
Welcome to the PHC, the PHB hangout known as the Poptropica Help Chat!

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2,153 thoughts on “Chat”

  1. Dear Scary tomato, I have a questain. My friend said that you can use the gun on the officers belt. I’m really confused is it real or not?

    Scary Tomato: No, it’s not true, your friend was mis-informed. 😉

  2. christian bond – That’s not possible. Poptropica was created on September 2007. It’s not September 2009 yet. The maxium age for your Poptropican is 1 year and 4 or 5 months. 😕

    Poptropicagal – No. You can’t use the gun on the officer’s belt.

  3. If anyone wants to see what it’s like to have a (so far) completed Poptropica game, you can use my account below!!:


    By the way, I’m not 10 anymore, I’m 13. =]

    Oh, and you can do whatever you want. I log in like everyday so I can see what you did er whatever…idk. haha HAVE FUN!!!!!! =]

  4. I’m mostly looking forward to that michanichal furture island. It looks soooo cool. I mean, who dosen’t want to go into the future, ride in a rocet, all that stuff?! 😉

  5. Hi, I was on here before and posted my user account thing and whatever. And somebody changed my person into a guy. Can you do that?

    Scary Tomato: Yes, the randomizing code (Ctrl + Shift + R) can change someone’s gender. 😉

    1. You press Ctrl and Shift and r at the same time time. It will possibly change back into a girl, but not the same as you were before.

  6. If you post your user account on this blog, someone will probably use it and change your outfit. They can do that because you made the choice of posting it here. To change it back, you need to find your old stuff. Does that help, omigoodnesssssssssss?

  7. I have completed Nabooti Island but today I solved it again [ for fun ] and after I put in the jewels, the totem spoke! It said that it could return home.
    Also, the girl that gave the medallion said that the secret of the totem was an alien origin, not space travel. That proves that the totem isn’t in real life, right, Scary Tomato?
    P.S I’m 9 years old

    Scary Tomato: The Nabooti totem is fiction (made-up). There’s no Nabooti totem in real life, yes. 😉

  8. Hey Scary Tomato did you ever saw one of the creators on Poptropica? P.S The golden rule is for this site!!!

    Scary Tomato: Not that I know of… yet! I’m keeping an eye out for them. 😀

  9. hey S.T. or Codien do u no how to change the password of ur account?!?! and how does poptropica generate names????? you could also put a reply button under the comments so we can reply!!!!! thanks!!!

    1. You can change passwords now, Grumpy Wolf! But you still can’t change names…You can CHOOSE them by clicking the “change all” button on the create-a-character page! 😉 😀

  10. hey guys i can tell you how to meet a friend on poptropica! 1. tell the friend when youll be on and who will go in and out and who will stay. 2.if your going in and out keep doing it untill you find your friend.NOTE this will take awhile.if your staying stay on one floor only. it works good with the door floor. 3.have fun! P.S i am new so ive read all the rules but i dont know if this is off topic. hope i helped

  11. Hi, I have a character I made for you.
    User: glitchperson
    pword: glitchperson
    I’m a Christian, too, and I love this site. I’m sure you’ve seen me before!!!!

      1. Hi Cool Penguin and Comical Tummy!!! I am also Christian!!! I hope to see you guys in the players rooms!!!

  12. Yay! Thanks Scary Tomato, Codien and Smockers! I visit your site everyday. It’s helped me so much! 😀

  13. How often does the blog get updated? By the way, thank you so much Smockers, Codien, and Scary Tomato for all the time you put into the ” Poptropica Help Blog”. 😉

    Scary Tomato: Usually every time we discover a new update about Poptropica. 😉

  14. Hi Codien, Smockers, and Scary Tomato! How many hits do you usually recieve everyday? Thank you for all that you have done. Proud Poptropican

    Scary Tomato: It usually ranges to around 1,000 to 5,000. If we’re lucky, it may be even higher than that sometimes! 😀

  15. username weelio ; pass ihop
    username alexka ; pass ponacravfkey
    user matala ; pass williams
    user these ; pass dontwork

  16. I was wondering can you use the customiser tool on the on the really early poptropicans. Not like us the other ones???? 😀

    Scary Tomato: No, sadly, we can’t use the Costumizer on them… 😦

  17. accounts:
    1. user name:boogopenseason password: season
    2. user name: deerperson password: halfdoehalfbuck
    both are boys and haven’t done anything yet. dont change their costumes.

  18. Thanks for all these free accounts! I’ve filled up a notebook with SIX pages of accounts from here and another discussion page on woordpress!
    My teacher lets us play Poptropica at school, Scary Tamato, we just have to go through it by Funbrain!
    IT ROCKS!!!!!!
    can you go to an island and play me paint war??? My useris wild rock or golden fly!!!

    Scary Tomato: If you see me, just challenge me to a game! 😉

  19. how do i take off the open season clothes

    Scary Tomato: Use the Costumizer tool on another non-player character and a window will pop up. On your character in that window, click on all the clothes you want to take off. 😉

  20. scary tomato, do you just call yourself scary tomato or do you really have that name on your poptropica person when you view how many stars they have and what name??

    Scary Tomato: I’m called Scary Tomato on Poptropica. That’s how I got my name here. 😉

  21. one chance objects-when you travel to the future for the first time on time tangled you will meet your older slef and he will have sticks on his back once you complete time tangled you will not get this chance
    24 carrot-Dr.Hare’s outfit once you send him away you will not get the chance to have his costume—although there has been some rumor that he will be back

    Scary Tomato: That’s not true. The sticks can also be obtained from your older self of the fixed future, and Dr. Hare’s costume isn’t Costumizable in the first place. 😉

  22. scary tomatoe,
    i passed nabootie island.i would not of passed it if it wernt for your help blog.THANK U! U R SO AWEOSME! U ROCK YAHOOOO!THANK !

    Scary Tomato: Thank Codien, he wrote the guide. 🙂

  23. Where is the magnifing glass on poptropicas nabootie island? I want to find it!

    Scary Tomato: It’s automatically there for you when you click on the pile of diamonds; you don’t need to find it. Read our guide for more information. 😉

  24. heres an account some one can have:
    charecter: female
    i made it! I hope some one likes it and i didnt get any progress on the game so u can do it! ur welcome

      1. No, I don’t! I have no use for that account. In fact, I don’t think I ever played it! So it’s all yours and you can change her clothes and everything!

  25. here are some spare accounts that i made for you guys……………………
    user:girlygal02 pass:please (girl)
    user:theman03 pass:please (boy)i really dont know how to dress the boy so please take care of it lol but im not going on the account so its all yours the girl is girly lol i havnt completed the missions yet since i dont want to do them lol like i said hope you like the accounts

  26. 594, I used the Character Map in Windows XP. Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map. I hoped that helped. 😉

  27. What’s with the Yogo’s thing when you log in? And Cazmo Clues is on the blogroll Never heard of Planet Cazmo.

  28. here my cosin doesnt want this account so im giving it to whoever wants it
    its a girl
    oh and pink panther is so cool (i mean the mission) its very easy lol and you can color people pink 😀

    -dizzy whale

  29. heres a free poptropica account. u.coolguy3131 p.sweetfire its a boy so please dont randomize him because here is a girl one. u.giveawaygirl p.sweetcandy fell free to dress them anyway you like.

  30. I have and account to give away.
    User: Obiwan2423
    Pass: yoda4
    Please don’t change what he’s wearing. He looks cool that way.

  31. You know how our names are different, I wish we could customize like it!! Like Cool Penguin you could wear a penguin suit or same with panda, or TOMATO!!!

    Scary Tomato: That’s an interesting idea. 😀

    1. LOL cool, I wonder how they would do Grey Flame…
      How I wish that would happen…
      But mabye some people don’t want to be “happy burger” or something.

      1. I have an account called “Funny Kid”… I wonder how that would look… 🙂

  32. Spaming has to stop here are some reasons of why spamming should stop! 1. It will waiste to much room on a post 2. More than 1,300 spams are caught dont increase it! 3.It will risk you being banned from commenting!So see! To not spam you shold enter all your facts before commenting!

  33. lazy panda-I luv that idea i can be Cool Fox and i can change my red-orange fox suit to black or grey and white. 🙂 😉

    1. My names are Lion, Seal, Horse, and Eagle, so I wouldn’t mind the costumes. But some people have names that end with like Hamburger and Brain. I don’t think anyone wants to walk around as a Brain!


  34. Do you think that Vlad The Vikings Poptropica account password is the same as his Youtube account password?

  35. So that’s what the Cyborg Jester was for…

    ST: Now that Astro-Knights has come out (replying you some months later), we know that he is ”Binary Bard/Mordred”… 😛

  36. hey Scary Tamato! I’m Wild rock!
    r u 12? cuz on the other log page for discussions, legoless got a teeny bit mad at me cuz (one I called him a liar and (two i thought he was 2

    Scary Tomato: Hi Wild Rock! Yes, I am 12. This is the only discussion page on this site, so I’m guessing you’re talking about something else. Please don’t get off topic here. And don’t call anyone a liar or 2 either! 😆

  37. Scary Tomato, can u get Vlad the Viking 2 take a picture of me? I hope i’m not asking to much of u, but i heard he takes pictures of u if ur a realy uneek Poptropican and the outfit my carictar is wearing is super-uneek! Only 2 people hav copied it. I think it would be a great edition to Vlad’s picture thing! If ur going 2 mention me 2 him tell Vlad I’ll b in the coconut cafe on Shark Tooth island. And i’ll be up the top on the left. Please!!! from Magic Storm

    Scary Tomato: No, I can’t control what Vlad does on Poptropica! 😉

  38. I know not many people look at these things, but, i hav a Poptropican up 4 graps!!! any1 can use her. I hav put a despition of her below.

    NAME: orangeclown10
    PASSWORD: clown
    GENDER: female
    OUTFIT: brain helmet on head, has black hair, purple skin, mobile phone in hand, pink panther shirt, black skirt and striped purple backpack
    ISLANDS DEFEATED:Nabooti island
    OTHER INFO:Has finshed Pink panther 2 Ad activity, can b used 2 discover glitchs, outfit can b changed, u can do anything u want with her(except change her gender)

    I hope u enjoy using this caricter!!!

  39. #613,that would be kinda neat(my poptropican name is Creepy Kid), but wouldn’t be neat for others(like if their name is Serious Hamburger,Sticky Hippo,etc.)


    MT-: Go away, 10 year-old me. >.>

  40. I know wen! It comes out this spring!!!
    But honestly I’m confused! Do they mean Spring in Australia or America? And if they do mean in America doesn’t that mean our(Australia’s)Autume? I’m realy confused. Som1 help me out here!

    Scary Tomato: By “spring”, it probably means Astro-Knights Island is coming out sometime in the first half of 2009. I don’t know for sure, though. 😉

  41. AY CARUMBA and OH MY POP!!! I just saw som1 named Super Shark in the coconut cafe and get this: his head was missing!
    Well it wasn’t ‘missing’ it was there, but it wasn’t on his shoulders! It is really crazy!!!

    Scary Tomato: That is extraordinary! 😯

    1. I saw a few people like that! Like they were walking and their head was in the same place. I went up to one person like that and I talked to their headless body. It was weird!

      1. I did it once! You let someone win balloons, and right before it will say you lose, click close. A note will pop up asking if you want to abort the script (your computer will be slow before this) Click yes. Then watch!

  42. UPDATE ALERT! After I wrote the last page I had another look but this time, his head really was know where in sight!!! I searched the builing but it was nowhere!!!

  43. UPDATE ALERT! After I wrote the last commentI had another look but this time, his head really was know where in sight!!! I searched the builing but it was nowhere!!!

  44. Plus, comment 513-613 (i don’t know what number, i was to lazy to look. lol.) I once was making a new player and it’s name was BIG BIRD. OMG. I WOULD NOT want to go wandering around looking like a baby show chracter! (no offence baby shows)

  45. U know the picture of the ufo that had crashed into a castle? Does any1 else think that it could hav a connection with the new Astro Knights Island?

    Scary Tomato: It probably does. 😉

  46. Neat Whale:
    WOW! Gee, wat’s next? Elmo Monster? LOL!!!
    You could find a furry red suit and go wandering around with baby Poptropicans at ur knees trying 2 get autographs!!! LOL!!!

  47. This question may have been asked already but, where have all these players on Poptropica recieved the glass/cup? I can’t find it anywhere! Do you guys know where it is? And how can I get it? THANK YOU!!! 😀
    Codien: Yes i do, In spy island. When you get the fingerprint from the cup, you wear the cup. So all you have do to is not give it back.

  48. Hey ppl ummm i cannot wait till astro knight comes out! Also in my opinion, i think that poptropica should have a weekly news paper! It changes every week on a sertain day, what do u guys think? P.S: Scary tomato tell me ur coment too! And by the by how do u put those little emotion face thingys on ur coment? THNX!

    Scary Tomato: That’s a cool idea. About the smilies, you can learn more on the Cool Stuff page. 😉

    1. Poptropica rocks! I only need to complete astro knights island! Sorry if i seem like I’m bragging.:(

  49. super power comment 105, YOUR wrong. i saw poptropica main page they replaced nabooti: now online to astro nights: coming this spring. and if you click it, you can see the mechanical jungle. p.s. and the cyborg jester p.s.s. and the spaceship p.s.s.s astronights island is mechanical/medeval island p.s.s.s.s i love your blog scary tomato

  50. Scary Tomatoe, Codien, and Smockers: Very nice site! I have a question for Codien. What did you use to make the site? HTML, XTML, java-script, java or something else.

    Scary Tomato: (Sorry, I know I’m not Codien, but just to answer your question…) You don’t have to use any of those complicated things to make this site, all you do is click and type. WordPress is pretty simple to handle. 😉

  51. Nice Website.

    I have a few questions.

    1. is Reality TV Island Canceled

    I have an idea you can make your own reality TV Thing with poptropica players.

    Codien: Thank-You, i don’t think is cancelled but we will find out soon, thats a good idea. Maybe we should do something like that.
    Thanks for your questions.

  52. big nate islan cooms out on febuary 2. did you know jeff kinney made poptropica

    Scary Tomato: Jeff maintains Poptropica but I don’t know what stuff he does. He created it, though. 🙂

    1. account 2 give away:

      ninjadude27 (username)
      password: 123456789

      P.S— Fearless Paw, today is saturday! how come i don’t see poptropica mysteries? I’ll come later 🙂

    2. That explains why some of the hairstyles on poptropica are like the ones in [b]”The Diary Of A Wimpy Kid”[/b] series.

  53. scv19 i know its cool. 🙂 its really cool for me because i love diary of a wimpy kid. P.S i want to take an image of my popropica guy but i dont know how. please help me!

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