Bonus Items, Skullduggery Island

SkullBook – New Promo Code for Skull Pirate!

You’ve assembled your crew, bought the best ship that money can buy, and have prepared yourself a nice meal of crawfish and rum – but wait! You’re not ready to sail the briny seas until you’ve put on the Skull Pirate costume your mother bought you!

Just kidding about that last part. You can actually get this costume just by entering the promo code skullbook in the top-right corner of the Poptropica Store! So easy. Thanks to Meow for the tip.

This code, which should work for everyone, comes from reading the Funbrain sample of the Poptropica: Skullduggery Island book. Plus, you can press the spacebar to swing your skull-tastic sword around to ward off enemies! Fantastic.

19 thoughts on “SkullBook – New Promo Code for Skull Pirate!”

  1. meow, you were ALMOST right with the code. You said “skullboy” and the code was “skullbook”.

    1. Meow said “skullboy” at first, which didn’t work when people tried it, but later posted another comment fixing the mistake, and when I tried “skullbook” it worked. 🙂

      1. I didn’t see another comment from Meow for fixing that. When was it? And how do people find out about new promo codes!?! I don’t see the creators posting them or anything!

  2. I just got a glitch. Guess what. Jump higher with the Skull Pirate. *wipes sweat off forehead* Now maybe we can reach the flag in Early Poptropica faster, without the……………………..uhh………..ummm………wait. Yeah-no. Ok, without the parachute thingy. Forgot what you call it. Fishy, this actually works.

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