Bonus Items

Happy birthday Poptropica!

(I was availible for this day, so I posted. No need to save Friday’s post for me. Thx.)

As you probably have figured out, it’s Poptropica’s birthday this month! The Creators’ post yesterday about their surprise has been revealed!

(Poptropica was founded in September 2007. The exact date was not announced, but since these birthday balloons were released on Sept 15, it may have been officially released on this day – or it could be just that it’s the middle of the month. ~Hijuyo)

Happy 3rd birthday, Poptropica!

Some of our agents may have already figured it out — it’s Poptropica’s third birthday this month!

To celebrate, we’re giving all Poptropica fans a chance to win a special, rare outfit. All you have to do is visit any common room between now and September 30, and look for the special blue balloon with a “3” on it.

Pop the balloon, and you win!

If you don’t see the birthday balloon this time, you can keep trying. Our 3rd birthday page has all the details.

And now, it’s time to party!

On Poptropica’s 3rd birthday page is the following:

“We’re celebrating poptropica’s 3rd birthday, and we want to our loyal fans by giving YOU a present! Enter any common room between now and Sept. 30 to check out our special birthday party decorations. If you see a balloon with a 3 on it, you can pop it to receive a ultra-rare prize! (Don’t see it? Try again as much as you like!) Thanks for your support Poptropicans and remember: the best is yet to come!

This message has been approved by Balloon Boy for all audiences.”


Awesome! If anyone has been lucky enough to see the balloon and get the costume, be sure to tell us! Congrats to all the people who managed to get the costume! 😀

Update: Congrats to former PHB author Codien on getting the birthday gear! Here’s the picture below – thanks for sharing! 🙂

"Oh what a magical three years! Happy Birthday Poptropica. With Love, Codien. *I’m wearing my favourite birthday suit."

~Shaggy Tornado

43 thoughts on “Happy birthday Poptropica!”

  1. Woah, never knew it’s today…Happy Birthday Poptropica!!! 😛

    /~ .~\

    Shaggy: It’s not necessarily today. It’s anytime in this month.

  2. Wow, I can’t find that balloon. I’ve been searching forever, but no birthday balloon for me… Has anyone found it yet? There might be a special thing you have to do for it to appear.

    1. no, you just have to search around the multiplayer room and when you see a bright blue ballon with 3 on it pop it then leave and cheak your inventory. if u dont see it, just go outside, come back in, and repet first steps. you can also get a free ballon in the store. ( but that ballon wont get you the costume.) hope i help! ;D

  3. Does it have to be a muliterverise room?

    Shaggy: I think it has to be a multi-player room, not a Multiverse room, sorry.

      1. why can’t the creators do somthing like put it in the store for limited time, so every body can get it, to be fair?

        Shaggy: Answer to your first question: I don’t think it’s just on one island in particular. Answer to your second question: That would be a good idea, but they want it to be some lucky winners, like that early access thing to Skullduggery earlier this year.

  4. I noticed something.
    “Thanks for your support Poptropicans and remember: the best is yet to come”
    (doublerainbowlol) What does it mean?

    Shaggy: I think it means that there are more islands on the way! Let’s hope so! 😀

  5. i have been trying for ages to get the baloon, this multi-player room and this onf, refresh, refresh nothing i tryed going on late hours, when nobody is in the multi- player room BUT nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Were did you guys find the balloon?

    Hijuyo: The balloon with the “3” is available in multiplayer rooms – but very rarely.

  7. I wonder if my kids will play Poptropica on it’s 20th birthday! It would be awesome if it turned into a virtual reality game where it is like you are actually in the game!


What's popping, Poptropicans?