Reality TV Island, Sneak Peeks

This ain’t food!

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…Sadly, the seagulls don’t want to share their eggs with us. Oh well, I guess we’ll just have some bird-shaped cookies instead! Tweet tweet!

The story below is a sequel chapter to the โ€œHot Under the Collarโ€ chapter from a previous post on the PHB. Please note that the story below is a work of fiction; written by the PHB Team to entertain its readers. Enjoy!

The Old but New Adventures of Comic Kid
Ned Noodlehead by day, Comic Kid hero by night.

Chapter 4
Soaring High

It took all night, but Comic Kid finally made it to the other end of the volcanic tunnel. He’d had to jump on each chunck of nearby rock, careful not to fall into the deadly lava of the underground. Along the way he kept having strange feelings about where he was, but had managed to shake it off. Comic Kid hadn’t had any sleep that night, having spent the whole time crawling through danger, and was extremely relieved when a huge ray of sunlight beamed on his face. Not only was it already daytime, but that also meant that the exit was close by!

A few minutes later, Ned Noodlehead (Comic Kid’s daytime form) emerged from the long “hole”. In front of him was a group of hills, which seemed to glow radiantly, seemed to say to him, Explore.ย Ned had never been to this area before, and thought it rather strange but pleasant. However, he was rather tired from the previous night’s adventure and decided to take a nap under the shade of a palm tree.

An hour later, he woke up feeling hungrier than ever. Gah, where’s a hot dog when I need one?, growled his stomach. But of course, Ned’s love for exploration drove him to the hills. He thought that some hiking might make him feel better, and it certainly did! (You see, taking a walk is healthy for your body. In case you’ve been sitting at your computer all day, this is for you: Get up and exercise!)

On his hike, he met several little creatures, including a cute and friendly armadillo. “I like to go out hiking when summer chills the air!” sang Ned, remembering one of his favorite hiking songs. While climbing the hills he’d also managed to find similar berries to the ones he’d eaten in a jungle before. His stomach became satisfied for a time.

Less than an hour later, Ned Noodlehead had reached as far as he could up the top and sniffed the air in delight. “Is that eggs I smell?” the kid wondered. He stepped closer and was able to confirm what he’d just smelled. Seagull’s eggs! Atop a large rock there lay a nest with two little eggs inside. Unfortunately for Ned, though, the eggs’ owner – a white seagull with a long yellow beak –ย immediately appeared, guarding the nest. She had been soaring high in the sky, but swooped down to stand next to her nest upon seeing Ned. Now she glared at him as a warning not to even bother taking the precious eggs. Ned shrugged and decided to head back down to find something else for his lunch.

Blog Post Title: Soaring High
Description: Last week I went for a hike into the hills of a strange island, and this is what I saw. I was so hungry from my travels and the eggs looked so good, but I didn’t think the seagull would like it if I “borrowed” an egg for my lunch!
Image URL:
Image Name: more_birds.jpg
Posted by: Comic Kid

Hungry for eggs? Don’t worry, there’s sure to be some chicken eggs for sale at your local supermarket. But that’s not what Ned Noodlehead wanted, was it? ๐Ÿ˜›

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