, which was a shame because he was a great author. However, it would’ve been pointless leaving him on the list if he wasn’t even going to post anytime soon – may as well give someone else the chance, and let the blog stay updated rather than idle.

      1. Okay, so did Codien decide not to write another resignation post and just fade away. As for Smockers, how long did you try to contact him? A few months?

      2. As this post says, after Codien came back, he planned to make some more graphics for the PHB, but after a while, he did sort of fade away without another post. I’ve been in touch with him a few times since, but he’s moved on to other parts of his life, which is not a bad thing.

        Smockers’ last post was on July 29, 2010 and this post we’re on is dated April 2, 2011, so that’s almost a year. This post also includes the “note” about removing Smockers for inactivity.

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