
Happy Halloween


I hope all you guys had fun tonite. Get high on candy and scare everyone with your fantastic costumes.
Keep the toilet rolls in the toilet and the eggs in the fridge. Your mums will like that.

Me living in Australia, we dont celebrate it that much. But me and my friends helped celebrate it on Poptropica. You can too. Dress up in the wakiest costumes. And have fun.

Have a spooky Christmas…Halloween.

Poptropica Help Team

Scary Tomato, Smockers, Codien

20 thoughts on “Happy Halloween”

  1. Happy Halloween! It’s still 8:00 AM, So i Have A while Before Halloween.
    PS:This site rocks A TON!

  2. i got tons of candy

    mischief night is tonight so get ur eggs and toilet paper tonight

    u live in australlia???

    Codien: Yep mate, i do. I love shrimp on the Barbie, and i ride kangaroos everywhere 😛
    This is the good thing about Poptropica. You can be anywhere in the world. And have fun playing it.

  3. BTW, Codien, Austrailla is the number one place i want to visit one day…
    i hope i do. 🙂 same as tough claw.

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