Mystery Train Island

I can’t wait for freight…

Because freight is great! It’s easy to rate (as great)! Whenever I see the freight(train) I run out the gate! If it comes late, then I hate (it)! Why do I love freight? I guess it’s just a family trait! Now enough talking about this great freight. There’s a new post, so let’s skate over! I can’t wait!

Friday, October 14, 2011

What’s in the freight car?

Eagle-eyed Poptropicans may have noticed some familiar items in the freight car on Mystery Train. It seems that the World’s Fair organizers brought along a lot of items from other Poptropica Islands!

Can you look at this picture of the freight car and guess which Islands the numbered objects came from?

Click the image to see the full-sized version.

We’ll give you the weekend to puzzle over it. Then we’ll post the answers next week.

In the meantime, if you haven’t had a chance to take a ride on the Mystery Train yet, visit Poptropica now to play! Mystery Train is open to all.

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Why, we’ve posted this a bit late!  The things will be revealed on the 17th, what a great date! We’ll find out, it’s our fate! There are some things from Time tangled, nabooti, mythology and reality TV islands in that great freight. That tiki looks heavy, it must have a large weight! OK everyone, I have to go, I’m in a pretty sickly state. (no really I’m pretty ill) I’d better hurry, for an ill person I’ve got a lot on my plate.
*GB inflate(s) balloon and floats away* …