PHB Sneak Peeks, Super Villain Island, The Missing Link

The Missing Link: El Mustachio, the 5th Super Villain

Hi Gs, (yes, I’m back to my old intro, what are the odds 😛 )

You’re probably wondering about the title, and you should be — I have solid proof this time! Or not. But I’m pretty sure about this, so let’s get started! 😀


The picture above shows one of the numerous pop quizzes that abide in the Friends feature. This particular quiz challenges you on what your favorite Poptropica villain is – note that the villains in the list are the main ones – except one. Along with legendary villains such as Captain Crawfish, Black Widow, and Dr. Hare is a not-so-famous villain, El Mustachio Grande (from Wild West Island). Why would he be in the list? That itself seems odd.

But it goes even further; a Daily Pop from the developmental stages of Super Villain Island, which combines some of the most famous villains of Poptropica, shows an apparent mega boss combining the four villains of the island – but you may notice that along with the jester/bunny/artist/pirate look of the robot, there are a couple hints as to something else in the works. Notice the mustache and sombrero kind of hat – some main attributes of El Mustachio.


There still is one more thing about another Daily Pop around that time. Take a look at the sneak peek picture below. It’s showing a primary working of the Prison Lab where the sleep machine and Dr. Jupiter reside on Super Villain Island. Remember, there are only 4 main villains whose dreams you infiltrate – but there is one more sleep containment in the picture. It’s obviously meant for El Mustachio.


The question is, why was El Mustachio taken out of the island? Maybe because he didn’t have a Creator alias, or he wasn’t popular enough – but if that was the case, then what was the motive in the first place? Did he interfere with the story line, or did he just not cut it? What if he was put back into the SUI for Super Villain Island? That would be pretty awesome. 😀

So what do you think? Am I right about El Mustachio, or is my theory as weak as the Wild West Island pea shooter? Tell me in the comments. 😉


12 thoughts on “The Missing Link: El Mustachio, the 5th Super Villain”

  1. No your theory is pretty solid, and I wish they’d add him in the SUI. But maybe he didn’t make the final cut because when they were making the dream things, their plan for that mini mission could have been this really long fetch quest. If you know what I mean

      1. So the returning four plus one was originally gonna be the returning five.. Er, plus one.

  2. El Mustachio Grande should have been in SVI-he is my favorite villain all the way! 🙂

  3. El Mustachio Grande is my favorite villain!!!! I always counted he would become a super villain on day!!! Hopefully he would become the #1 most popular villian one day. who knows…. going to keep my fingers crossed….

  4. sir rebral’s reaction: WTF?!
    MY reaction: great i hope he will be a villian in the sui….

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