PMFM (Poptropican Meme Face Mondays)

Poptropican Meme Face Mondays: Round 8

Heyyo Poptropicans, it’s Ultimate iPad Expert here.


It’s real. And it’s here. Welcome to round eight of PMFM (Poptropican Meme Face Mondays)!


The lucky meme-faced Poptropicans this week are Spencer Bennett, SillyWing, and Prickly Monster! And here are the memes:

Feel free to click on the images to view them in their full glory. 😛

Want your own meme face?

Well, it’s simple. Comment on the most recent PMFM post (just choose the one of the list here). Be sure to follow the criteria below:

  • Very crucial: Wear the outfit you want to have in the meme face on Poptropica and keep it on for at least a week.
  • As mentioned, find the most recent PMFM post (it will be at the top of this list)
  • Include your Poptropican username in a comment.
  • Include the meme face you would like on your Poptropican in your comment (a link to an image of the meme is very preferred).
  • Post your comment and wait! (PMFM is operated on a first come-first serve basis, so your meme face will come after all of the ones before are released).
  • Just a note: You do not need to re-comment on newer posts if you haven’t gotten yours yet. Once I reply to your comment mentioning “You being added to the list,” then I have seen your comment and added it to my literal list, so yours will be made after each one before is made.

This completes round eight of meme faces. Tune in next Monday for the next Poptropican Meme Face Mondays!

What do you think about this week’s meme faces? Comment below.

• Ultimate iPad Expert •

53 thoughts on “Poptropican Meme Face Mondays: Round 8”

  1. Oh, and it looks like the photo album pictures are finally up for Pelican Rock. Guess I’ll have to replay the island sometime to get them. Also, the Creators posted a remembrance post for David Bowie.(R.I.P)

    1. Thanks again. 😛

      Well, you don’t have to restart. You can just add the rest on, if that’s easier. It’s up to you, though. Whatever’s easiest.

      You’re really gonna love the final product, for which I need the full versions. 😉 I wanna tell you, but would ruin the surprise. 😛

      1. Hmm… I wonder what you guys are up to.😉 Whatever it is, though, I’m sure it will be great! 😀

      1. I’m just wondering, but when is mine coming out? It’s OK if it isn’t for a few weeks, I can wait.

      2. Welp, since you just more recently asked for yours, it’s currently scheduled for March 21. (Unless I do anymore special episodes, in which case it would be bumped a week more for each special) There’s so many submissions. 😛

      3. It’s OK. In fact, it might even be better if it comes out that day- March 21 is a little less than a week before I celebrate my first year of playing Poptropica! (I started playing at the end of March 2015, can’t remember the exact date) Time sure does fly!

  2. Theory of the Day (Day 12)
    How did you get your blimp? (And other Poptropican Origin Stories)
    Well, no one knows. Did you magically get it one day? Did you buy it? Did your family give it to you? ( Well, I’ll get to the family part in a minute.) Something that I find strange is that in the upcoming Home/Skydock Island opening, when you are talking to the Pilot, that you say that you are going to Poptropica. But, aren’t you from Poptropica? Maybe you aren’t. Maybe you’re from the REAL WORLD. Could that be where the graphic novels are heading? ( P.S.- I think the 2nd Volume should come out sometime in Feburary) But, maybe you aren’t. Maybe you just mean the actual islands. Anyway, this brings up another topic- who’s your family, and do you even have one? In Poptropica, you are a kid, but yet you keep saving the world, because the world almost got destroyed multiple times, some of which involve you trusting everyone you meet. WHERE THE HECK ARE YOUR PARENTS?!? And if you do have a family, could they have given you that yellow, or should I say golden, blimp that constantly travels from island to island? We may never find out.

    1. HEY!!!!! I theoried this last year under the Our Discovery island post by HP!! Not cool, man. NOT cool. This is pretty close to my theory. If you just copied my theory, I would appreciate it if you didn’t.

      1. I didn’t copy your theory. I didn’t even know that you had written it. What must have happened is that I didn’t check the comments on that post, and didn’t see your theory. Then when I accidentally wrote a similar theory without realizing it. Sorry for that, it won’t ever happen again.

      1. You can indeed have a meme face. I know which face you’re talking about, so you don’t have to show a picture. 😉

        You’re added to the list, but if you could remove the bag from your Poptropican, that’d be good. 😛

What's popping, Poptropicans?