Web Development

OMG OMG OMG (Nice title, amirite? :D)

OK… I lied… I ADMIT IT!!!

Sadly, our awesome Green Seal will need a replacement… Don’t ask…ย ย That’s where my lie comes in… HYPER STAR IS BACK!!!

I’m an 11-year old girl who Irish-stepdances, plays baseball with all boys and is still girly, and LOOOVES the PHB. I wear glasses, I love school, and I’ve been told I’m “wicked smart.” I love watching Jeopardy!, ‘specially if I get the answers right. ^-^ Internetly, I’m the songwriter for the Poptropica rock band Flamin’ Skulls, MysteryMonster’s blog (ugh, I can’t believe how inactive I am there… D:), and I also work on the Poptropican Info Blog, run by Metsfan21.

Edit: I’ve taken out my thanks because I’ve been getting complaints. On the other hand, I know an awesome blog run by Maroonfire23/Goldenbutterfly she wants me to advertise. http://poptropicanguides.wordpress.com

But one last thank: to Master of Nack, a.k.a Coskit!!! I’m the nack, and she’s mah master. It’s awesome. ๐Ÿ˜€ Rawr.

Ok, ok…. I THANK EVERYBODY!!! Yup! That means you and you and you and you and…

OK. I really hope y’all enjoy my posts,ย  my presence, my hyperness (Trust me, I really am a hyper 11 year old. ^-^). Being on the PHB ย has really been my dream.ย Just making this post has made my day. Thanks everybody!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Athena out!

55 thoughts on “OMG OMG OMG (Nice title, amirite? :D)”

  1. You took the, “^-^” from meh! x)

    Yey! You madez da postiez!! Welcome on here!! ^-^

  2. Hi Hyper Star! ๐Ÿ˜€ And Athena. I know you’ll be an awesome author!

  3. Beast! I’ve seen some other work you’ve done on other blogs and I am happy to see you on the PHB. I think you will do a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious job. Stay Poptropica!

    -Neat Tornado =)

    P.S. I’m Hyper 2. xD :mrgreen:

  4. To Green Seal, you did a good job here. *wipes tears* I really liked the posts you made. I am sad to see you leave the PHB, but I know that in time, we will see you again, make another good, no, GREAT post. I hope to see you on another blog

    Stay Poptropica,
    Neat Tornado =)

  5. You so forgot to include me ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    Well anyways, welcome HS! ๐Ÿ˜€

    UGh, I really gotta go active on the blogs I work to get on here :p

  6. Congrats, Hyper Star! But what happened to Green Seal? Why did she leave?

    Hijuyo: As she said on the PHF, Green Seal has better things to do, so she quit Poptropica. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  7. No thankies for me, HS? I helped you get here….Master is not pleased. (Jk, jk….)

    Anyway, congratzies. Have a nice stay at the PHB. ๐Ÿ˜€

      1. You should edit the post and put something in there about Nack! ๐Ÿ˜€ That would be awesome, and Master would be aweshumely pleased. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Ok, I found a cheat! When you finish mythology, go to the hydra’s lair. Put on Poseidon’s trident, press spacebar twice and you turn invisible! But if you move you become visible again. It’s not that good to be true…

  9. O.K. Peoples, I know I will be late, but for a celebration, I will become the CHEESE MAN on poptropica. I am working on that…
    stay tuned.

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