Web Development

Website Management: Island Quests

Hello everyone,

For the next few days the island guides will be unable to be accessed. I am updating the site and improving it.

I am sorry for any hassles this may of caused.


7 thoughts on “Website Management: Island Quests”

  1. On main street poptropicans have halloween costomes :mrgreen: and is there a scsred emoticon 😯 :scared ❓

    Scary Tomato: I’ve already told you all the emoticons I know. If I didn’t mention a scared one, it probably doesn’t exist (or if it does, I don’t know about it yet). 😉

  2. Yep. Everything seems to be working again. Thanks Codien! Good work, I think this update is really helpful. :mrgreen:

What's popping, Poptropicans?