Community Creations

Community Creations: May 2020


Hello once again everyone! Spotted Dragon here bringing you the May recap for Community Creations! May’s theme was Wild West (and the featured work is not in any particular order). Be sure to check out all the featured artists!

No clue what’s going on? Go see our intro post.


In the Desert by happyclonetrooper

Wow, right off the bat I love the ambiance of this work. The warm hues and brilliant lighting really add to the western atmosphere. The composition is well arranged and there are lots of details that fill up the scene! Finding that sort of variety in an otherwise plain landscape can sometimes be a difficult task, but the textures here were nailed. And the presentation leaves me wanting more! Will our hero find her way home, or succumb to the harsh temperatures of her environment? Very smooth execution! Find her DeviantArt here.

Snake Oil Salesman by Gentle Dolphin (aka JordynGowens)

Oooh, now this is an interesting take on our theme! While most of us think of El Mustachio Grande when we imagine the Wild West, that’s not the only villain of the desert! Hardcore Poptropica fans will certainly remember R.J. Earl, the infamous salesman of Wild West Island. The tonics and mixtures that he offers may seem “too good to be true,” but… what do you think? Anyway, the attention to detail in this piece is wonderful, making for another vividly atmospheric scene. The lighting is gorgeous, the lineart is smooth and crisp, the items in the shop add great easter eggs, and the colors are brilliant! A truly unique entry with an intriguingly symmetrical composition! Find her DeviantArt here.

Lone Coyote’s Fond Memories by Perfect Fish (aka jaekelopterus3)

Lots of detail in this submission too! The busy composition here presents a lot of information, but truly represents the fun of Wild West Island! With the changes in Poptropica we’re all facing right now, this piece definitely reflects the nostalgia and perhaps worry that we are all feeling. The work has a ton of brilliant energy, making for a whimsical, childlike mood (perfect for Poptropica of course). I love the elements of text, the bold colors, and the vivid texture. Plus, we don’t often get to see Poptropicans portrayed with fingers! Attention can be found in every inch of the paper, for sure! Find the artists in the comment section and on Discord.

Staring Down the Barrel of a Gun by ray-of-flight

Ah, yet another piece with brilliant lighting! The warm hues, once again, are very appropriate for this month’s theme and make for a particularly interesting color palette. I love the drama found within this scene, especially given the angled lighting and the perspective of the viewer. The foreshortening required in the pose is a difficult one to pull off, but the view of the gun certainly makes the effort worth it. The composition is more straightforward, but that certainly adds to the drama! Excellent work! Find their DeviantArt here.

Ready for the Showdown by AdventurersNHunters

Here, we see “Sheriff Jackson ‘Red Hunt’ Smith and Deputy Darcy ‘Yellow Stone’ Stone Versus El Mustachio Grande and The Grande Gang.” How exciting! According to the artist, “Red was just visiting his home island while Yellow went there due to what is happening there. Suddenly, Yellow and Red run into eachother and have no choice but to work together, they still hate eachother. Jackson only did to hunt down El Mustachio and claim his reward.” Dun dun duh!!! This piece is definitely filled with drama and excitement, perfectly showcasing a true western showdown. It’s as if it were a movie poster for an old western film! I love all the different characters, the colored blocking within the composition, and the dark shading. Wonderful! Find her DeviantArt here.


Lots of Grande fan art this month, which was super cool!


Community Creations is a cool series for anyone in the Poptropica community to join in on. To sum up what it’s about, it’s basically a chance to show off your artwork, creepy fan-fics, Pop clubhouses, costumes, and anything else that pops into your mind.

If we really like the piece you submit, we will feature it here on the PHB! As long as it relates to that month’s theme. So what is June’s theme? June’s theme is…


With June kicking off Pride month and the continued fight for equality, the significance of color never ceases to be prominent. Luckily in art, color is an element for self expression and pride rather than something that divides us. So this month, let’s showcase some color in our amazing community, but with an added challenge!

Monochromatic, if you aren’t familiar, means “one color.” Therefore, I challenge you to submit work that you make using only one color! Remember that different shades and tints of that color, as well as neutrals are allowed. So get creative, and maybe we will be able to feature work from EVERY COLOR OF THE RAINBOW! And if you aren’t into drawing, remember that you can still participate. Perhaps write a story with one color being particularly important, write a poem about all your favorite purple things in Poptropica maybe, or even put together an outfit in Poptropica that’s all one color. It’s all up to you, so let your color shine with pride!

  • Comment below with a link to whatever you’ve created OR share it with me (SydVC aka Spotted Dragon) on DeviantArtTwitter, or Discord.
  • Results: I will feature 5 of the submissions as well as 3 honorable mentions.
  • Limitations: Nothing NSFW, and make sure you relate to the theme.
  • Due Date: I will take any entries before the end of this month. Submit as many things as you’d like!

I will be sure to let you know I have seen your creation. While quality counts, I’m mainly looking for something to simply catch my eye, so don’t be afraid to join in!

So what are you waiting for? Go make something awesome!


4 thoughts on “Community Creations: May 2020”

  1. Ooo monochromatic, that will definately be an interesting theme. Excited to see what people come up with!

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