PHB Sneak Peeks, Sneak Peeks

Sneak Peak

The Colossal Contest has ended! Good luck to all the entrants! Also, I wanna say that in the next version of PopToolz there will  be a feature that FULLSCREENS your Poptropica game!


The beta is now available for use! Get it here:
Note: Must be using firefox.

107 thoughts on “Sneak Peak”

  1. Well, nice video. I just have one question… What program do you use to get the rare costumes and hacks on poptropica? Is it Cheat Engine 5.5? Please tell me.

      1. man now i have to download firefox *snaps* cool project motion looks like the coolest yet if the creators don’t ruin it

  2. Hey, coderkid, maybe you could make a version for Internet Explorer, because the only place I go to that has Firefox is my school. Thank You for reading this comment.

    1. And my dad wouldn’t appreciate if I downloaded another browser. He doesn’t trust anything that’s not for Apple Inc.

    1. Don’t say it here! Go on the PHF and post it on the Cheats and Glitches section! 😉 Don’t want the creators to fix the buggy.

      1. Zippy, isn’t that what I told them not to do? Anyways,THE(Yes it’s >THE< PHF) PHF has a password protected Glitch Section. Ahhh, see? I thought of that too…(Not really…)

      2. Yes, but I don’t use the PHF (unfortunatly!) And if I tried to, I don’t know how you sign in and stuff like that

      3. Oh, and if stops the creaters from fixing this glitch, go ahead and delete my comment!!!

      4. Remember how I said I didn’t know how to make an account for the PHF?
        Well, i figurd it out. But THAT place still confuses me… I’m on right now!

    2. Okay here goes- press and hold shift and at the same time, you know that scrolly-thing between the left and right mouse buttons? Scrool that up or down to visit different places on an island!
      So there you have it- the little cheat that saves ou walking!

      Hijuyo: It doesn’t work for me – only logs me out whenever I try it. :/

      1. Really?
        I have the Mozella Firefox thingy…
        Maybe that’s it….
        Well I don’t why it worked differently for you.
        Al I know is that one moment I’m with Crusher in the junkyard on Super power, and next thing I know, I’m swimming in sewer water, than I end up in a comic book shop, in the boy’s bathroom (strange I’m a girl!) than I’m in the mulitplayer room, and than in frount of the prisen!

      2. Wow! I even changed islands! First i was on 24 carrot, then Super Power! Hijuyo, i figured it out. Just do it really fast (hold shift and roll the mouse VERY quickly.) Thank you, Magic Storm!

  3. OMG FULLSCREEN?awesome?

    OT:I tried to go on the PHF,but it said OOPS!THIS LINK APPEARS TO BE BROKEN.
    I used Google Chrome,PLZ HELPZ!

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