Game Show Island Guide


Welcome to a future where robots rule. Building computers to compete on TV game shows seemed like a funny idea – until the machines wanted more. Now, after years of robotic dominance, Poptropica needs a savior. Are you clever enough to beat the robots at their own games, and restore the dignity of all Poptropicans?

For walkthroughs on Game Show Island, scroll down.

Released: October 27, 2011 (for members)
or November 22, 2011 (for all)
Common Room: Robo-Bling Boutique
Preceded by: Mystery Train Island
Succeeded by: Ghost Story Island

Resources on this page: Island Extras | Synopsis from Poptropica | Video Walkthrough | Written Walkthrough | Album Photos | Trivia

Island Extras: Map | Official Tour | Trailer | Video Playlist | Pop Places IRL

Video Walkthrough

For a written walkthrough with pictures, scroll down on this page!

Written Walkthrough

Walkthrough written by Super Thunder
Special thanks to Slanted Fish, Slippery Raptorxoxo, & Invisible Ring

Welcome to Game Show Island, where a robot revolution has rendered humans slaves to machines. The first thing to do is head left, and bounce on the bouncy roof of the Robo-Bling Boutique. Once at the roof, you will see a red Toolkit. Grab it, and jump back down.


Go left, and go inside the Factory. Go up, and find the control panel for the crane.

Press the little green “Up” button. Make it a reasonable height; your Poptropican must be able to jump onto it. Keep on making it go up, and alternating sides to make it go up. When you finally get to the top, go left, and click on the computer with the glowing red dot.


An obstacle blocking a passage will open. Go through it, and use your toolkit. With your screwdriver, click and hold on each of the screws, and rotate left until they pop out.

You’ll be faced with a switchboard. Flick the top left switch marked “Robot Factory”.


Then, one of the workers will give you an Electric Fan.


Go outside, and all the way to the right. As you try to enter Club Noveau Riche, a giant gold robot will tell you to fix the AC.

Go inside, and talk to the owner. He’s a weird disco-looking robot, and he’ll tell you to cool him off. So take out your electric fan, and fan him. Then, he’ll give you a Nickel that says “In Holmes we trust.” (The robots are following a rogue robot named Holmes.)


Exit the club, and go all the way left. You’ll see a homeless Poptropican. Give him the nickel. And in return, he’ll give you a pair of Heat Vision Goggles.


Go back to the club, and put on the goggles. You’ll see someone go up a shaft.


Follow them by going outside and using your electric fan to push you up to this window. Then use your toolkit to poke your way in.

The Inventor will not believe you went in. As he runs away, he will activate a mini obstacle course. Go to the highest floor, and push the record player onto the little elevator thingy. It’ll go down. You go down too, and try going right. The Inventor will drop this ball thingy on you, and you’ll fall.

Go right, to get up to the Inventor. Make sure you get to the ‘Roof Access’ door:

Click on the little passcode panel, and put on your heat vision goggles. The code is 2014.


Go in the door, and then the Inventor will explain to you the truth. Apparently, Holmes’s programming went wrong, and the Inventor wants you to win the robots’ game shows to reclaim the dignity of mankind. You’ll get a helicopter and a Jet Remote Control.


Now it’s time for the game shows! Note: These can be done in any order.

Istanbul :: construction & Scaredy Pants

Land in Istanbul, and go right. When you see a sign saying “Site under repair. Do not pass!”, go ahead and pass. Talk to the construction worker.

The task is to move the second to the fourth, and each piece can only go on something heavier than itself. Piece 1 is the blue one on top, piece two is the long gold one, piece 3 is the beige one, and piece 4 is the gold heavy one, at the bottom.

First, put piece 1 on the third base. Then piece 2 on the fourth base. Then pick up piece 1 and put it on top of piece 2. It should look like this:

Now put piece 3 on the third base. Pick up piece 1 and put it over piece 4. It should now look like this:

Now put piece 2 on piece 3, and piece 1 on piece 2. It’ll look like this:

Put piece 4 on the fourth base, and piece one on top of it. Put piece 2 on base 2. It will look like this:

Now piece 1 on top of piece 2, and piece 3 on piece 4. Piece 1 on third base and piece 2 on piece 3. Finally, place piece 1 on piece 2.  The construction worker will be so pleased that you did it, and he’ll give you a “Scaredy Pants” Ticket. Use it. Time to show those robots how awesome you are!


There are three challenges you’ll have to pass in Scaredy Pants.


The first challenge is Darkness Dive. Your task is to get the glow stick and get it to its place in time. Swim down, right, down, left, down, and then right to reach the glow stick. Beware the evil fishies. Wait for them to move away; if you rush through, they’ll shock you.

The next challenge is Creeper Keepers. You need to grab up a creature and put it in its correct bag. Grab the rats, spiders, and snakes as fast as you can. You only have to raise them a tiny bit above the bin openings to get them in. If you can’t pick the last one up, move a little to the side of it.

After you’re done, it’s time for the last challenge: Tightrope Terror. Tilt to the right to roll across, but don’t let the color bar go all the way to the right or you will fall. You have to manage to stay balanced. Push a little harder when near a fan.

Then you’re done! Get to the jet and head for the next city.

Miami :: tilting windowsills & Spin for Riches

Trouble in Miami! Upon landing, you’ll see two robots arguing. Go talk to the sad-looking robot. Great, now you need to catch all of his prizes. Because thou art a good person.


The CrazyRoboLady will throw down three prizes, each higher than the rest. To ensure a safe passage, you need to step on each window sill, and tilt it, making a path straight to the robot.

After you successfully save all three prizes, the robot will give you a “Spin for Riches” Ticket. Use it!


Spin for Riches, here we come!


Spin for Riches is pretty much like Wheel of Fortune. There’s a phrase. You get to spin, and guess a letter. It’s pretty easy. If you think you know the phrase, solve it!

You can also lose a turn, or get a pre-chosen letter. Here are some of the possible answers:9

  1. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but not John Adams: Virginians
  2. Name of a disco song and a weekend night text when you’re sick: Saturday Night Fever
  3. A song possibly dedicated to Darth Vader: Every Breath You Take
  4. Name of a cat and a President: Garfield
  5. Not a fan of Lady Gaga’s wardrobe: Her Dry-cleaner
  6. When you hear this, you should get on your feet: The national anthem
  7. Their life is sweet: Zack and Cody
  8. Who invented the moonwalk, that was not Michael Jackson: Neil Armstrong
  9. Better come inside if you see these: Cumulonimbus clouds
  10. According to a Tee shirt, he has many emotions: Chuck Norris
  11. Two great tastes that taste great together: Peanut Butter and Jelly
  12. No one can call him a blockhead: Phineas
  13. The band, not the bug: John, Paul, George and Ringo (the Beatles)
  14. Advice to give to a frog: Look before you leap
  15. Spaceman Spiff’s alter ego: Calvin

There are three rounds. When you’re done, call the helicopter and head to the next city.

Buenos Aires :: rings & Kerplunk

After landing on Buenos Aires, go left until you see this big gold robot. Click on the gold rings, under the clock, and turn them. The outer ring will be ring 1. The middle ring will be ring 2. The ring in the middle will be ring 3. First, click the 1. Then the 3. Then the 2. That’s it!

You’ll get a “Kerplunk” Ticket. Use it to play the game!


Kerplunk is pretty much like Wipeout. It’s extremely fun to play!

Typical obstacle course stuff. Three awesome filled rounds!

  1. On the first stage, dodge the boots and jump from the spring keys before they launch you.
  2. On the second stage, control your motion when you are thrown by the bag, and use the lighted columns to help you jump across the floating platforms.
  3. On the third stage, jump to the platforms that were just opened, and also jump behind the rolling balls.

Get the fastest time to win the rounds. Once done, go to Moscow.

Moscow :: Mastermind code & Braniacs

Upon arriving at Moscow, find the yellow and blue robot:

This challenge is basically like the game Mastermind. What you have to do is guess the right code (color combination) for the helicopter to land. The code is different for every player.


An easy way to figure it out:

First row, leave everything blue. The robot will tell you which color is correct. Second, everything yellow. Then purple. Then orange. That way you’ll get all the colors by the fifth go! The helicopter will land. Go talk to the robot coming out of it. You’ll get a “Braniacs” Ticket!


Brainiacs is much like Jeopardy, so pick the subject you’re most knowledgeable about!


After getting all the answers answered, pick your second best subject. If you find it harder than you thought, pick something else. For the final wager, you need to calculate carefully. Think about the subject, and how much the other robots have. Then, you’re done with that game show!


Tokyo :: circuits & Mr. Yoshi

When you land, talk to the BotCop. He’ll tell you to fix the electricity for their precious game show. To beat this puzzle, click quickly on the pieces of the circuit to form a complete path.


Then you’ll win a “Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge” Ticket!


Use the ticket, and you’ll be taken to Mr. Yoshi’s Super Terrific Challenge!

yoshi game show

In this game, you’ll have three tasks:

  1. The first challenge is to spell “YOSHI” with the tower blocks. Rotate them to reveal new letters.
  2. In the second challenge, click repeatedly on the eggshell to crack it as fast as you can.
  3. In the third and final challenge, run around like you’ve been stuck in cupboard for ten years to knock down the ten bowling pins.

Then, you’re done! And now – it’s time to take down Holmes. Call on your jet, and go to Main Street.

Reprogramming Holmes

You’re almost there! Except…


D:< THEY’RE OUT TO GET YOU! You must not be seen…

Go straight right, and drop straight down, before the museum. Go down the hole to meet up with the Inventor. He’ll give you a Thumb Drive to reprogram Holmes.


In this part, you have to solve sliding puzzles on each computer you come across to connect one end of the yellow tube with the other end. You can tell which piece goes where by matching the colors on the ends. Each time you solve one, keep moving until you find the next puzzle.


When you get to the main Holmes computer, put in the thumb drive, and voila! Done! You will be awarded the Island Medallion and credits for the Poptropica Store. Congratulations, you’ve completed Game Show Island!


Looking for more walkthroughs? Check out our Island Help page! 🙂

Album Photos

These pictures are collected in your Poptropica photo album in the profile section. Click to enlarge.


  • Game Show Island is Poptropica’s 22nd island. The countdown timer started on October 18, 2011, and it was released for members on October 27 for members with a demo for non-members. It opened for all on November 22, 2011.
  • Holmes may be a reference to Sherlock Holmes, a famous fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. However, the actual machine may be inspired by Watson, a computer who won first place on the real-world game show Jeopardy. Sherlock Holmes’s partner is also named Watson.
  • Common room: Robo-Bling Boutique
  • Many of the game shows on this island are based on actual game shows: Scaredy Pants is based on Fear Factor, Spin for Riches is based on Wheel of Fortune, Kerplunk is based on Wipeout, and Brainiacs is based on Jeopardy.
  • In Miami, there’s a helicopter made by Roflcopter Inc. – a reference to the internet slang term ROFLcopter.
  • The Nickel you get says “In Holmes We Trust,” referring to the American nickel with the phrase “In God We Trust.” Holmes is the computer who’s trying to take over the humans in the quest.
  • Similarly, the binary code on the bell tower in Buenos Aires, when translated, reads “In Holmes We Trust.”
  • The robots on this island are not customizable.
  • The binary code found on the recycle billboard outside the factory translates to “robot.”
  • The Spin for Riches game show contains many pop culture references such as: the disco song Saturday Night Fever, Darth Vader, Garfield being the name of a cat and president, Lady Gaga, the “sweet” life of Zack and Cody, Michael Jackson/Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk, Chuck Norris, Phineas (“no one can call him a blockhead” – because his head is a triangle), the Beatles, and Calvin & Hobbes (Spaceman Spiff’s alter ego).
  • After you win the fourth game show, the television will say that “Holmes has declared Threat Level Midnight” – a reference to the TV show The Office (Season 7, Episode 17).
  • You can play on the pool table in Club Nouveau Riche. It’s just for fun, but see what high score you can get!
  • In the museum, the famous paintings American Gothic (by Grant Wood) and Whistler’s Mother (by James McNeill Whistler) are replaced with robot heads. There is also a robot parody of The Thinker, a sculpture by Auguste Rodin.
  • The robot who throws the prizes out of the window in Miami is named Ventana (Spanish for window).
  • At the end of the video in the museum, you can see the silhouettes of Crusher, Dr. Hare, Betty Jetty, Ned Noodlehead, Director D, Binary Bard, and Mordred.
  • The ending sequence where you deprogram Holmes is inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • Using the heat vision goggles on the keypad is inspired by Splinter Cell.
  • When you’re looking at the electric panel, one of the switches is labeled “Mitch’s House,” a reference to then-Pop Creator Mitch Krpata.
  • Right after you upload the code into Holmes’s mainframe, just before he reverts back to his friendly self, Holmes says “Mary had a Little Lamb” – referring to the popular nursery rhyme.
  • The preview game Money Ladder was released on September 29, 2011. Members could call on three experts to help them with the trivia questions. There were 12 total questions, separated in three rounds with four questions each. Some questions were about Poptropica; others were about general knowledge. If you make it to the top of the Money Ladder (by answering all 12 questions correctly), the prizes were a Robot Costume, Robot Dance special move, and Binary Rain power.

the game is afoot

224 thoughts on “Game Show Island Guide”

      1. Hey! I didn’t use the fan to get to the window, I leaped on the Spirit Animals Ad building then leaped to the window! I MUST BEAT MR YOSHI’S SUPER TERRIFIC CHALLENGE!

      2. First, make sure you’ve seen the man go up the shaft (with the goggles). Then, press “equip” on the fan that you got from the factory and point it downwards. It will make you fly up. Release the mouse when you are directly above the window. I hope this helps!

      1. Just keep on changing the colors on the windows, until you get all four correct, then you go to the one that you haven’t done yet and do the colors that you tested.

      2. The color code is yellow, yellow, purple, blue.

        Slanted Fish: It is actually different every time, so what works for one may not work for another player.

    1. This website is the BOSS for poptropica tips and tricks! Thanks so much, got through the island without a huff! Add if you wanna, my user is artsypie!

  1. thanks to super thunder for posting here too. Her guide is on her blog too. Its ok that I haven’t finished my guide. I wasn’t gonna finish it anyways. I was too busy. Thanks to Super Thunder for helping me complete the island. and everyone. 3 cheers to Super Thunder!

  2. Yep it was, if you would like to read my version of my guide, go to the info page of the island on Poptropica Help Blog. Game Show Island was so easy.

    1. Me nine!! The one time I actually finish tightrope terror but I got ZERO points!! Zip. Zilch. Nada. absolutely nothing. That part is soo frustating

    2. R u guys kidding me? i got past that in no time 30 seconds at the most. And Kerplunk i beat each round 20 seconds or under.

      1. Me two, I was second place with 11,000 points and I got 18,000 points at tightrope terror, it was so easy….

  3. same here i hate it! it’s hard to past the fans! plus the game wasn’t really fair who agrees with me!

    1. Spin for RICHES! wtc? it was so hard and RIGGED or somethin…. the punkbot always won, and i had to play 14 times!!

      1. lol all i did was look up the answers for spin for riches!!
        then you get 3000 points when both of them get nothing!

      2. It was so fun, thanks for whoever put the awnsers here, they both had abseoulutely nothing well I had like 3000!!!

  4. Advanced…you call that advanced?! I figured the puzzles all in one try! Thank you SOOOO much for posting this guide I would’ve never gotten it done! Best island ever! It’s like an easier, funner, more awesomer (because of the games) version of Steamworks!

  5. Um how do you pick up an animal for challenge2 scaredy pants?

    Hijuyo: Just click on it to pick it up, and click the right barrel to drop it in.

  6. I liked spin for riches… but then again, I’ve always liked spelling. I’m weird that way…

  7. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but not John Adams:
    Name of a disco song and a weekend night text when you’re sick:
    Saturday night fever
    A song possibly dedicated to Darth Vader:
    Every breath you take
    Name of a cat and a President:
    Not a fan of Lady Gaga’s wardrobe:
    Her Dry-cleaner
    When you hear this, you should get on your feet:
    The national anthem
    Their life is sweet:
    Zack and Cody
    Who invented the moonwalk, that was not Michael Jackson:
    Neil Armstrong
    Better come inside if you see these:
    Cumulonimbus clouds
    According to a Tee shirt, he has many emotions:
    Chuck Norris
    Two great tastes that taste great together:
    Peanut Butter and Jelly
    No one can call him a blockhead:
    The band, not the bug:
    John, Paul, George and Ringo (the Beatles)
    Advice to give to a frog:
    Look before you leap
    Spaceman Spiff’s alter ego:

  8. Can you guys give me some tips or kerplunk and scaredy (i spelt that wrong) pants? I am only good at stuff where you use your mind not your skills. Also people who need help with spin for riches just go with the flow and just use your brain to find words that have the same letters in the same spot that makes sense. Here it from a canadian. I had know idea who was john adams. Also listen to your competitors.

  9. I can’t get on the ledge outside of the nightclub where you’re supposed to follow the guy up the shaft.

    1. Click on each window to move the dial at the top of each window that indicates which color it currently is. When you click, the color changes. When you’re done with the row, click on the red/green flashing buttons to the side and you’ll find out how many are correct.

    1. If you’re still stuck on the Moscow colored windows, be sure to read my reply to your other comment and the instructions that Poptropica gives you about that part. I’d advise choosing all the same color for a row so you’ll know which are correct, and doing this for all the colors, and then inputting the correct order when you’ve figured it out from the previous rows. Watch a video if you are unsure.

  10. Hi Slanted Fish! 🙂 Your’e awesome! Have you finished all the islands?
    I can’t finish Skullduggery, but i’m sure with the PHB guides i’ll be able to do it! 🙂 PLLLLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEE REPLY:/

  11. where did your poptropican have that glowing effect cuz I want that, can you tell me where to get that please?

    Slanted Fish: It’s from the Phantom gold card in the Poptropica Store. 🙂

  12. I…………………….love……………………………………………………………………………BRANIACS! Best. Game.Show.Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD!

  13. For some reason the host to the spin for riches gameshow always gets upset when I win and gets very happy when I lose. But I don’t really care at least I beat it. Thanks for the help

  14. I would like to give you a big thanks for uploading all of these awesome guides, because I’m not really a fan of the videos with these you can go at whatever pace you want! If it weren’t for these I wouldn’t be finished with the complicated ones! THANK YOU!!

  15. The second puzzle in the final bit is really hard, any tips Slanted Fish?? – Speedy Catfish

    Slanted Fish: It might help to watch a video walkthrough to see how it’s done. 😛

  16. Argg is it possible that they changed the code for the door because whenever I put in 2014 it just doesn’t do anything …….. it’s sooo weird

  17. Thanks for any other informative website.
    Where else may just I am getting that kind of information written in such
    an ideal means? I have a challenge that I’m simply now running on, and I have been at the glance out for such information.

  18. well i completed (and won) spin for riches but when i needed to go to Buenos Aires my jet control wasn’t in my items what should i do?

  19. I won all but one gameshow, and now im on threat lvl midnight…. is that bad? I HOPE NOT! anyways…. im horrible at scardey pants gameshow….. ANY HELPFUL TIPS ANYONE!?

  20. i did all the games shows but i didnt win scaredy pants and im back on main street but Holmes isnt around to try to get me what did i do wrong???

  21. I have a glitch. Equip the fan use it then use a handheld item (such as riptide from Percy Jackson) and you can still use the space bar and you can fly and stuff.

  22. I’m stuck at the second puzzle. It’s imposible!!! I have tried (I counted them) THIRTY-THREE times. Not even videos helped me!!!

  23. Game Show Island was really fun especially the $pin for Riche$ I kept winning (3000 points) and the rest kept getting no points played $pin for Riche$ twice and Kerplunk was okay and I won 2 rounds now on the third! Love Game Show Island it is like a modified Steamworks but more fun (cuz of game shows)

  24. Kerplunk was frustrating! These are my times: 1st – about 23 mins!! 2nd – 8 mins 3rd – 2 mins OMG I win Kerplunk!!!! YAY 🙂 🙂 🙂 Thanks so much PHB for the help I have already completed Mocktropica, Mission Atlantis (1) , Mythology, Early Poptropica and 24 Carrot with your help thx PHB!! (SlantedFish, hi.juyo, samwow5, 1313cookie and others, thanks so much!!)

  25. i went onto this island and um… is it for members only or also non-members
    cause, i’ve done this twice before and i think i just lost may fave account. someone pls help me!!!! 😦

    slantedfish: This island is for everyone, including non-members.

  26. There was a glitch on mine, on the brainiacs thing! I just randomly did every window a different colour on every row, and all the ones I coloured that weren’t blue were incorrect, but then when I said yes on the last and top row the helicopter came down but they were still all coloured red!

    That means I won on the first row, but I still think it’s a glitch!

  27. And then I paused the game to comment about it but then I didn’t get the brainiacs ticket and when I click on the guy he just says he’ll see me on brainiacs! Help!

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