Daily Pop Sneak Peeks

Mancala… is back from the trash!

After Virus Hunter, it appears we will have another adventure… well, of course, I suppose. But it appears Poptropica is recycling old ideas.

First, you may remember the game of Mancala that must be won against the mountain man on Nabooti Island to continue into the cave. (Remember, if you have yet to complete Nabooti Island, the help you need can be found on the Nabooti Island Guide listed on our Island Help page.)

mancala old

This next sneak peek was posted on the Daily Pop.

mancala new

Sounds to me like somebody’s running out of ideas. Let’s prove it: how many times have we had to dig around in trash cans for clues? Many, many, times. But look at this latest sneak peek:

trash can

Looks like we’ll be dumpster diving once again.

What do you think of this… recycling of ideas? Get it? Recycling? Trash can, recycling – get it? Aw, whatever.

Tell me what you think below. Oh, and feel free to include plenty of bad puns.

Wait, that’s my mom calling. She says it’s time to take out the trash! Hahaha! I crack myself up sometimes…

31 thoughts on “Mancala… is back from the trash!”

  1. Good thing it doesn’t bug me that mancala is back. I’m actually glad the game wasn’t just thrown away after it was used the first time! 😛 😆 I crack myself up too! 😀

  2. It’s a trashy idea…no pun intended LOL JK

    I don’t think it’s a crime or anything…I mean Mancala and trash-digging are actually kinda fun to me 😉

    If it’s Poptropica, it’s all good.

  3. They have made us dig through lots of trash cans in previous islands… and if they’re going to be repeating any ideas, at least this one (Mancala) isn’t full of garbage. 🙂

  4. Well…….. Just be glad that the trash isn’t SUPER HARD ( But for me, it’s the highlight of every island!)

  5. Hey, Slanted Fish, when are they gonna release the next island????!!!!!! I RILLY WANNA KNOW!!!!

    Slanted Fish: We don’t have the date yet, but we’ll post it on the PHB when we know!

    1. I dont think the creators have set a date yet. Probably some time in the summer though.

    1. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      POPTROPICA IS GETTING SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Man, what a PUNishment. You guys had used up all the good puns and I had to DIG ONE OUT OF THE TRASH!! (No, seriously.)

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