Glitches, Time Tangled Island

The Time-Twisted Roamin’ Roman

If you go on Shark Tooth Island now, you’ll find the Roman soldier from Time Tangled Island there on top of a building! He can also be found in Ancient Greece guarding the Treasury on Time Tangled, but what’s he doing here? For those who haven’t seen this guy up here before, he stood there with the same message about 6 years ago to promote the release of Time Tangled before the island came out.


You’ll notice he says “Time Twisted” instead of Time Tangled – that’s because Time Tangled was referred to as Time Twisted before the island was released. But what is he doing here now, in 2014, and why doesn’t he at least refer to the island as Time Tangled?

I wonder what this means – is it a glitch in the system? (Maybe that’s why the blimp was glitching? We don’t know.) Why is he back? The Time Tangled SUI was released a while back, but he’s only shown up recently. Stay tuned for more updates!

update #1: PHB reader Cuddly Lion has found that the item images for a map, blueprint, picture, and comic for various different islands have gone missing! What’s going on?


Seems like a glitch, but at least three items are missing their pictures – that’s crazy! Are the Creators planning something, or just having some trouble getting it together?

update #2: There’s a new area on Shark Tooth now! Go left when you get off the blimp and there’s a little island! There’s also more on Astro-Knights, Vampire’s Curse, Lunar Colony, and floating car on Night Watch Island! O_O WOW! (Thanks HP and HCM!)


P.S. I wonder, with the release of Monster Carnival on for tomorrow, Friday, will this be somehow part of the island? And if not, then what’s going on??


49 thoughts on “The Time-Twisted Roamin’ Roman”

  1. Maybe because the same thing happened back in 2008, when MCI/Time Tangled were coming soon on the map. They’re putting the viking back for nostalgia? 😛 Maybe…

    1. maybe 1 of the new islands has something to do with messing up old servers /old memory data of poptropica. mocktropica 2 maybe? or,….maybe it IS just a glitch. *sad face*

  2. I checked 328 BC – the soldier is still there! He is supposed to be the soldier on the left that is guarding the treasury.

    1. Really? Weird. Or maybe when they were programming some old things came back into Poptropica…you know, typed the wrong codes or something. It’s a theory.

  3. I always wanted to see this. 🙂

    Also, I thought this comment form said, “What’s pooping, Poptropicans?”


  4. I found something else-something BIG! Check your Shark Tooth inventory-you will get the Vent Blueprints from 24 Carrot! Something’s going on here…

    1. And in Big Nate, the comic is missing! The card is still there, but not the comic! Same thing for Counterfeit with the dragon picture!!!

    1. Ik, but it’s “strange” that it still hasn’t been fixed, I looked the other day at my inventory and it was fixed, but when I made the post and Cudddly Lion said it’s messed up so I went go check and it was messed up again 😦

    1. Yeah…it’s strange that they don’t have at least one ad running…the ad space on Main Street on Early Poptropica Island is being taken up by the Arcade Common Room.

      1. Why does it have two common rooms? We only need one an island (and I prefer the Zomberry Cinema 😉 )

  5. THIS IS MAJOR. Their is a new area in shark tooth island!!! go to the left on main street! you can see a wrecked ship in the background!

  6. I found the area too, but now it’s just promoting MCI. I’m pushing off my homework and saying I’m typing something (that’s due next month XD) while replaying MCI.

    1. But I couldn’t cause it was going on the fritz. On the bright side, it’s five years old, so I could ask for a chrome book on my birthday!!!! Plus, my bday is in July, so I would have a month and a half to work it out. 😀

  7. Hey, maybe it was for Mocktropica-you know, glitches the online creators made-and they forgot to take them off! Cause I played MCI and it has nothing like that.

  8. I Think they are going to make shark tooth an sound updated island. But, you can never know. *my watch beeps* oh! Time to hypnotise Dr.hare as payback for hypnotising us!

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