Crisis Caverns Island

Crisis on Infinite Caverns: Conclusion

Hoi, I’m Koi.

Here we are again! Thank you idkย for the screenshots, once more. If you haven’t seen part one, check here.

Jurassic Arc

Get it? Because his spine is like a bridge? And it kinda looks like aย dinosaur? Get it?

Not much I can comment on here besides that this island would’ve had very cool scenery, and clearly very cool gameplay. Walking right on top of the vertebrae going from the skull to the end of the back of a dinosaur? That’s pretty gnarly if you ask this man guy right here.

Nuclear Power Plant

Get it? Because they’re plants? And they’re glowing? Get it?

Idkย says these things are not only producing light, but they’re moving as well.


This place looks like it was built in Realms to me for some reason. There’s more to this area than just the plants, so let’s move on.


More orange Orbs, and a dead k-koi fish?!

Or you know, just literally any fish at all.

Jokes aside, he also said the metallic cube we see to the right of him can be walked through, which seems to imply in reality it’ll had to have been moved out of the way by the player.


It’s almost confirmed considering you can move the metallic cube over here. They probably didn’t just finish the coding before they decided to abandon the island so the other one could move, or at least that’s my two cents. ๐Ÿ˜›


Ever wanted to take a nice cold dip under a prehistoric beast’s skeleton which is just evidence of it’s rotting, rotting corpse? Me too!

Anyway, that wraps this crisis up. Hope y’alls finally had your crisis caverns hunger fed! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank youย idk once moreย for making this possible.

-Koi (fish emoticon)

20 thoughts on “Crisis on Infinite Caverns: Conclusion”

  1. You know, the sneak peeks for Crisis Caverns Island kind of remind me of the Legendary Swords part 2 sneak peeks. Strange.

    1. I read it, but that doesn’t mean they should stop doing it. I mean, they haven’t ditched it completely, there’re still stuff around that has stuff from it. Like those displays of E.vile and his robots in the Poptropicon common room and that spaceship from Legendary Swords that is hanging. Besides it’s not medieval+science fiction space, it’s fantasy/science fiction space.

  2. Do you know what’s funny? Those sneak peaks for Crisis Caverns Island appeared around the same time the Legendary Swords sneak peaks appeared. Even more strange.

    1. Why would an evil space lord team up with an underground king who lives on Poptropica? More likely Binary Bard, but not that likely.

      1. Because why not?! xD This is Poptropica. Anything could happen. Maybe they both have some space related plan? IDK, I haven’t played Legendary Swords since fifth, maybe fourth grade. I kind of abandoned it after that (rage quit). xD

      2. It would not make any sense if a guy who lives UNDERGROUND has any space related plans. Then again, does Crisis Caverns really take place in Poptropica? Those strange plants, that giant monster skeleton which was bigger than a dinosaur, and how similar the sneak peeks are and the time they were published.

      3. It would not make any sense if a guy who lives UNDERGROUND has any space related plans. Then again, does Crisis Caverns really take place in Poptropica? Those strange plants, that giant monster skeleton which was bigoer than a dinosaur, and how similar the sneak peeks are and they time they were published.

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