Poptropican Portraits

Poptropican Portraits Round 1

Hi Gs,

Have you heard? ย Samwow5 was on the ball when he updated you guys on the new and improved Time Tangled Island!ย I literally flipped out when I saw that update email in my inbox… I’m sorry, but NZMSFNCJFVWHINJA GERCBFOAYWBFQIJA3RNFJIOQFI!!!!!!!!!

Time Tangled Island is the third to be released, and if you have been playing Poptropica for a while, you know the feeling I felt. ย I was about 5 when I first played Time Tangled, and even though the new player is awful, the soundtrack is totally worth it! ย Every different time period has a different soundtrack, something I think they should have done with a recent island, except with events instead of periods.

I might be doing a review on this updated island soon, so stay tuned, but until then, everyone in the whole universe has been waiting for them, the requested Poptropican Portraits!

I don’t know how I’m going to be doing these now; I talked to Fishy about it, and I think the best idea is to make a post that acts like a page for the portraits. ย I’ll make one soon, so bookmark it to your toolbar when I do!ย Without further ado, here they are (you can click to enlarge them!):

I’ll have everyone else’s soon, but I did all of these yesterday, so maybe next week? ย Perhaps a once a week thing, where you request them on the post that I release the last ones on, and then I post them the next week – tell me what you think!

Now, my reply to Gamer Guy — first, I wanna say that I know his real name. ย I mean the character name, not the actual creator’s name. ย It may be Bob, it may be Abe, it may be Jonathon Mcloud, I’ll be revealing it in my next post, 10 Things you DIDN’T know about Poptropica!

I really think this is a great idea; to make Gamer Guy a creator. ย His txt talk is funny, he has a cool costume… but who is he? ย We may never know, but perhaps we should look toward the newer islands, and their genre to figure out who he isโ€ฆ hmmm…